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The Spiritual Crack Dealing of Little God Theology: “Apostle” Mary Banks Says She’s Part of the Godhead

by | Mar 1, 2024 | Apostasy, Cult, heresy, News, Opinion, Religion, The Church, Theology, Video | 0 comments

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A popular heresy among charismatic false teachers is little-god theology, or the belief that we as humans carry within us the potential to become God, or divine like God. This is not only a heresy found among charismatics, however, it is the underlying teaching of Mormonism—that our future as believers is to partake in the divinity of God and become gods ourselves.

Diving into the heart of this blasphemy, we find “Apostle” Mary Banks at the Caribbean Conference, doling out what can only be described as spiritual crack dealer’s wares, with a twist on Scripture so egregious it would make the serpent in Eden blush. Banks proclaims, “When we were born of God, we became gods.” A statement as dangerous as it is heretical, it flies in the face of millennia of Christian doctrine and the clear teaching of Scripture.

Here’s a clip. Let’s dissect these claims, piece by manipulated piece, and expose them through the unerring light of biblical truth.

First off, Banks’s misuse of Isaiah 9:6 as a springboard to divinity for humans distorts the prophecy’s clear Messianic focus. This verse heralds the coming of Christ, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, not a pathway for humanity to ascend to deity. The biblical narrative, from Genesis to Revelation, is a Creator-creature distinction that is both inviolable and foundational to our faith. Her claim that “1 times 1 times 1 times 1 is 1” in an attempt to equate our unity with God to that of the Godhead’s unity may be a simpleton’s mathematical epiphany—but it’s theologically absurd.

Banks’s assertion rides on a dangerous presumption that mirrors the oldest lie in the Book: “You will be like God” (Genesis 3:5). Yes, “Apostle” Banks, the devil indeed does want you to say that because it perpetuates the very deception that led to humanity’s downfall. The irony is palpable—while purporting to elevate humanity, this heresy drags us back to the primal sin of Eden, the desire to usurp God’s place.

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Contrast Banks’s claims with the Apostle Paul’s teachings. In Romans 8:29, we’re told that we are to be conformed to the image of His Son, not elevated to His status. This is about character transformation, not a divine coronation. And in 1 Corinthians 8:6, Paul reiterates, “yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.” There’s no room in Paul’s theology for humans to ascend to divine status, only a call to live in relationship with the One true God through Jesus Christ.

Where Banks seeks to blur the lines between Creator and creation, Scripture draws a clear, unambiguous distinction. The promise of union with Christ (John 17:21-23) is about intimacy, fellowship, and shared purpose, not an ontological change in our nature. To suggest otherwise is to pervert the gospel, which is reconciliation with God through Christ’s atoning sacrifice, not our deification.

So, when Banks jubilantly declares, “Oh, the devil won’t me to say that,” we must retort, “Oh, yes he does.” Just as in the garden, the serpent’s deception was designed to inflate Eve’s perception of her own status, leading to her and Adam’s catastrophic fall. This modern-day echo of that ancient lie so prevalent in charismatic circles serves only to lead God’s people astray, not closer to Him.

In the face of such spiritually charged crack dealing, the call for discernment has never been more urgent. The true Bride of Christ, anchored in the truth of Scripture, should stand firm against the waves of false teachings that seek to erode her foundations. And with the full armor of God, we must resist the seductions of modern serpents like Banks, holding fast to the truth that sets us truly free.

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