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Notitia, Assensus, and Fiducia: The Nature of Saving Faith

Notitia, Assensus, and Fiducia: The Nature of Saving Faith

It is no secret that the great deconstruction of evangelical Christianity has been underway for some time now. It’s hard to say when this deconstruction began or who is mostly responsible for initiating the project but at the end of the day, that really isn’t terribly...

New Disney Series Depicts Children Saying “We Love You Satan”

New Disney Series Depicts Children Saying “We Love You Satan”

In Disney's new Christmas mini-series, The Clauses, the network depicts children dancing with letters that are supposedly supposed to spell out "we love you Santa," but the kids "accidentally" got mixed up and spelled "Satan" instead. You may think it's just a funny...

Montana Missionaries Assaulted, Arrested, and Thrown in Jail

Montana Missionaries Assaulted, Arrested, and Thrown in Jail

What you are about to read is a harrowing account. An account (full testimony) containing intricate details concerning five missionaries who were walking across America whose walking route then brought them to Montana (after 5500 miles) to share the Gospel of Jesus...

Sodom’s Behavior: Homosexuality Or Gay Rights?

Sodom’s Behavior: Homosexuality Or Gay Rights?

Many people attempt to reconcile homosexuality with the Bible. However, such efforts fail. You cannot reconcile truth with error. The battle to legitimize homosexuality begins with an all out attack upon the Biblical record of Sodom. This assault changes the story of...

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Beth Moore Says She Wants to Learn How to Be “Less Stupid”

Beth Moore Says She Wants to Learn How to Be “Less Stupid”

Beth Moore was recently interviewed for an article at Religion News Service (RNS) titled Jesus saved Beth Moore’s life. Twitter blew it up, where she moaned about being "one tweet away from disaster." Beth Moore's entire career has revolved around the circus she has...


Is Rape a Justification for Abortion?

Is Rape a Justification for Abortion?

Rape is a horrible crime. Not only does it violate the physical wholeness of the victim, but it is also an assault on her mental wholeness. It often causes an unjustified sense of shame, and it always deprives her of a sense of security, especially around men. Some...

Controversial SBC Circus Pastor Will Now Lead Two Churches

Controversial SBC Circus Pastor Will Now Lead Two Churches

Church by the Glades, the Southern Baptist Convention’s flagship circus located in Coral Springs, FL, is a 10,000-member goat farm that is known for its extravagant performances and professional renditions of profane secular music and dancing. Some of its more famous...

Social Issues

Is Rape a Justification for Abortion?

Is Rape a Justification for Abortion?

Rape is a horrible crime. Not only does it violate the physical wholeness of the victim, but it is also an assault on her mental wholeness. It often causes an unjustified sense of shame, and it always deprives her of a sense of security, especially around men. Some...

Controversial SBC Circus Pastor Will Now Lead Two Churches

Controversial SBC Circus Pastor Will Now Lead Two Churches

Church by the Glades, the Southern Baptist Convention’s flagship circus located in Coral Springs, FL, is a 10,000-member goat farm that is known for its extravagant performances and professional renditions of profane secular music and dancing. Some of its more famous...

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Parents Invite Drag Queen to Child’s Birthday Party

Parents Invite Drag Queen to Child’s Birthday Party

The sexual revolution is squarely in the hands of the LGBTQ movement and those that support it. And the fact that a large media company like Netflix can produce and broadcast a show that glorifies the sexualization of children and get away with it speaks volumes about...

Social Justice is Not the Gospel, It’s Heresy

Social Justice is Not the Gospel, It’s Heresy

With the recent rise of progressive “Christianity” in the last few years, it’s no surprise that one of the prevailing themes is social justice, known colloquially as the "woke" movement. Many denominations have been caught up in the movement forever. But social...

False Prophets of the Mid-Term Elections #5: Ted Shuttlesworth

False Prophets of the Mid-Term Elections #5: Ted Shuttlesworth

We've been covering many of the self-described prophets of today who have falsely prophesied about the mid-term elections. Previously, in our series, we brought to you Hank Kunneman (ad-free version), who falsely prophesied that God would use the mid-term elections to...

Why Churches Fail: Sexual Immorality

Why Churches Fail: Sexual Immorality

“No adultery is bloodless.” (Natalia Ginzburg) Natalia Ginzburg’s graphic statement contradicts the popular opinion that adultery is a victimless behavior. But adultery and other kinds of sexual immorality result in significant damage to the lives of those who indulge...

Exposing the False Prophets of the Mid-Terms #4: Amanda Grace

Exposing the False Prophets of the Mid-Terms #4: Amanda Grace

We've been bringing you a series of false prophets who prophesied falsely about the mid-term elections. First in our series was Hank Kunneman (ad-free version), who falsely prophesied that God would use the mid-term elections to restore America. That was followed by a...

Exposing the False Prophets of the Mid-Terms #2: Dutch Sheets

Exposing the False Prophets of the Mid-Terms #2: Dutch Sheets

Earlier today, we brought to you the first in our series of Exposing the False Prophets of the Mid-Terms, Hank Kunneman (ad-free version), who falsely prophesied that God would use the mid-term elections to restore America. Kunneman, like all of these false prophets,...

Exposing the False Prophets of the Mid-Terms #1: Hank Kunneman

Exposing the False Prophets of the Mid-Terms #1: Hank Kunneman

Prior to the mid-term elections, so much of the right-wing media and landscape predicted that there would be a "red wave" that took control of Congress. Some predicted it would be a sweep in the House giving the Republicans a majority of over 20. and gaining a few...

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