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Pastor Preaches About How Successful He is, Calls People Who Criticize His Success “Losers”

by | Aug 23, 2022 | heresy, News, Religion, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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John Hamblin, also known as “Hambone,” is a traveling televangelist and revivalist who preaches in pulpits around the world. According to his website:

Pastors who have had Dr. Hamblin in their pulpit have named him; “a Bible preacher of note”, “a powerful revivalist” and “a pastor’s friend!”

He is a “preacher of note” for sure, but not of the Bible. In a sermon video from Lakecrest Baptist Church that recently surfaced, Hamblin tells a story about one of his supporters who withdrew support from his ministry. Retelling the story, he insisted that he did not want to know the reason why his supporter withdrew support, but the supporter insisted on telling him anyways. He then said that the reason his supporter withdrew support is that his ministry had become “so successful.”

Of course, these guys define success by how much money they make.

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Recounting what his supporter who withdrew support told him, “We just have a philosophy in our church that when a ministry starts to get successful, we stop supporting it.”

Hamblin then says he responded to his supporter, saying, “My brother one more time I want to thank you for supporting us all these years I guess when you thought we were failures, but I want to thank you for supporting us all these years. And you’ve been better to us than we deserve, but I got to tell you knowing why you dropped our support, I’m not apologizing, I’m not backing up, I’m not asking permission from anybody for God to bless me.”

Turning his attention back to the audience, he then makes the point that “there’s going to be some people that you’re going to draw strong criticism because you’re not a loser like they are.”

Oh, and by the way, I guess since I’m criticizing him, that makes me a loser.

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