Over the years, as I’ve covered Christian news and apologetics, I’ve seen a lot. I’ve seen so much that hardly anything surprises me. What was once considered unholy alliances have become the norm as mainstream seemingly “normal” Christian leaders don’t think twice about partnering with rank heretics for some common cause, usually social justice.
Earlier this week, we reported that a highly popular and influential Southern Baptist megachurch had invited Steven Furtick, a trinity-denying Word of Faith charlatan, to preach the 25th anniversary sermon for the lead pastor. That’s just normal behavior now, and it seems nobody really cares.
But they should care—these people appoint themselves as representatives of the bride of Christ, standing as the face of the church, while misrepresenting Christ, the gospel, and the Church. And we should be calling them out, by name, and obeying the Scriptures command to mark and avoid them (Romans 16:17-18).
So here’s the latest example of this. Almost every single Southern Baptist and Evangelical Church in America worships to music written and produced by people like Chris Tomlin, Chandler Moore, and Maverick City Music. Gone are the days when the tried and true hymns of Augustus Toplady and Isaac Watts filled the sanctuary atmosphere on Sunday morning with reverent praise for the risen Savior and King. Instead, these other people are among the most popular names in contemporary Christian music.
Chris Tomlin, Chandler Moore, Maverick City Music, Tim Tebow—these are some of the modern-day “heroes” of Christendom. But here they stand with some of the most egregious false prophets of our time. They’ll be standing with people like trinity-denying T.D. Jakes daughter, Sarah Jakes, along with prosperity gospel and seeker sensitive hucksters like Craig Groeschel (a close associate of Andy Stanley) and Lisa Bevere.
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Lisa Bevere, alongside her husband John, leads Messenger International, promoting “uncompromising followers of Christ,” yet her teachings defy biblical truth. She supports female preachers contrary to 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 and misuses the Great Commission to justify women teaching men. Bevere endorses extra-biblical revelations and mysticism, rejecting Sola Scriptura for human-centered doctrines. She falsely claims words can create reality, a divine power, through positive confession deceiving many with her smooth talk, creating obstacles to sound doctrine.
Also present will be the clown who plays “Jesus” in the infamous, doctrinally unsound television series, The Chosen, Jonathan Roumie. Besides the fact that The Chosen in and of itself is a deceptive rendition of the biblical narrative surrounding Jesus, Roumie himself is a false teacher. Roumie admits to praying to dead people—dead homosexuals, in fact.
In New Apostolic Reformation circles, hyper-charismatics will sometimes practice a dangerous practice called “grave soaking” or “grave sucking.” Essentially, they believe that they can lie on the graves of dead people who they believe are “anointed” and “suck” or “soak” the anointing out of them. It’s really strange, and it’s become a staple of Bethel Church who has published images and videos of them doing this on multiple occasions.
But Roumie takes it a step further and talks about how he also prayed with a dead man—a dead, homosexual, named Lonnie Frisbee, who Roumie is also playing in Greg Laurie’s movie, Jesus Revolution. Lonnie Frisbee was known as the “Christian Hippie” who is credited with starting the Jesus Movement, yet, he was a practicing homosexual who eventually died of AIDS after his lifestyle caught up with him.
Jonathan Roumie also quotes from the book of Mormon during one episode of The Chosen.
And, of course, Bethel Music will be at the event. Whether it be one of their female pastors declaring that the coronavirus has already been defeated — which obviously didn’t come to pass — or them spending days trying to raise a two-year-old from the dead by practicing witchcraft, one thing is for sure, Bethel Redding is a cult that twists the Scriptures and practices divination that should be avoided at all costs and exposed for what they are.
The list of false teachers and heretics are many—Priscilla Shirer, the Robertsons, Naomi Raine—and it’s safe to say that this event, and all who are present at this event, are misrepresenting the true Church, perverting the gospel of grace, and should be marked and avoided at all costs.