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“Apostle” Sharon Nesbitt Describes the Holy Spirit as a Mother Hen “Hovering” Over the Waters

by | Jun 24, 2024 | heresy, News, Religion, The Church

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Sometimes, when I run across such nonsense, I get angry. But in this case, I can only feel absolute pity for such utter foolishness. In fact, it appears we’ve stumbled into a theological comedy sketch, masquerading as deep biblical “insight.” “Apostle” Sharon Nesbitt tells us that she’s “studied” to “show myself approved” and proceeds to present us with a divine family drama, casting the Holy Spirit in the role of—wait for it—a divine mother hen…yes, a hen.

According to Nesbitt, the Holy Ghost is a ‘she,’ the mother of the church, which, if true, would surely make church services far more interesting with Mother’s Day being an even bigger event. And the theological twist that the Holy Spirit, not content to be a mere breath of God, decides to play the role of a nurturing hen hovering over the waters—because apparently, in the realm of poultry-inspired theology, hens have a monopoly on hovering.

Then there’s the grand finale where the Holy Ghost, now a full-blown maternal figure, apparently “births” things on Earth. One must wonder, is this a theological statement or a pilot pitch for a new show on TBN?

Nesbitt’s “exploration” into Genesis with a hefty dose of creative license would make even the most stoic scholar chuckle. Who knew that the venerable old Scriptures were hiding such a sitcom setup all along? It’s a marvel the scriptwriters of ancient times missed such an obvious plot for celestial family dynamics!

In all seriousness, this reinterpretation of the Holy Spirit’s role does more than stretch biblical interpretation—it snaps it right off the reel. The traditional, orthodox understanding of the Godhead—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—remains robustly mysterious without the need for spiritual divine transgender-bending.

Just listen:

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