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How Should Christians Approach Pride Month?

How Should Christians Approach Pride Month?

For Christians, that contentious time of the year is approaching—pride month. As June unfolds, relentless LGBTQ propaganda will practically engulf our lives. You’ll see it everywhere—on television, in your children's schools, in your workplace, on billboards, in the...

Union Seminary Hires Sikh as Professor of Religion

Union Seminary Hires Sikh as Professor of Religion

Union Theological Seminary has a storied history that dates back to its Presbyterian founding in 1836. Despite its origins, the seminary has always been a center for liberalism, never truly grounding itself in the Scriptures or the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Over the...

June 2024, Pride Month – Part V: Aiming for the ‘Achilles Heel’

June 2024, Pride Month – Part V: Aiming for the ‘Achilles Heel’

by Jim FennellJune 2024: Once again homosexuals are given a “green light” to push their immoral agenda upon America in social media, entertainment, and education with the blessings of our federal government, as well as the support of many state governments. And now,...

Apostasy and Its Leaders

Apostasy and Its Leaders

by Chris ColeWe live in a time where the culture has returned to a pre-Christian stage, in which every man does what is right in his own eyes (Judges 21:25). Things which were considered too shameful for polite company within the lifetimes of man of us living today...

June 2024, Pride Month: Part IV – American Cancer

June 2024, Pride Month: Part IV – American Cancer

by Jim Fennell This is Part IV in the “pride month” series… The Civil Rights Act was passed by Congress with the approval of President Lyndon Johnson on July 2, 1964.  In 1969 in New York City, the ‘gay movement came out’ demanding that they be given their ‘civil...

The Counterfeit Christ of the United Methodist Church

The Counterfeit Christ of the United Methodist Church

The modern world has no shortage of counterfeits—be it counterfeit money, counterfeit Chinese goods, or counterfeit churches. But in the midst of all the counterfeits stands one eternal, unchanging truth, Jesus Christ. Yet, even His name has not been spared from the...

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The Coming Judgment of God on the Modern American Church

The Coming Judgment of God on the Modern American Church

All throughout the History of the Church, the Bride of Christ, has stood a harlot who masquerades as the elect but lures people into the depths of darkness with seductive words and practices. But in modern times, Christianity has witnessed the emergence of a...

Unbelief as the De-Throning of God (Men Imagine)

Unbelief as the De-Throning of God (Men Imagine)

In his book, The Existence and Attributes of God, the Puritan Stephen Charnock tells us, "It is natural to men to abhor those things that are unsuitable and troublesome as it is to please themselves in things agreeable to their minds and humors. And since man is...

How to Spot a Self-Serving, Self-Promoting Pastor in Your Local Church

How to Spot a Self-Serving, Self-Promoting Pastor in Your Local Church

As the old, biblical adage goes, there is nothing new under the sun. And since the beginning of Creation, religious leaders have disguised themselves as shepherds of God's people but have done so for nothing more than self-seeking reasons. In the modern Evangelical...

Jared Moore Throws Hat in the Ring for SBC Presidency

Jared Moore Throws Hat in the Ring for SBC Presidency

Every year, the Southern Baptist Convention holds an annual meeting where denominational business is conducted, resolutions are voted on, and the new convention leaders are chosen to lead for the next years. And every year, it seems, that dirty tricks are pulled to...

No, Jesus Was Not Born Again

No, Jesus Was Not Born Again

I often hear charismatic Word of Faith preachers twist Genesis and the Creation narrative of God making man in His own image—and how man and animals were created in such a way that like kind begets like kind—to support their false "little gods" doctrine. It is a rank...

Five Marks of a False Teacher

Five Marks of a False Teacher

In the pursuit of spiritual growth and understanding, the true Bride of Christ is a community that is rich in faith, hope, and love, all bound together by the Word of God. Yet, within this visible body, there lurks a danger that threatens the very fabric of our...

The Human Nature of Christ: “Not My Will But Yours Be Done”

The Human Nature of Christ: “Not My Will But Yours Be Done”

In the seemingly endless debates that often encircle the doctrines of Scripture, one moment frequently becomes a focal point of contention: Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. Theological liberals, those synagogues of Hell that affirm every ideology that...



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June 2024 Pride Month, Part III: Politically Correct

June 2024 Pride Month, Part III: Politically Correct

by Jim Fennell In Part II, we saw that the coming month of June 2024 will again give homosexuals a “green light” to push their immoral agenda by hiding their sexual perversion into the mix of their ‘civil rights’. Part III Today, our nation has done a complete...

June 2024: Part II “Pride,” Really?

June 2024: Part II “Pride,” Really?

by Jim Fennell In Part I we saw that the coming month of June 2024 will once again give homosexuals a “green light” to push their immoral agenda upon America in social media and TV, with the blessings of our federal government, as well as the support of many state...

Another Southern Baptist Megachurch Ordains Woman to Pastorate

Another Southern Baptist Megachurch Ordains Woman to Pastorate

Another Southern Baptist Church is lifting its proverbial middle finger to the Scriptures, to the Baptist Faith and Message, and to God Himself, in rebellion by ordaining women to the pastorate. Bayou Church in Lafayette, with its brazen defiance, has decided to...

JUNE 2024: The LGBTQ Agenda – Part 1 The Curtain Goes Up

JUNE 2024: The LGBTQ Agenda – Part 1 The Curtain Goes Up

by Jim Fennell The month of June 2024 is approaching, giving homosexuals a “green light” to push their immoral agenda upon America with their “Pride” month celebrations and propaganda.  The liberal press fully supports this annual festivity as well as many city...

Heresy of the Day #23: Oneness Pentecostalism

Heresy of the Day #23: Oneness Pentecostalism

Oneness Pentecostalism, a growing movement within the broader Pentecostal tradition, has ensnared many in a web of theological errors and heresies. While it might present itself as a vibrant expression of Christian faith, it is, in truth, a radical departure from...

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