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Latest ‘He Gets Us’ Campaign Sees ‘They/Thems’ as Victims of Christian Bigotry

by | Jul 8, 2024 | Apostasy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Opinion, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church

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The “He Gets Us” campaign, a $100 million public relations initiative aimed at rebranding Jesus, has once again proven its penchant for theological folly. This latest installment features an ad proclaiming, “The one who identifies as they/them is your neighbor.” As chronicled at The Dissenter, this campaign persistently distorts Christian principles to fit a modern, leftist agenda—much to the chagrin of conservative Christians who uphold the authority of Scripture.

The ad attempts to exploit the biblical mandate to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31). This campaign, like much of the contemporary evangelical movement, grossly misrepresents what it means to love one’s neighbor. Biblically, to love your neighbor involves pointing them to the truth and leading them to repentance and faith rather than affirming them, or making them out to be victims of sin.

True Christ-like love does not simply accept and endorse sin but seeks the ultimate good of the neighbor, which is found in living according to God’s commandments and design.

By portraying those who rebel against God as victims, either victims of their own sin or victims of “Christian bigotry,” the “He Gets Us” campaign frames those in active rebellion against God’s created order as oppressed innocents. This narrative is disingenuous and theologically bankrupt. Instead of acknowledging the spiritual peril of living in contradiction to God’s design, the campaign paints a picture of Christians as the oppressors, thus flipping the script in a way that obscures the gospel’s call to repentance.

The ad’s underlying message is one of “tolerance”. By endorsing such a narrative, the campaign encourages a lifestyle contrary to the transformation Christ offers through His atoning work on the cross. Of course, we believe the gospel is to be offered to everyone—but sometimes, there are truly innocent “neighbors” involved who may be actual victims of these rebels. These people infiltrate children’s classrooms, churches, and public life, seeking to devour them (1 Peter 5:8)—the Scriptures warn us to be aware and steer clear.

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In all this, true hope for all—including those “they/thems”—is found only in the gospel of Jesus Christ. The cross is both grace and truth, and it is here that we must stand firm. Christ, the “rock of offense” (1 Peter 2:8), calls us to preach the unadulterated Word of God, regardless of how offensive it may seem to the world and is the ultimate expression of love, as it points to the only path of salvation.

In a culture increasingly inclined to redefine truth, the “He Gets Us” campaign exemplifies the dangerous trend of bending Scripture to fit societal whims. We must resist such distortions and proclaim the gospel in its fullness, offering true hope through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.

By embracing the grace of absolute truth, we fulfill our calling to love our neighbors—not by affirming them in their rebellion, but by leading them to the only one who can save them from the ultimate, looming destruction.

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