Jack Graham, a Southern Baptist megachurch pastor, apparently has mistaken a political circus for a move of the Holy Spirit as he recently praised the 2024 Republican National Convention as a “spiritual movement.” Such an assertion, dripping with misplaced zeal, is not only absurd but blasphemous and reveals a calculated willingness to drag God into this circus in an attempt to legitimize it.

Let’s break this down objectively—the same event that featured a pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ porn star on stage giving us a speech about how she’s now found a home in the Republican Party, a Sikh prayer to a false god, and extensive compromises on LGBTQ and abortion issues is now being heralded by Graham as an “epic political convention” that he’s glad to participate in.
One might wonder what Bible he’s been reading lately—certainly not the one that denounces idolatry, immorality, and the sanctity of life.
It’s one thing to hold your nose and vote to minimize societal damage, it’s what I plant to do. But it’s another entirely to elevate such an event to the level of a spiritual revival. Graham’s effusive praise overlooks the glaring contradictions between biblical teachings and the moral decay celebrated at the RNC.
Is this what passes for a spiritual movement now? Apparently, Graham thinks so. His endorsement not only trivializes genuine spiritual experiences but also mocks the foundational doctrines of the faith he’s supposed to uphold. This unholy alliance of political expediency and religious fervor is foolish, at best.
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