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Father Confronts LEGO Clerks for Pushing LGBTQ Propaganda on Little Children

by | Apr 13, 2023 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Social-Issues, Video | 0 comments

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One has to ask the question: why is the LGBTQ industry so hell-bent on targeting children? Why is LEGO holding a queer festival in its stores to promote sexual deviancy to children who would otherwise not even think about such things?

To be clear, the LGBTQ movement and its various symbols, including the pride flag, have absolutely nothing to do with love. Friends, even friends of the same sex, can love each other—but it is not sexual. The LGBTQ movement is a movement designed for the sole purpose normalizing aberrant, dangerous, and violent sex acts among people of the same sex.

So why in the world would these people be so concerned about promoting such filth to children?

As the father, who is also a member of TPUSA, confronts the store clerks, he asks these very questions, to which they only replied with a call to security to have him removed from the store.

“Do you think they care about that?” Amanchukwu pressed.

“I don’t think they think about that, personally,” the clerk said. 

“Right,” the father said, “so they think about it when they see your pin.” At this point, security arrives to remove the father from the store “When does it stop?” he asked. “At some point, we need to stop pushing this mess on children.”

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