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Drag Queen Performs at “Back to School” Extravaganza in Utah

by | Sep 5, 2022 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Social-Issues, Video | 0 comments

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While most sane parents want to protect their children from predators, others who have gone completely insane, instead, will hand them over and feed them directly into the mouths of sick and evil people. This is the left’s effort to normalize sexual misbehavior and whitewash it so that it appears to be appropriate behavior, especially around children.

These people feed on your children, perform sexual acts in front of them, and then go home at night to relive those experiences over and over in their heads.

A drag queen who goes by the name “Jenna Tailia,” a play on the word “genitalia,” performed at an “all ages back to school drag” event in Provo, Utah. Why target children? Because changing the world to accept their lifestyle involves indoctrinating the minds of those who hold the keys to the future.

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