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Southern Baptist Seminary Professor Says Overturning Roe v. Wade Wasn’t Worth Having Donald Trump as President

by | May 3, 2022 | Abortion, Feminism, News, Opinion, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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You can’t say you are pro-life ideologically but be unwilling to do what it takes to curb the slaughter of millions of innocent children around the world. Abortion is a moral issue, an issue of real justice. The lives of innocent people are at stake. But it is also political; it is political in that it takes the civil government, instituted by God, to protect the innocent lives of unborn children. It’s not optional, it’s a mandatory duty of the government to protect innocent life.

Despite this, those who masquerade as Christians and “leaders” of the Evangelical faith continue to contradict what they say they believe with what they practice. Particularly, those who are hell-bent on driving the Church to the left.

We’ve covered Karen Swallow Prior on numerous occasions. Prior is notorious for saying she’s conservative, but acting like a leftist. Prior says she believes homosexuality is sin, yet, she hangs out with homosexuals and takes selfies with them essentially affirming their lifestyle in practice. She says she is against abortion, yet, she says calling abortion “murder” is “unChristlike.” She says she cares about the poor, yet, she says factory farming needs to end, “the economy be damned.”

These are just a few examples that we’ve covered over the years of Karen Swallow Prior’s leftist orthopraxy.

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The latest example, though, demonstrates just how ideologically confused she is. Karen Swallow Prior, a professor at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, explains that, in her mind, it wasn’t worth having Donald Trump as president in order to have Roe v. Wade overturned.


As we reported earlier this morning, according to a draft opinion by Justice Alito, the majority opinion of the Supreme Court is to overturn Roe v. Wade, the long-standing Supreme Court ruling that held that women have a constitutional “right” to murder their children.

Yet, for Karen Swallow Prior, having a president that said mean things on Twitter just simply wasn’t worth it. To reword her opinion on factory farming and apply it to abortion, perhaps she should phrase it this way: “mean tweets need to stop immediately, the lives of millions of unborn children be damned.”

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