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Beth Moore Says She Wants to Learn How to Be “Less Stupid”

by | Apr 29, 2022 | Apostasy, Feminism, heresy, News, Opinion, Politics, Racialism, Religion, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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Beth Moore was recently interviewed for an article at Religion News Service (RNS) titled Jesus saved Beth Moore’s life. Twitter blew it up, where she moaned about being “one tweet away from disaster.” Beth Moore’s entire career has revolved around the circus she has created on Twitter. Before Beth Moore gained nearly one million followers on Twitter, she was a little-known women’s Bible-study teacher with bad theology.

But at least she wasn’t that popular.

While blogs like Reformation Charlotte (now The Dissenter), Pulpit & Pen, Apprising, and podcasts like Fighting for the Faith and Worldview Weekend, were the primary outlets for discernment covering up-and-coming false teachers like Beth Moore, many in the Southern Baptist Convention—where Beth Moore had built her nest through LifeWay—either weren’t paying attention or didn’t care at all.

But things changed as her Twitter account gained steam and she became increasingly popular with the social media crowd. Her social justice-oriented tweets resonated well with the progressive pew-sitters who had embraced the newest iteration of the social gospel heresy that was making waves through Evangelicalism. Her popularity grew nearly congruently with that of Russell Moore, who began pushing Critical Race Theory in the denomination as early as 2013—again, with very few noticing except the above-mentioned discerners.

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But as she gained in popularity, opposition began to grow against her as well. By 2018, Beth Moore had the attention of several highly-respected Evangelical leaders who saw that her continuous acts of rebellion and false teaching needed to be silenced according to the command of Scripture (Titus 1:11). And as pressure grew for Beth Moore to remove herself from the spotlight, her defenders grew increasingly defensive, creating a titanic clash between those who hold a conservative biblical worldview and those, like Beth Moore, who held to a progressive secular worldview that she cloaked in Christian garb.

And Beth Moore was constantly at the center of this social media clash.

In the article, Beth Moore is painted as a victim of conservative bitterness because she opposed Donald Trump. While her relentless opposition to Donald Trump—particularly given the alternatives—was mind-numbingly foolish and shortsighted, it was merely a symptom of her larger worldview problem that we conservatives took issue with. In no possible way do the Scriptures allow room for those who hold a progressive worldview to be treated as brothers and sisters in Christ, let alone teachers of the Scripture—they are perverters of grace and do not understand what it is they teach. This, in fact, was the issue.

Nonetheless, in the minds of the mindless, it’s all about Trump.  “I expected Donald Trump to be Donald Trump,” she said according to RNS during a 2021 speaking engagement in Nashville, Tennessee.  “That was not a shock to me. I did not expect us to be us.” Beth Moore ultimately ended up leaving the Southern Baptist Convention because people believed that voting for Trump was the better alternative to endless access to abortion, LGBTQ indoctrination in schools, the loss of religious freedom, speech, etc., and government-sanctioned redistributive theft.

This angered Beth Moore, and she made sure everyone on Twitter knew it, leading to, according to RNS, the loss of millions of dollars for her Living Proof ministry in the following years.

RNS writes: “We were in the middle of the biggest sexual abuse scandal that has ever hit our denomination,” Moore told Religion News Service in March 2021. “And suddenly, the most important thing to talk about was whether or not a woman could stand at the pulpit and give a message.”

Well, obviously. Women standing in the pulpit giving a message, especially to audiences that contained men, is not only unbiblical, it is a rebellious act against God’s design for gender and a direct contradiction to the denomination’s official statement of faith. And it, like Critical Race Theory, was quickly becoming a celebrated act of rebellion among Southern Baptists; a movement that needed to be squelched. Sex abuse was never a celebrated sin, but Beth Moore was leading an apostasy. Yes, that is a much bigger deal as a church cannot rightly deal with sin if it is in sin itself.

Well, at least Beth Moore finally realizes how “stupid” (her words) she’s been. According to RNS, she now wants to learn how not to be sucked into Twitter controversies that she repeatedly got herself into. RNS writes:

“I don’t want to be their fool,” she tweeted recently. “Now I’m mostly on here these days for the fun of it & for the community of people I interact with here that I don’t have anywhere else in my life so I’m staying on for now. But I, at least, want to learn how to be less, how shall I put this, stupid.” 

We have some advice for Beth Moore: stop looking at other people as the root of your woes. Twitter isn’t your problem. Southern Baptist pastors who spoke out against you aren’t your problem. You, your sin, are your problem. Repent!

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