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Thoughts on the Idolatry of American Politics

by | Jul 9, 2024 | News, Opinion, Politics, Religion, The Church, US

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I’ve been watching the political landscape for decades and watching the catastrophic slide away from biblical conservatism ramp up even more in recent years. This writing has been on the wall for a while.

For those who have ears to hear, I don’t know how God could make it any clearer that he is curing his people of their idolatrous trust in pagan politicians, no matter what party they’re from.

A solid convictional position on abortion is a near guarantee of electoral defeat. Therefore the politicians, for whom getting elected is everything, will abandon that position.

We now have the party that openly celebrates and promotes sexual perversion and death and the party that, at best, tolerates perversion and death.

Nobody with an actually biblical worldview has any chance whatsoever of getting elected to any high office in this country. There may be a district here or there scattered around, but it’s 99 and a half percent.

This is not mysterious. It’s exactly what God has always done to weed out the pretenders, and purify his true children.

That’s the part that kills me. When I talk like this people act like I’m speaking some sort of alien language. Professing American Christians are far more American than they are Christian.

It’s all a product of ease and comfort. Let’s face it, the American dream is all about ease and comfort—comfort, convenience, and choice. Comfort, being the lack of hardship, and convenience, meaning that everything we need. Or in the case of the American dream, everything we want as well, and choice. An endless variety of everything for the taking.

It’s not even that any of that is in itself evil, it’s that we are not promised any other in Scripture.

It’s an exorbitant Grace, a true exception in world history, and God’s people are showing that when presented with this ease and comfort, it will displace Christ as the Lord of their life and they will begin to manipulate scripture and rationalize in their conscience things that are only a challenge for people in that situation.

Most Christians throughout history, including biblical history, had no comfort, no convenience, and no choice about almost anything—and they were towering Giants of the faith.

Make no mistake about it, for true worshipers of Christ, none of this is about politics or even the United States. It’s about God cleansing His Son’s church Bride—as a body, and as individuals—and that will only ever happen when he takes away that comfort, convenience, and choice. Because, let’s face it, we will never give it up voluntarily. It would demonstrate real sanctification in us if we would, but we won’t.

The sinful human heart will always set itself on things below and not on things above. The Lord our God, out of the protection for his own Glory and counterintuitively, His love for His children, will take all of that away from them so that all they have left is Him.

Again, this is not some radical new teaching, it only sounds that way to Americanized Christians who have only ever known ease and comfort.

The United States Constitution in Bill of Rights are noble documents, they represent a system of government that most closely aligns with biblical principles than any other in history. The trouble is that they rely entirely on the private consciences of those under its rule in order to function.

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Small limited magisterial government only works when people govern themselves a certain way. They no longer do, and therefore that system of government will no longer work.

The multiplication of laws is tyranny on the rise. The cruel irony is, all these people who think they are throwing off the old ways in favor of freedom and liberty are by that very act, selling themselves into slavery, including many many who would call themselves Christians.

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