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Kamala Harris Preaches “Justice for the Vulnerable” from NC Pulpit While Ignoring the Most Vulnerable Among Us

by | Oct 14, 2024 | News, Opinion

While many of us were in church this past Sunday, listening to our pastor open the Scriptures and rightly apply them to our lives, some unfortunate souls were sitting in Koinonia Christian Center in Greenville, North Carolina, being subjected to Kamala Harris delivering what could only be described as blasphemous drivel wrapped up in a thin veneer of faux piety.

Harris—who, despite sitting under the bright leadership of Amos C. Brown, clearly isn’t known for her theological insight—decided to preach this Sunday where she quoted Galatians 6:9, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

It sounds so heartwarming, doesn’t it? But then again, even Satan can quote Scripture when it suits him. Harris immediately turned this into an activist manifesto, claiming she learned “faith is a verb” and must be shown through action and service. Because, of course, in her world, it’s all about how you can manipulate the Bible to justify whatever progressive cause you’re shoving down the public’s throat this week.

Let’s pause and consider the clown logic of this for a moment. Isn’t it convenient how Harris and her leftist cronies love to pull out Scripture whenever they think it’ll help them gain favor with the church crowd? But if Trump, Vance, or even Mark Robinson shows up at a church, suddenly we hear cries of “separation of church and state” from these very same liberal blowhards.

Suddenly, the IRS is getting calls to strip the church’s 501c3 status because, horror of horrors, a Republican dared to set foot on holy ground. The hypocrisy is thick.

But let’s dissect her nonsense. Harris says her earliest memories of Scripture are about a loving God who asks us to “speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, to defend the rights of the poor and the needy.”

Oh really? Does this same God, in Harris’s interpretation, not care about the unborn—the most voiceless, helpless, and vulnerable among us?

The irony of such a lack of self-awareness is staggering. She stands there, preaching about defending the rights of the needy while being the most aggressive champion of abortion on demand in our nation’s presidential history.

How exactly does that work, Kamala? Are the unborn somehow less needy? Or do they not count because they don’t fit neatly into your political narrative?

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And let’s not gloss over her mangling of Micah 6:8, either. “Do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God,” she says, with all the sincerity of an adult diaper salesman. It’s almost laughable if it weren’t so grotesque.

Harris stands there in a church, advocating for “justice” and “mercy,” while simultaneously promoting policies that undermine the very foundations of biblical justice.

What justice is there for the countless innocent lives snuffed out in the womb?

What mercy is shown to the families torn apart by the consequences of leftist policies that Harris gleefully supports?

She has the audacity to invoke God’s Word to push her agenda, but she conveniently skips over the parts that don’t serve her political ends. How convenient.

Harris’s entire message reeks of opportunism. Her “faith is a verb” line is nothing more than a trite bumper sticker slogan, devoid of any real substance. Faith, according to Scripture, isn’t about performing social justice stunts to win political points. It’s about trusting in God’s sovereignty, repenting of sin, and submitting to His will. But of course, that would require humility—something Harris seems to know nothing about.

Her so-called “service” is really just a thinly veiled attempt to pander to religious voters while pushing policies that are diametrically opposed to biblical values. This is the same woman who supported bail funds for violent rioters but now claims to care about doing good. Spare us the sanctimony, Kamala. You can’t preach about “doing good” while turning a blind eye to the destruction your policies cause in the real world.

The dissonance is deafening, but the real tragedy is that there are people in this world who think this is Christianity, who believe this tripe, and who use it to discredit the actual commands of Scripture and the mission of the Church. It’s how leftist organizations like “Evangelicals for Harris” thrive and Southern Baptist pastors like Thabiti Anyabwile can get away praising such a deceptive troll like her.

It’s honestly hard to stomach the hypocrisy of the left at this point. Perhaps Harris should crack open her Bible a little more often—if she did, she might find that real justice begins with protecting those who are most vulnerable, and mercy begins with recognizing the inherent dignity of every human life, born or unborn.

But we all know she won’t. Why acknowledge inconvenient truths when you can just use the Bible as a political prop, hoping no one notices the glaring contradictions in your message?

Harris is the very embodiment of political opportunism cloaked in religious language. It’s pathetic, but sadly, it’s what we’ve come to expect from the left.

So the next time Kamala Harris stands in a church and tries to preach about “doing good,” remember this—her version of “good” is nothing more than a hollow, self-serving mockery of the gospel.

And no amount of Scripture-quoting can change that.


Kamala Harris Preaches “Justice for the Vulnerable” from NC Pulpit While Ignoring the Most Vulnerable Among Us: https://thedissenter.substack.com/p/kamala-harris-preaches-justice-for

– Jeff

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