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David Platt Promotes False Teacher, Louie Giglio

by | May 15, 2019 | Blog, News | 0 comments

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Louie Giglio is a false teacher. For anyone with a modicum of theological acumen who also knows the kinds of things that Giglio teaches and practices, this is not up for debate. But for those who are unaware, for starters, Giglio promotes a heresy that is rampant in Word of Faith circles known as little-god theology — that essentially human beings are inherently divine.

Giglio is the pastor of Passion City Church in Atlanta and holds an annual conference that is popular with millennials and younger students and regularly hosts other false teachers such as Francis Chan, a charismatic Catholic sympathizer, and Hillsong’s Christine Caine, Judah Smith, and Carl Lentz. In short, as one blogger puts it, Passion City Conference is “an ecumenical affiliation of some of the worst heretics and false teachers who have ever been associated with the body of Christ.”

There tends to be an incessant need in modern Evangelicalism to build bridges between every professing sect of the Church. While the Scriptures clearly teach the doctrine of unity among the brethren, it also clearly teaches that separation from false teachers and their aberrant doctrines is a must. Why the modern-day New Calvinists feel it necessary to promote charismatics — those who regularly blaspheme the Holy Spirit with their continuationism — is hard to understand. But one thing is for sure, it’s a growing trend.

David Platt is a New Calvinist — that is, he affirms the five points of Calvinism but is not Reformed. Calvinism is not to be confused or equated with Reformed Theology. While those who are Reformed are Calvinists, not all Calvinists are Reformed. Today’s modern New Calvinists either reject or ignore many of the theological positions of the Reformed confessions. Among these, two that stand out are the Regulative Principle of Worship and the cessation of the Apostolic sign gifts.

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David Platt, however, is intent on building bridges between those who reject sound doctrine in favor of experiential Christianity. This is an interesting phenomenon, because listening to Platt teach and exposit the Scriptures, for the most part, would lead one to believe otherwise. Platt regularly teaches against heresies, false religions, and false Christian movements. Yet, for some reason, Platt wants to promote Louie Giglio — one of the premier promulgators of false spirituality in the modern Church.

Over the years, I have enjoyed listening to David Platt preach and teach during his Secret Church events — however, it appears that Platt’s discernment has gone off the deep end in recent years. This should stand as a testimony of why it is soundly important to reject continuationism and hold to historic, orthodox biblical Christian theology — because once we let go of these things, we open the doors of our churches to all sorts of errors. Since the closing of the canon of Scripture, nearly every heresy in the Church has entered through the conduit of continuationism and not once has a sound biblical doctrine been introduced through it.

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