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Teacher Arrested at His Home for Refusing to Use Preferred Pronouns at School

by | Sep 3, 2024 | Censorhip, LGBTQ Issues, News, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, Video, World

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If you don’t think the world has gone mad, just look at Ireland and view the clip at the bottom of this article. Ireland is only a few years ahead of the rest of the Western world, but mark my words, it won’t be long. In a stunning display of state-sanctioned insanity, Irish teacher Enoch Burke has been arrested—again—for the grave “offense” of believing and teaching basic biological reality. This man has been dragged through the courts, handcuffed, and thrown into jail simply for refusing to call a boy a girl.

In the lunatic asylum that is modern Ireland—coming soon to a U.S. state near you—where the thought police reign supreme and free speech is a distant memory, Burke’s crime was nothing more than refusing to bow to the radical transgender ideology sweeping through the halls of power.

Let’s unpack this circus. Enoch Burke, a teacher at Wilson’s Hospital School, dared to defy the all-encompassing, state-enforced dogma that demands we all pretend men can become women and vice versa. His refusal to address a “transitioning” student by their “preferred pronouns”—a demand that contradicts not just his Christian beliefs but basic biological facts—was enough to earn him a one-way ticket to prison. Burke was dismissed from his job for this supposed “gross misconduct,” yet he continued to show up at the school, unrepentant and persistent in his stance.

And what does the so-called justice system do in response? Do they respect his deeply held convictions? Do they acknowledge his right to disagree?

Of course not.

Instead, they bring in Judge Barry O’Donnell, a man who once made nearly €400,000 as a barrister representing TUSLA, the Irish State’s so-called Child Protection agency. An agency, mind you, that’s now so thoroughly marinated in LGBT ideology that they make accepting this perversion a condition for fostering children.

You can almost hear the gears of this bureaucratic machine creaking under the weight of its own hypocrisy. How delightful to think that a Christian teacher could expect justice from someone so deeply entrenched in the very ideology he opposes.

But let’s not stop there. This entire farce is a perfect illustration of the Orwellian nightmare that modern Ireland has become. Imagine a world where four police officers are dispatched—not to stop a violent criminal or prevent a robbery—but to arrest a teacher for refusing to say something he knows is a lie.

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The Garda, with a solemnity that would be more fitting for a murder investigation, show up at the Burke family home to haul him away, like some modern-day heretic refusing to recant before the Grand Inquisitor. The message is clear: conform, or we will crush you.

And what of Burke’s supposed crime? He didn’t assault anyone. He didn’t steal anything. His “crime” was daring to think for himself, to think rationally, to believe in the immutable truths of his Christian faith, and to refuse to parrot the insane demands of a society that’s lost its mind.

Yet, the state, in all its manifest wisdom, decided that this was a man who needed to be taught a lesson. They couldn’t have a dissenter (no pun intended) running around, after all—especially not one who might inspire others to think for themselves.

Interestingly, Burke is still being paid his salary by the Department of Education. Yes, the very institution that fired him is still signing his paycheck as his appeal drags on. It’s almost as if they know, deep down, that they’ve overplayed their hand, that this whole charade is a house of cards waiting to collapse. Yet, they keep pushing forward, driven by a blind commitment to an ideology that brooks no dissent.

So, what are we to make of all this? Are we really supposed to believe that this is about “protecting” children or “fostering” inclusion? Or is it more likely that this is about power—about forcing everyone, no matter their beliefs, to toe the line?

Burke’s arrest is just one more brick in the wall of a world that is rapidly losing touch with reality, a society where truth is whatever the collective, backed by the state, says it is, and where those who dare to disagree are punished with the full force of the law.

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