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Responding to the Modern Idols of the World: Feminism, Egalitarianism

Responding to the Modern Idols of the World: Feminism, Egalitarianism

Continuing in our Rejecting Modern Idols series, today, we move to another topic. In the Old Testament, we see a repeated pattern of God’s people adopting various forms of pagan idolatry which always led to judgment. Today, we see a similar pattern in the rise of...

Two Years After the Overturning of Roe v. Wade, Where Are We?

Two Years After the Overturning of Roe v. Wade, Where Are We?

Two years after the overturning of the most egregious Supreme Court ruling in American history, Roe v. Wade, we've witnessed the double-edged effects of such a horrific stain on our nation. And after overturning it, we're still seeing the lasting effects of Roe v....

SBC Egalitarians Take Victory Laps Over Defeat of Mike Law Amendment

SBC Egalitarians Take Victory Laps Over Defeat of Mike Law Amendment

Southern Baptists either never learn from their mistakes or are willfully ignorant of the consequences of compromising, or giving even an inch, on doctrinal purity. The recent defeat of the Mike Law amendment at the SBC annual meeting is a glaring testament to this...

Responding to the Modern Idols of the World: Transgenderism

Responding to the Modern Idols of the World: Transgenderism

In the Old Testament, we see numerous examples of societies adopting practices that are abominable in the sight of God. One such practice was the sacrifice of children to false gods. In our modern era, this same spirit of rebellion against God's design is manifesting...

Pagan Idolatry and The Democrats’ Quest For Unfettered Sex

Pagan Idolatry and The Democrats’ Quest For Unfettered Sex

But you’re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeedYou’re gonna have to serve somebody,It may be the devil or it may be the LordBut you’re gonna have to serve somebody.  Bob Dylan, Gotta Serve Somebody These lyrics in Bob Dylan's 1979 hit song ring as true today as...

Why Todd White is the Most Dangerous Kind of False Teacher

Why Todd White is the Most Dangerous Kind of False Teacher

Todd White is a charismatic preacher who is known for his parlor trick "healings" such as leg-lengthening and various other fake healings. White is the pastor of Lifestyle Christianity, a church in Watauga, Texas, and is well-known in Word of Faith and prosperity...

Kamala Harris Encourages Children to Become Cross-dressing Prostitutes

Kamala Harris Encourages Children to Become Cross-dressing Prostitutes

Kamala Harris has once again demonstrated that she lacks any sense of rationality and decency. In a tweet that defies logic, she celebrates "LGBTQI+ children" with a photo of her embracing a man—cross-dressed like a sex worker—at a “pride” event. This isn't about...

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June 2024 Pride Month, Part III: Politically Correct

June 2024 Pride Month, Part III: Politically Correct

by Jim Fennell In Part II, we saw that the coming month of June 2024 will again give homosexuals a “green light” to push their immoral agenda by hiding their sexual perversion into the mix of their ‘civil rights’. Part III Today, our nation has done a complete...

June 2024: Part II “Pride,” Really?

June 2024: Part II “Pride,” Really?

by Jim Fennell In Part I we saw that the coming month of June 2024 will once again give homosexuals a “green light” to push their immoral agenda upon America in social media and TV, with the blessings of our federal government, as well as the support of many state...

Another Southern Baptist Megachurch Ordains Woman to Pastorate

Another Southern Baptist Megachurch Ordains Woman to Pastorate

Another Southern Baptist Church is lifting its proverbial middle finger to the Scriptures, to the Baptist Faith and Message, and to God Himself, in rebellion by ordaining women to the pastorate. Bayou Church in Lafayette, with its brazen defiance, has decided to...

JUNE 2024: The LGBTQ Agenda – Part 1 The Curtain Goes Up

JUNE 2024: The LGBTQ Agenda – Part 1 The Curtain Goes Up

by Jim Fennell The month of June 2024 is approaching, giving homosexuals a “green light” to push their immoral agenda upon America with their “Pride” month celebrations and propaganda.  The liberal press fully supports this annual festivity as well as many city...

Heresy of the Day #23: Oneness Pentecostalism

Heresy of the Day #23: Oneness Pentecostalism

Oneness Pentecostalism, a growing movement within the broader Pentecostal tradition, has ensnared many in a web of theological errors and heresies. While it might present itself as a vibrant expression of Christian faith, it is, in truth, a radical departure from...


God’s Judgment Upon the Church

God’s Judgment Upon the Church

by Tom Hill Bible Text: Isaiah 59:1-2 Mankind rejects the idea of the wrath of God against sin. They say that it does not fit God's character. They distinguish between the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament. The tribal God of the Old Testament...

The Coming Judgment of God on the Modern American Church

The Coming Judgment of God on the Modern American Church

All throughout the History of the Church, the Bride of Christ, has stood a harlot who masquerades as the elect but lures people into the depths of darkness with seductive words and practices. But in modern times, Christianity has witnessed the emergence of a...


True Boldness: A Response to Carl Lentz’s Critique of Street Preachers

True Boldness: A Response to Carl Lentz’s Critique of Street Preachers

by Rob NelsenCarl Lentz, the former Hillsong pastor who fell from grace due to an affair, has reemerged with a podcast alongside his wife, Laura. Much like a phoenix rising—or perhaps more aptly, a Hydra that refuses to stay down, Lentz remains a fixture in the public...

Social Issues

True Boldness: A Response to Carl Lentz’s Critique of Street Preachers

True Boldness: A Response to Carl Lentz’s Critique of Street Preachers

by Rob NelsenCarl Lentz, the former Hillsong pastor who fell from grace due to an affair, has reemerged with a podcast alongside his wife, Laura. Much like a phoenix rising—or perhaps more aptly, a Hydra that refuses to stay down, Lentz remains a fixture in the public...

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More Headlines

Southern Baptists Vote to Continue Funding ERLC and Leftist Agenda

Southern Baptists Vote to Continue Funding ERLC and Leftist Agenda

In a disheartening turn of events at last week's Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) annual meeting, messengers voted overwhelmingly to affirm the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), defeating a motion that would have defunded the entity amid a clear...

How Greg got Saved, Part Five. Greg Gets Saved.

How Greg got Saved, Part Five. Greg Gets Saved.

We left off yesterday with my having gotten clean and sober in court mandated Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and my subsequent disillusionment with AA, which was functioning as a religion of sorts in my life. I continued going to AA (and NA) meetings because I didn’t...

How Greg got Saved, Part Four. Final BC Chapter

How Greg got Saved, Part Four. Final BC Chapter

Yesterday we left off with the first glimmer of light I had probably had in my whole life. I had no idea what I was going to do, but for the first time I realized in earnest that whatever it was, this life of being a homeless criminal had to end somehow. In spite of...

How Greg got Saved, Part Three. BC

How Greg got Saved, Part Three. BC

We’ll pick it up where we left off last time where I burned up my uncle’s kitchen, drunk in the morning, left an apology note and ran away. I was 17 years old at that time, BTW. I just couldn’t face him. I pretty much just found someplace to sleep outside every night...

How Greg got Saved, BC Part Two

How Greg got Saved, BC Part Two

Last time I gave a quick overview of my early life and the circumstances leading up to my move at 16 to Arizona to live with my uncle. To pick up there, I took off from Detroit Metro at about 11pm and landed at Phoenix Sky Harbor a few hours later. I was filled with...

How Greg got Saved, BC Part One.

How Greg got Saved, BC Part One.

I’m not going to give my life story here, but a brief synopsis will lay the groundwork for what ultimately led to my receiving Christ in August of 1984. I enjoy other people’s salvation testimonies and thought somebody might be interested in mine. My mother was...

NAMB Training Manual Might Be the Most Brazen Demonstration of Wokeness in the SBC Yet

NAMB Regional Director Admits They Have No Problem With Women Preachers

If you’ve been following the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), you’re probably aware of its latest debacle, a battle over women preachers. As a few remaining conservatives in the denomination fight to pass what is known as the Law Amendment, an amendment to the...

Treason to God as Rational Justification for Eternal Punishment

Treason to God as Rational Justification for Eternal Punishment

by Chris ColeI get challenged regularly by atheists who object to God because, they believe, they don't deserve Hell. they claim that Hell is overkill for the actions of most human beings. Do they have a case? No, I don't believe that they do. In his book, The...

FBI Marches in West Hollywood Pride Parade

FBI Marches in West Hollywood Pride Parade

How do you know a nation is under the judgment of God? Romans 1 tells us that God gives them over to a depraved mind, to sexual immorality, to injustice, and to do things that they ought not do. In other words, the surest sign of God's judgment is rampant sexual...

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