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Gallup Poll Shows America Becoming More Like Sodom and Gomorrah Every Day

by | Mar 15, 2024 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Opinion, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues

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In an era where the identity politics playbook is seemingly rewritten daily, the latest Gallup poll’s findings—that 7.6% of U.S. adults now identify as LGBTQ+—is less a statistic and more a cultural bellwether. It’s like a canary in the coal mine for traditional American values—a scene that is eerily similar to the biblical account of Sodom and Gomorrah. This isn’t merely about numbers, it’s about the fundamental transformation of society, a departure from millennia-old principles that have underpinned civilizations and thrust them into destruction.

A recent Gallup poll demonstrates this coal mine rather profusely, revealing a significant rise in adults who now identify as homosexuals—up to 7.6% from 5.6% just four years prior. This uptick is not random but signals a cultural trend that is primarily driven by the younger generations, notably Generation Z, where the identification rate exceeds 20%. Such figures aren’t merely statistical anomalies but indicative of a seismic shift in societal norms and values, challenging the bedrock of traditional ethos that has long guided the American cultural landscape.

Given the current trends, it is increasingly evident that at some point, America will either be destroyed by God, as He has done with all rebellious nations in biblical history or be completely dominated by homosexuals. The latter, in and of itself, is the judgment of God, according to Romans 1. Decency and morality are relics of a bygone era in our nation. Rampant child sacrifice and sexual immorality are the icons of America and the judgment of God is her past, present, and future. Spin it how you will—Christians are the minority and our future will be a rough ride.

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