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Catholics Have a “Serious” Discussion: Satan is More Afraid of Mary Than of God

by | Jun 27, 2024 | Apostasy, Cult, News, Opinion, Religion, The Church, Video

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Catholics always argue that they don’t worship Mary. Yet, their actions and their words repeatedly tell us otherwise. A recent conversation between papist apologist, Matt Fradd and his guest on the podcast “Pints With Aquinas” is a glaring testament to the superstitious absurdities that plague Roman Catholicism.

Here we have two grown men seriously discussing the idea that Satan fears the Virgin Mary more than God Himself. You can’t make this stuff up. It’s like watching a bad sitcom, except these guys actually believe it.

Let’s break this down: they claim that Satan, the ultimate embodiment of pride and rebellion against God, is more terrified of a human woman than the Creator of the universe. This isn’t just dumb—it’s a complete rejection of the Scriptures in favor of fairy tales. According to the Bible, Christ alone has all authority over heaven and earth (Matthew 28:18). Mary, although a remarkable woman of faith, is a human being who needed a Savior just like the rest of us (Luke 1:47).

But in the wild world of Roman Catholic superstition, Mary is elevated to a quasi-divine status, often overshadowing even God Himself. They believe that her obedience reverses Eve’s disobedience and makes her the “Queen of Heaven.” But seriously, this is not theology—this is mythology. It’s the stuff of folklore, not the gospel.

Unfortunately, this is the typical, logical conclusion of Roman Catholic superstition, creating a pantheon of semi-divine figures to distract from the centrality of Christ’s redemptive work. By attributing to Mary and the saints powers and roles that belong to God alone, they engage in a form of idolatry that is as unbiblical as it is illogical. It’s like they’re making it up as they go along, with no regard for the clear teachings of Scripture.


Two papists argue that Satan is more afraid of Mary than of God.

– Jeff

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