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Mike Pence Says Loving Your Neighbor Means Protecting Their Right to a Sex Change if They’re an Adult

by | Jun 20, 2023 | Apostasy, heresy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, US, Video | 0 comments

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Mike Pence, the mainstream Republican choice for “being better on queer rights than other candidates,” has made it clear that sex change surgeries for children under the age of 18 should be outlawed.

Okay, great! No argument with that, they should be outlawed. And I think you could make a pretty darn good case that all sex change surgeries should be outlawed, even for adults—especially if you’re a Christian who believes that unfettered sexual anarchy is destructive to society and garners the wrath of God.

That being said, Mike Pence, the “conservative Christian” Republican candidate doesn’t agree. In fact, Pence says that “loving your neighbor”—a biblical phrase typically abused by leftists to try to guilt people into supporting some social justice cause—actually means protecting the rights of adults to have sex change operations.

Remember when Russell Moore, former SBC ethicist told us that loving our neighbor meant getting vaccinated? It means supporting open borders. That it means supporting the right for Muslims to build mosques in city areas not zoned for such establishments? Remember when JD Greear told us that loving our neighbor meant standing up for the rights of LGBTQ people?

Mike Pence is reminiscent of all of that. Is this kind of thinking the leadership that conservatives need? Think about it.

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