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Discerning Glenn Beck’s Influence: The Infiltration of Mormonism in Political Discourse

by | Jan 2, 2024 | Apostasy, Cult, heresy, Opinion, Politics, Religion, The Church, Theology | 0 comments

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In the current landscape of American political and religious discourse, Mormonism, known officially as the Latter Day Saints, has gained a prominent place, thanks in part to influential talk show host, Glenn Beck. Beck, with his conservative political stance, often weaves his Mormon beliefs into his commentary, presenting a fusion that requires discernment from the Christian audience. While politically, Beck might align with many evangelical Christians, theologically, the chasm between Mormonism and orthodox, biblical Christianity is profound and often misunderstood—and Christians should be aware of the deception taking place.

At first glance to those who don’t know, Mormonism may appear similar to mainstream Christianity, especially since its followers use similar terminology. However, a closer examination reveals extremely dangerous differences, particularly in foundational doctrines. This is not just a matter of theological nitpicking as these differences strike at the very core of what defines true, historic biblical Christianity.

One of the most significant deviations of Mormonism from Christian orthodoxy is its teaching on the nature of Christ. Traditional Christianity holds to the deity of Christ—that Jesus is God incarnate, eternally existing as the Second Person of the Trinity, consubstantial with the Father and the Holy Spirit. In direct contrast, Mormonism teaches that God achieved His status through a process and that Jesus, as a separate being, was created through a physical sexual union between God and a heavenly mother. This view not only undermines the biblical teaching of the Trinity but also the eternal nature of Christ.

The exclusivity of Christ, a foundational Christian doctrine, is another major point of departure. The Bible teaches that salvation is found solely in Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12) and that there is no other God besides the God of the Bible. Mormonism, however, perverts this exclusivity, proposing the existence of many gods and the potential for humans to attain godhood. This polytheistic underpinning of Mormonism is fundamentally at odds with the monotheistic foundation of biblical Christianity and is a damnable heresy, placing those who believe it outside of the faith.

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Mormonism’s approach to scripture further widens the gap. While Christians adhere to the Bible as the sole divinely inspired scripture, Mormonism adds additional texts, like the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price. These additional texts not only conflict with the Christian doctrine of the sufficiency and finality of the biblical canon but also introduce teachings that are in direct contradiction with the Bible.

These differences extend into the realms of salvation and eternity. Mormon theology espouses a complex system of salvation involving various levels of heaven, contingent on one’s adherence to Mormon teachings and rituals. This is a far cry from the Christian teaching of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone (Ephesians 2:8-9), a gift not earned by human effort or ritualistic observance.

In the end, while Mormonism and Christianity might share some superficial similarities in language and values, the theological chasms between them are vast and unbridgeable and Mormonism is a damnable heresy. As Christians, it’s extremely important to approach these differences with discernment and understanding, recognizing that while political alliances may at times align, the truths we hold about God, Christ, and salvation are fundamentally different and non-negotiable. As we navigate these complex waters, especially in a politically charged environment, be careful of who you follow and be aware of the deceptive religious teachings they are introducing into mainstream political discourse. Satan will use any method he can to draw people away from Christ.

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