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David Platt Promotes False Teacher, Louie Giglio

David Platt Promotes False Teacher, Louie Giglio

Louie Giglio is a false teacher. For anyone with a modicum of theological acumen who also knows the kinds of things that Giglio teaches and practices, this is not up for debate. But for those who are unaware, for starters, Giglio promotes a heresy that is rampant in...

5-Year-Old Brings Crack Cocaine to Catholic Preschool

5-Year-Old Brings Crack Cocaine to Catholic Preschool

Police are investigating after a 5-year-old boy brings nearly two dozen vials of crack cocaine to a Catholic preschool in Philadelphia. FOX 29 reports: The Archdiocese says the teacher’s aide alerted a school administrator who called 911 right away. Officers say they...

Cult Member Commissions Students at Liberty University

Cult Member Commissions Students at Liberty University

Seventh-Day Adventism is a cult -- it is not a true expression of Christianity. Founded by false prophet, Ellen G. White, Seventh-Day Adventism adheres to a form of works-righteousness that they call "investigative judgment" whereby they teach that the blood of Jesus...

Abortion Is Not Avoiding Pregnancy

Abortion Is Not Avoiding Pregnancy

When people talk about why some mothers abort their preborn children, the main reasons given are rape and incest, the most-horrific cases. In reality, those are only about 1% of abortions. They are used as a smokescreen to prevent a real discussion of the...

The Bible and Sacrifice by Abortion

I recently heard about the person described in this news story. He claims to be a Christian abortionist who is doing God's work. However, according to the words of that God, the man is an apostate under judgment for pagan sacrifice. I am sad to say that the reason...

Possibly the Dumbest Argument For Female Preachers Ever Made

Possibly the Dumbest Argument For Female Preachers Ever Made

The complementarian / egalitarian debate in Evangelical circles is heating up. While complementarians and egalitarians disagree on much, there is one thing that biblical Christians agree on: complementarianism is biblical. That being said, sometimes idiocy just...

As the SBC Falls Apart Before Our Eyes, Denomination Leaders Asleep

As the SBC Falls Apart Before Our Eyes, Denomination Leaders Asleep

The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is no doubt in serious trouble. Faced with the onslaught of social justice, feminism, LGBT-inclusion, and other aberrant teachings and practices, the SBC is no longer a bastion of conservative and sound doctrine, but a hotbed of...

Beth Moore Launches Tirade Against Biblical Womanhood

Biblical womanhood is a rare commodity these days. In a #metoo age of feminism, women's rights, and a crusade against masculinity, one place we'd expect to find adherence to God's design for sexuality and gender roles is in the Church. Well, not so much anymore. The...

Female Pastors Are a Threat To The Church

Female Pastors Are a Threat To The Church

I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.2 Timothy 2:12 The Bible does not allow women to function in the role of eldership. Women are not permitted to be pastors or hold a role of authority over men in the...

What Does Jesus Think About Heretics?

What Does Jesus Think About Heretics?

In this episode, I rant about the Bible’s emphasis on the existence of, warnings regarding, and condemnation of false teachers and false prophets. Why do so many Christians have such a casual attitude toward false teachers? Better yet, why are so many Christians...

ERLC Enlists Woman Who Exploits Her Body as a Resource on Parenting

ERLC Enlists Woman Who Exploits Her Body as a Resource on Parenting

The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) -- a Southern Baptist Entity led by Russell Moore -- may be religious but is anything but ethical. In fact, the ERLC is largely an outlet for left-wing political propaganda, feminism, and social justice. Its leader,...

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Evangelical Church Hosts Leather Fetish Mass for Gay Men

Evangelical Church Hosts Leather Fetish Mass for Gay Men

The Twelve Apostles Evangelical Church in Berlin recently hosted a leather fetish service for homosexual men who came dressed in risque leather clothing and worshiped their own sexually immoral lifestyles. The "church," which is known for its outlandish gay activism,...

An Actual Biblical, Non-Woke Perspective on Racism

An Actual Biblical, Non-Woke Perspective on Racism

A lot is being written and stated these days regarding the church’s responsibility where the issue of racism is concerned. The torrent of views coming from within and without conservative evangelical circles is mind-boggling and at a minimum, disjointed and confusing....

Heresy of the Day #10: Roman Catholicism vs The Gospel

Heresy of the Day #10: Roman Catholicism vs The Gospel

The Papacy ROME SAYS: The pope is the head of the church, and that he is necessary for salvation. “We declare, say, define, and pronounce that it is absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff” (Unam...

John MacArthur: The World Fears COVID Because They Fear Judgment

John MacArthur: The World Fears COVID Because They Fear Judgment

The Bible tells us that those who are not in Christ are tormented like slaves by the fear of death and judgment (Hebrews 2:15), but it also tells us that those who are in Christ have received the spirit of adoption, not the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear...

False Teacher of the Day #39: Kristi McLelland

False Teacher of the Day #39: Kristi McLelland

Kristi McLelland is a rising star in the "women's Bible study" arena and appears to be popular among the same people who are attracted to other women's teachers such as Beth Moore and Jen Wilkin. McLelland is a speaker, teacher, and professor at Williamson College and...

Social Issues

Evangelical Church Hosts Leather Fetish Mass for Gay Men

Evangelical Church Hosts Leather Fetish Mass for Gay Men

The Twelve Apostles Evangelical Church in Berlin recently hosted a leather fetish service for homosexual men who came dressed in risque leather clothing and worshiped their own sexually immoral lifestyles. The "church," which is known for its outlandish gay activism,...

An Actual Biblical, Non-Woke Perspective on Racism

An Actual Biblical, Non-Woke Perspective on Racism

A lot is being written and stated these days regarding the church’s responsibility where the issue of racism is concerned. The torrent of views coming from within and without conservative evangelical circles is mind-boggling and at a minimum, disjointed and confusing....

Heresy of the Day #10: Roman Catholicism vs The Gospel

Heresy of the Day #10: Roman Catholicism vs The Gospel

The Papacy ROME SAYS: The pope is the head of the church, and that he is necessary for salvation. “We declare, say, define, and pronounce that it is absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff” (Unam...

John MacArthur: The World Fears COVID Because They Fear Judgment

John MacArthur: The World Fears COVID Because They Fear Judgment

The Bible tells us that those who are not in Christ are tormented like slaves by the fear of death and judgment (Hebrews 2:15), but it also tells us that those who are in Christ have received the spirit of adoption, not the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear...

False Teacher of the Day #39: Kristi McLelland

False Teacher of the Day #39: Kristi McLelland

Kristi McLelland is a rising star in the "women's Bible study" arena and appears to be popular among the same people who are attracted to other women's teachers such as Beth Moore and Jen Wilkin. McLelland is a speaker, teacher, and professor at Williamson College and...

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More Headlines

Remembering the Heretic, Rachel Held Evans

Remembering the Heretic, Rachel Held Evans

Rachel Held Evans, the progressive author and speaker, passed away at 37 on May 4, 2019 due to complications from an infection. She tragically left behind two very young children and her husband. Rachel Held Evans impacted the Christian community in many ways that...

Where Does The Woke Movement Ultimately Lead? Suicide

Where Does The Woke Movement Ultimately Lead? Suicide

The "woke" anti-white movement -- predominantly in Evangelical circles emanating from progressive outlets such as The Gospel Coalition and The Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission -- is a gospel-less form of works righteousness that inevitably...

Matt Walsh, Your Virtue Signaling Will Not Get You Out of Hell

Matt Walsh, Your Virtue Signaling Will Not Get You Out of Hell

Matt Walsh is a conservative blogger and political commentator at The Daily Wire alongside Ben Shapiro. I actually like Matt Walsh and have appreciated much of Walsh's work over the years. While Walsh is a Roman Catholic -- that is, he's not a born-again Christian and...

Former Megachurch Pastor Renounces Faith on Instagram and Twitter

Former Megachurch Pastor Renounces Faith on Instagram and Twitter

Dave Gass -- formerly the Lead Pastor at Grace Family Fellowship, Church Planter at Journey the Way, Pastor at First Covenant Church, Pastor at Cedar Point Community Church -- has taken to social media to renounce his faith. They went out from us, but they were not of...

Dear Sisters, Flee The Proverbs 7 Man

Dear Sisters, Flee The Proverbs 7 Man

And now, O sons, listen to me,    and be attentive to the words of my mouth.Let not your heart turn aside to her ways;    do not stray into her paths, for many a victim has she laid low,    and all her slain...

First, TGC Pushes Gay Singleness, Now, Single-Parent Adoption

First, TGC Pushes Gay Singleness, Now, Single-Parent Adoption

Back in January, The Gospel Coalition began an endeavor to promote single-parent adoptions and enlisted a gay Anglican priest as the poster child for this push. Sam Allberry, founder of the gay Christian ministry, Living Out, asks churches to get behind singles in...

Charisma News Has So Many Dumb Contributors

Charisma News Has So Many Dumb Contributors

One of the reasons I follow and read Charisma News and Charisma Magazine is that I find it very interesting -- entertaining even -- to watch what appears to be a scheduled series of soap operas with a dominant theme of false prophets and bad theology. Yet, it...

California Schools Teaching Pedophilia as a Sexual Orientation

California Schools Teaching Pedophilia as a Sexual Orientation

We've warned you that the sexual revolution and the militant sexual mafia would stop at nothing to advance their deviant ideology and normalize their perverted behaviors. The sexually-deviant left will not be happy until full sexual anarchy is not only reached, but...

Farewell Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Farewell Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

I remember speaking to a good friend back in 2014 about what appeared to be a progressive movement that seemed to be gaining the attention of some Evangelical leaders. The movement, touted as "racial reconciliation" was spearheaded by Russell Moore, head of the...

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