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Drag Queen Performs at “Back to School” Extravaganza in Utah

Drag Queen Performs at “Back to School” Extravaganza in Utah

While most sane parents want to protect their children from predators, others who have gone completely insane, instead, will hand them over and feed them directly into the mouths of sick and evil people. This is the left's effort to normalize sexual misbehavior and...

The Spiritual Consequences of Abortion

The Spiritual Consequences of Abortion

"They served their idols, which became a snare to them. They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the demons; they poured out innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was polluted with...

Timothy Keller: Human Reason vs. Biblical Authority

Timothy Keller: Human Reason vs. Biblical Authority

by Tom Hill "We live in a post-modern world, and postmodernism is about relativism. My truth is your falsehood, and your falsehood is my truth. But there is such a thing as the plain truth." (Barukh Binah) Barukh Binah captured succinctly one of the pillars of...

South Carolina House Passes Near-Total Abortion Ban With Exceptions

South Carolina House Passes Near-Total Abortion Ban With Exceptions

In what is seen as a victory for some but a compromise to others, South Carolina has passed a complete ban on abortions with the exception of rape or incest. House Bill 5399, which is summarized as "Prohibition of Abortion," will make it a felony "for anyone who...

I’m Prepared to Die. I Hope You Are Too.

I’m Prepared to Die. I Hope You Are Too.

During the current political crisis in America and around the world, it's easy to become frustrated and overwhelmed by what could happen. For many, taking a stand for your faith, your conscience, and your values could spell the end of your career, your income, your...

The Omnipresence of God: Everywhere and All the Time

The Omnipresence of God: Everywhere and All the Time

"Am I a God at hand, declares the Lord, and not a God far away? Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? declares the Lord. Do I not fill heaven and earth? declares the Lord." —Jeremiah 23:23-24  With the Scriptures, Christians have always...

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John MacArthur: The World Fears COVID Because They Fear Judgment

John MacArthur: The World Fears COVID Because They Fear Judgment

The Bible tells us that those who are not in Christ are tormented like slaves by the fear of death and judgment (Hebrews 2:15), but it also tells us that those who are in Christ have received the spirit of adoption, not the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear...

Southern Baptist Convention Mandates Vaccines for Missionaries

Southern Baptist Convention Mandates Vaccines for Missionaries

As a matter of conscience, many Christians and other conscientious objectors are choosing not to be vaccinated for a multitude of reasons. Besides the fact that the currently available COVID-19 vaccines are still not fully authorized by the FDA and are considered...

Healthy Baby Accidentally Aborted Instead of Sick Twin

Healthy Baby Accidentally Aborted Instead of Sick Twin

Doctors at a hospital in Birmingham aborted a healthy baby instead of his sickly twin. The incident occurred at Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation and has come to light via a Freedom of Information request by The Independent. The anonymous mother...

Heresy of the Day #9: Statism

Heresy of the Day #9: Statism

Heresy: Statism Statism is the belief that the state is the highest authority over and above any other religion, ideology, or philosophy. Statism is essentially state-sponsored secularism whereby the governmental system may, in some cases, tolerate other religions...

Newsflash! God is Not Pleased With Texas’ New Abortion Ban

Newsflash! God is Not Pleased With Texas’ New Abortion Ban

While many conservatives and pseudo-conservatives are praising the Supreme Court's decision to uphold Texas' controversial law banning abortions for any children with a detectable heartbeat, as Christians, we are obligated to seek God's demeanor and act in accordance...


Ken Ham Rebukes Andy Stanley for His Affirmation of Evolution

Ken Ham Rebukes Andy Stanley for His Affirmation of Evolution

The following rebuke was written by Ken Ham in a post on Twitter: Watch the short video clip attached of Andy Stanley. He is a teacher with a large flock in Georgia. How should we respond to what he is teaching in this clip? God’s Word has a severe warning for those...

Five Observations of Modern Church Liberal Drift and Apostasy

Five Observations of Modern Church Liberal Drift and Apostasy

Believers in Christ's atonement are now in declared religious union with those who make light of it; believers in Holy Scripture are in confederacy with those who deny plenary inspiration; those who hold evangelical doctrine are in open alliance with those who call...

Social Issues

Ken Ham Rebukes Andy Stanley for His Affirmation of Evolution

Ken Ham Rebukes Andy Stanley for His Affirmation of Evolution

The following rebuke was written by Ken Ham in a post on Twitter: Watch the short video clip attached of Andy Stanley. He is a teacher with a large flock in Georgia. How should we respond to what he is teaching in this clip? God’s Word has a severe warning for those...

Five Observations of Modern Church Liberal Drift and Apostasy

Five Observations of Modern Church Liberal Drift and Apostasy

Believers in Christ's atonement are now in declared religious union with those who make light of it; believers in Holy Scripture are in confederacy with those who deny plenary inspiration; those who hold evangelical doctrine are in open alliance with those who call...

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Jonah and God’s Righteousness Among the Heathen

Jonah and God’s Righteousness Among the Heathen

"Now, the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it - the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction: for all have sinned and fall short of...

False Teacher of the Day #52: Sid Roth

False Teacher of the Day #52: Sid Roth

Today's false teacher is sort of an obvious one for a lot of people, yet, I've been asked multiple times why he isn't on the list. Making number 52 on our False Teacher of the Day series is Sid Roth. Sid Roth is a popular charismatic televangelist featured on TBN and...

The Inconvenient Holiness of God

The Inconvenient Holiness of God

For You are not a God who delights in wickedness;     evil may not dwell with You.The boastful shall not stand before Your eyes;     You hate all evildoers.You destroy those who speak lies;     the Lord...

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