Evangelicalism’s “White Guilt” apostle, Latasha Morrison—what can be said that isn’t already obvious to anyone paying attention? She’s the founder of "Be the Bridge," a so-called Christian organization that is primarily concerned with cultivating white guilt within...
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“Evangelicals for Harris” Wants Us To Believe Kamala is a “Faithful and Committed Christian”
Imagine, if you will, a group of people so detached from reality that they’ve decided Kamala Harris—a politician whose life and career is a veritable checklist of anti-Christian sentiment and policies—is actually a "faithful and committed Christian." Enter...
Abortion Makes Men “More Free” Claims US Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg
The left's favorite queer political escort, Pete Buttigieg, is giving standing ovations to Kamala Harris for making "freedom" the centerpiece of her campaign. In a video clip that oozes with the same kind of insincere charm you'd expect from a seasoned hustler,...
The Gospel Coalition Publishes Article Painting Critical Theory as Biblical and Christian
The Gospel Coalition (TGC) is one of the Evangelical’s trunk lines for piping in worldliness and carnality straight into the heart of the church. If the three-ring circus that operates the organization isn’t busy finding gospel themes in Barbie or comparing Taylor...
A Response to JD Greear’s Response to Megan Basham: Part II – Racism and Black Lives Matter
Welcome to Part II of our ongoing series dissecting JD Greear's response to Megan Basham’s book, Shepherds for Sale. In Part I, we tackled Greear's contention regarding his infamous statement that the Bible "whispers" about sexual sin. We exposed how Greear, rather...
If You Don’t Think Leftist Black Churches are Bought and Sold by the DNC, Watch This
Have you ever seen those montages of local television news stations that repeat nearly identical talking points on each one? It’s almost like they’re all taking orders from some hidden higher authority and their words are being beamed down to them from a starship and...
A Response to JD Greear’s Response to Megan Basham: Part I – “Whispering About Homosexuality”
JD Greear has stepped up to the plate in an attempt to defend his reputation against Megan Basham’s allegations in Shepherds for Sale, but his response is more akin to a magician's sleight of hand than a genuine rebuttal. In an article titled “An Open Response to...
Robert Gagnon Responds to David French Voting for Harris to “Save Conservatism”
Last week, the notorious anti-conservative faux “Christian” NYT commentator, David French, announced he would not be voting for Trump, but instead, for Kamala Harris “precisely because I am conservative.” Of course, this is beyond idiotic and foolish. Whether or not...
How the Women’s Rights Movement is a Vehicle for Death and Destruction
The women's rights movement began with a seemingly noble intention—to ensure that women were treated with dignity and respect and that they had the right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness just as any man should. It was a battle against what an increasingly...
Did You Know “Christians for Kamala” is a Thing? Look at This Circus
Did you know that there's actually a "Christians for Kamala" conference? Yes, you read that right. In the ever-bizarre world of progressive Christianity, this event is being billed as a gathering of believers united in support of Kamala Harris.I couldn’t believe it...
Rick Joyner Says We Don’t Have to Worry Because He’s Been Visiting Heaven and No One Up There is Worried
NAR "prophet" and "apostle," Rick Joyner, says we don't have to worry, because he’s been hanging out in heaven where everything is just peachy. While the world faces genuine crises, Joyner is busy taking celestial vacations and bringing back "revelations" that...
JD Greear Runs Cover For Pro-Choice Members, But Forgot About Pro-Choice Small Group Leader
JD Greear is running for cover on social media as he is being exposed for the compromised, faux “shepherd” that he is. A clip was posted on X yesterday where Greear admits during a sermon that there are people who attend his church that also work in abortion...
If You Buy Into Climate Change Alarmism, You Can’t Believe the Gospel
In the recent Christian social media sphere, a lot has been stirred up about climate change. Voices from all corners are demanding us to take action, citing “scientific” studies and dire predictions of an impending global catastrophe. But let's pause and think—does...
Joni Eareckson Tada and Rome
"For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths." 2 Timothy 4: 3-4 2...
Man Who Pummeled Woman in Olympic Boxing Match Demonstrates Why We Must Continue This Cultural Fight
The Olympic boxing match between Angela Carini and Imane Khelif is a dramatic, yet realistic illustration of celebrated violence against women, all in the name of “progress.”Imane Khelif, a biological male who failed gender eligibility tests at the 2023 World...
Benny Hinn’s Wife Files For Divorce for Second Time After Re-Marriage
Benny Hinn, the charlatan of the highest order, faces yet another scandal as his wife, Suzanne Hinn, has filed for divorce.Known for bilking his followers for millions and teaching a false prosperity gospel—doctrines of demons—Hinn continues his greedy pursuit under...
Megachurch Pastor Praises Pro-Choice Politician, Kari Lake, Says God Told Him She Was in a “Deborah Season”
Comparing Kari Lake to Deborah is like comparing a fox to a shepherd—foolish and insulting. In his latest sermon, Pastor Luke Barnett of Dream City Church showered Lake, a pro-choice Republican politician, with praise, likening her to the biblical prophet Deborah. "We...
The Transgender Movement is the Beast’s Litmus Test For Compliance
What if the greatest lie of our time wasn't just a lie, but a test—a trial balloon sent up to see how many would bow to the absurd and how many would resist? The transgender movement, despite its claims of promoting “equality” and “understanding,” is the de facto...
Olympics Opening Ceremony Features Drag Queen’s Mocking the Last Supper
This week, the Paris Olympics opening ceremony featured a drag queen mockery rendition of the Lord's Supper. Has the world truly sunk so low? The depravity even surprises me, as one who’s been journaling the downgrade for years.This grotesque parody is a glaring...
Ben Carson, Franklin Graham, Declare US Constitution a “God-Inspired Document”
Ben Carson, despite his celebrated career as a highly successful neurosurgeon and his conservative political endeavors, is deeply enmeshed in the Seventh-Day Adventist cult—a religious group whose doctrines are as far removed from biblical Christianity as east is from...
Nigerian UMC Leader Denounces American Bishop for Importing ‘Devilish Intentions’ and Promoting LGBTQ Agenda in Nigerian Church
The United Methodist Church (UMC) stands at a precipice, torn between the progressive degeneracy that has infected its American and Western branches and the commitment to a biblical sexual ethic still upheld by its African counterparts. Nowhere is this divide more...
Megachurch Transforms Campus Into Full Willy Wonka-Themed Movie Set While Putting Jesus on Back Burner
When a true believer goes to church on Sunday morning, they expect the Scriptures to be opened, read, and taught. They expect God to be honored and worshiped in spirit and in truth. They expect the Word of God to convict us of our sin and encourage us in our walk,...
Kamala Harris’ Possible VP Picks: Who Exactly is Roy Cooper?
In the wake of President Joe Biden's withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race, speculation has mounted about his potential successors. Among the most discussed candidates is North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper, rumored to be a leading contender for Vice President on...
Harris/Buttigieg – Could There Be a Clearer Sign of God’s Judgment on America?
As Kamala Harris seems to be seriously considering Pete Buttigieg for her vice-presidential running mate, we are reminded of America's moral and spiritual decline. Such a move epitomizes our collective rebellion against our Creator and His order. Romans 1:18-32...
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Evangelical “Political Savior,” JD Vance Argues Like a Leftist in Support of the Abortion Pill
From Rod Dreher to Eric Metaxas, Tony Perkins, and Charlie Kirk, J.D. Vance has amassed quite the following among those who see him as the new face of "religious populism." It's an interesting accolade for someone whose claim to fame is being a champion of...
Joe Biden Preaches Black Liberation Theology at Philadelphia Megachurch
The left will always be the first to criticize the right for “mixing religion with politics,” yet, the left is far more guilty of this than we are. In fact, not only is the left guilty of this, but they use their religion as a tool to advance very un-Christian...
BioLogos: The Deceptive Agenda to Undermine Biblical Truth with Evolutionary Mythology
This morning, I ran across an article by Gregory Adaka on BioLogos that claims you can reconcile faith in the living God with the religion of evolution—an increasingly popular claim in Christendom, yet a claim that is as absurd as it is dangerous.BioLogos, a nefarious...
Andy Stanley, Referring to Himself as “Theologically Conservative,” Defends Rick Warren Against the SBC
As we've reported here at The Dissenter many times over the years, Andy Stanley, the liberal, LGBTQ-affirming, Scripture-twisting false pastor extraordinaire, has once again proven that theological acrobatics and doctrinal contortionism are alive and well in modern...
Is “Talking to Jesus” by Maverick City Music and Elevation Worship Biblically Sound?
"Talking to Jesus" by Elevation Worship and Maverick City Music has captivated many with its emotional and seemingly heartfelt lyrics. However, a closer examination reveals several theological issues that misrepresent the true nature of Jesus Christ. First off, this...
Lady-pastrix Says the Story of The Egyptian Midwives Was About Defending Abortion
In what can only be described as a clown show, ladypastrix and imbecile, Jen Strickland of Claremont United Church of Christ has redefined absurdity with her sermon. She claims, “Reproductive rights, as it turns out, have been under attack since 1500 BCE,” and that...
Tractor Supply Releases Statement, Abandons Support for LGBTQ Movement, DEI Initiatives, and Other Leftist Causes
Corporate America has largely abandoned the average American to embrace the petty causes of far-left special interest groups. But one company is taking a stand. Tractor Supply Co., a breath of fresh air and common sense in the midst of corporate insanity, says it has...
Catholics Have a “Serious” Discussion: Satan is More Afraid of Mary Than of God
Catholics always argue that they don’t worship Mary. Yet, their actions and their words repeatedly tell us otherwise. A recent conversation between papist apologist, Matt Fradd and his guest on the podcast "Pints With Aquinas" is a glaring testament to the...
Why Has Steven Furtick Never Addressed Controversial Social Issues Like Abortion or Homosexuality?
Steven Furtick, the founder and lead "pastor" of Elevation Church, has become a household name among modern megachurch prosperity gospel frauds from Joel Osteen to T.D. Jakes to Carl Lentz. But beneath his polished exterior and motivational speeches lies a deeper...
New York Catholic Parish to Celebrate LGBTQ Mass Ahead of NY Pride Festival
(New York, NY — The Dissenter) The Roman Catholic Church of St. Francis of Assisi in New York City is preparing to celebrate a “Pre-Pride Festive” mass, aligning itself with the city's Pride festival. The parish, which has long touted its LGBT “ministry,” promotes...
On Roman Catholicism vs The Gospel: Why We Draw the Line at Justification
When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you. —Winston ChurchillIn the Christian world, there is a massive assault on denominations and doctrinal divide. After all, we’re all believers and followers of Jesus Christ, right? If so, what’s the...
Responding to the Modern Idols of the World: Feminism, Egalitarianism
Continuing in our Rejecting Modern Idols series, today, we move to another topic. In the Old Testament, we see a repeated pattern of God’s people adopting various forms of pagan idolatry which always led to judgment. Today, we see a similar pattern in the rise of...
SBC Egalitarians Take Victory Laps Over Defeat of Mike Law Amendment
Southern Baptists either never learn from their mistakes or are willfully ignorant of the consequences of compromising, or giving even an inch, on doctrinal purity. The recent defeat of the Mike Law amendment at the SBC annual meeting is a glaring testament to this...
Responding to the Modern Idols of the World: Transgenderism
In the Old Testament, we see numerous examples of societies adopting practices that are abominable in the sight of God. One such practice was the sacrifice of children to false gods. In our modern era, this same spirit of rebellion against God's design is manifesting...
Why Todd White is the Most Dangerous Kind of False Teacher
Todd White is a charismatic preacher who is known for his parlor trick "healings" such as leg-lengthening and various other fake healings. White is the pastor of Lifestyle Christianity, a church in Watauga, Texas, and is well-known in Word of Faith and prosperity...
The Gospel Coalition’s Incessant Quest for Cultural Relevance Is What Makes Them Irrelevant to the Church
The Gospel Coalition (TGC) is notorious for its center-left-leaning views on everything from spiritual to cultural to political issues while masquerading its social agenda as "gospel issues" to maintain a veneer of spiritual authority. In its relentless quest for...
Kamala Harris Encourages Children to Become Cross-dressing Prostitutes
Kamala Harris has once again demonstrated that she lacks any sense of rationality and decency. In a tweet that defies logic, she celebrates "LGBTQI+ children" with a photo of her embracing a man—cross-dressed like a sex worker—at a “pride” event. This isn't about...
Fuller Seminary Contemplates Caving to Sexual Anarchy by Allowing Same-Sex Relationships on Campus
Well, what do you know—another Christian institution seems poised to abandon Christ in favor of sexual anarchy. Fuller Theological Seminary—a school that when founded by Charles Fuller in 1947, actually believed in the inerrancy and authority of Scripture—is now...
“He Gets Us!” Posts False Gospel at Angels Game Claiming “Jesus Included Everyone”
Last night, the "He Gets Us" campaign—a marketing ploy headed up by Ed Stetzer that rebrands Jesus—displayed a sign at the Angels game proclaiming, "Jesus Included Everyone." This silly slogan, which is designed to subtly implant the idea that Jesus was "tolerant" of...
If Southern Baptists Failed to Take a Stand on Women in the Pulpit, Just Imagine What’s Next
In a move that should surprise no one who’s been paying attention, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has once again proven that when faced with a choice between standing firm on biblical principles or caving to cultural pressure, they’ll take the path of least...
The CBF, Which Many SBC Churches are Aligned With, Merges With Pro-Sodomy Organization
In the modern landscape of American Christianity, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) finds itself grappling with internal conflicts that reveal the troubling infiltration of leftist ideologies. A prime example is the dual alignment of some Southern Baptist churches...
Southern Baptists Vote to Continue Funding ERLC and Leftist Agenda
In a disheartening turn of events at last week's Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) annual meeting, messengers voted overwhelmingly to affirm the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), defeating a motion that would have defunded the entity amid a clear...
NAMB Regional Director Admits They Have No Problem With Women Preachers
If you’ve been following the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), you’re probably aware of its latest debacle, a battle over women preachers. As a few remaining conservatives in the denomination fight to pass what is known as the Law Amendment, an amendment to the...
White Pastor Explains How Churches With Majority White Staff Should Just Burn Their Websites Down
In a spectacular display of pandering and virtue signaling, Johnson Bowie of Victory Church recently delivered a sermon that epitomizes the worst excesses of the woke DEI agenda infecting Evangelical churches today. His assertions, filled with cringe-inducing...
Canada Proposes Legislation That Would Imprison Christians for Posting Religious Opinion Deemed “Hate Speech” Online
Canada's recent legislative effort, Bill C-63, ostensibly aims to combat online harms, including what it defines as "hate speech." But let's face it, we know where this is going. As with all leftists, the end goal is to silence conservatives, especially Christians....
NAMB Training Manual Might Be the Most Brazen Demonstration of Wokeness in the SBC Yet
Even though we all know the Southern Baptist Convention is woke, it seems like every day we see another example of just how pervasive this evil is in these churches. Over the years, we've uncovered garbage from SBC pastors like David Platt, Matt Chandler, and many...
The Biden Administration’s Latest Act of Discrimination Against Christian Homes: Foster Care
As ethics increasingly rely on cultural trends and the foundations of societal morality continue to tremble under the weight of "progress," an alarming trend has emerged within our federal government's approach to foster care—an agenda that now prioritizes the...
Any Professing Christian Claiming It’s Okay to Vote For Joe Biden Should be Excommunicated
In the sobering words of 1 Corinthians 5:5, the Apostle Paul instructs the church to hand over unrepentant sinners to Satan "for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus." This truth reveals to us the gravity of...
ERLC Head Lobbies Congress for Unconstitutional Bill That Makes it Illegal to Quote Scripture, “We Are in Full Support…”
Yesterday we reported that the U.S. House passed a bill that would challenge the freedom to express certain biblical truths regarding the Jews and their historical actions. The bill, known as the "Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023" (H.R. 6090), proposes to adopt a...
Texas (False) “Church” Opens Pregnancy Center That Transports People from Texas to Neighboring States for Abortions
In the current cultural and religious climate where the line between biblical truth and personal convenience increasingly blurs, the announcement by the Truth Pregnancy Resource Center in Dallas is a reminder of just how far some people will go to justify sin—even...
“LGBTQ Conservatives” Need to Stop Calling Themselves “Conservatives”
There has been a major shift in the LGBTQ movement and quite a number of them in recent years have turned toward supporting Republican politicians —particularly, Donald Trump. While Democrats still hold a near-monopoly on sexual aberrancy, Trump himself has garnered...
Pink-haired Prophetess Says You’ll Never Lose Your Scarf or Cell Phone in Heaven, You Can Command Them Back to You
I honestly don't know if this woman suffers from delusions of grandeur, if she's schizophrenic, or if she's just doing all of this to get a rise out of people. But to watch this woman speak, and see the reaction of those who interview her act like they believe what...
How Did a Southern Baptist Leader Become America’s Top Lobbyist for Corrupt Policies in a Third World Nation
The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission's (ERLC) Brent Leatherwood's journey to the center of Southern Baptist policymaking reads not so much as a pilgrimage of faith but rather a trek through the thickets of political activism, where the compass often points left...
ERLC’s Brent Leatherwood Confronted by Media For His Suppression of the Trans Shooter’s Motive at Christian School
On March 27, 2023, a mass shooting occurred at The Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, which resulted in multiple fatalities. The attack was carried out by a transgender leftist who had written a "manifesto" which has currently been withheld due to public records...
The Sydney Stabbing Massacre Demonstrates Why the Second Amendment is Worth Protecting
If you haven't yet seen the news, in the Westfield Bondi Junction shopping center in Sydney, Australia yesterday, a chilling scene unfolded that left a nation in mourning and the world in shock—or maybe it didn't. A lone assailant, later identified as 40-year-old Joel...
Doug Wilson Speaks to Tucker Carlson About “Christian Nationalism”
As the world rages against Christianity from all sides, from the far-left American progressivism to even the ostensibly "Christian" centrists like David French, the movement for some within Christendom to embrace what is being labeled "Christian Nationalism" is...
Kamala Harris Panders for Votes at Communist, Pro-Abortion “Pastor” Jamal Bryant’s Church
Jamal Bryant, the pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Stonecrest, Georgia, has made a name for himself as a Marxist Communist who thrives on wielding power over others. His love for abortion is entrenched in his craving for this kind of demented...
Watch: College Girls Admit Abortion is Driving Force in Voting for Kamala Harris
It's disconcerting to think that so many young women would prioritize the “right” to murder their unborn children as the primary reason for supporting Kamala Harris. The fact that we've reached a point in this nation where children—innocent, defenseless lives—are...
Father Angry That Boy Follows 8YO Daughter Into Bathroom at Public School
This happened in Cabarrus County, NC. It’s crazy that this is allowed to happen. I remember growing up in public schools in NC and if a boy was caught in a girls’ restroom, he could be suspended or even expelled from the school and sent to a disciplinary school.Today,...
The Disturbing Trend of Continuationism Embraced by the Modern Church
I've observed over the last several years a phenomenon that is deeply distressing—the increasing embrace of various forms of continuationism by evangelicals and even within traditionally Reformed circles. Whether it’s the full-blown charismaticism that promotes the...
The Democrat Party is the Modern Incarnation of the KKK
The flames would light up the darkness of the night sky like a demonic signal, as the flickering glow reflected off the faces of the chanting crowd. Hooded figures, would carry torches and symbols of hatred and stand in a ritualistic circle, their identities hidden...
Maverick City Music Mogul, Kirk Franklin, Collaborates With Foul, X-Rated Hip-Hop Artist
Kirk Franklin has become an icon in the Contemporary Christian Music Gospel genre and has gained even more notoriety after touring with and becoming heavily involved in the contemporary worship music collective, Maverick City Music.Franklin made headlines in 2019...
Tim Walz’ Wife is Reading Queer Propaganda to Little Children in Public Schools
Need another reason to homeschool your children? Well, Gwen Walz, wife of Minnesota Governor and VP nominee, Tim Walz, apparently has a new mission in life—reading children’s books about gay dads and their cats.While the state grapples with real issues like education...
Not Satire: Kamala Harris’ Solution to Black Men’s Problems is Free Money and Weed
Kamala Harris, the unelected Democratic nominee for president—yes, unelected, because no one asked her to be the face of the party but here she is—has now dropped her latest gem of wisdom upon the American people.And what is it this time? At first, I thought this was...
Legitimate Question: How Many Abortions Has Kamala Harris Had?
Earlier today, I wrote about how Kamala Harris took the pulpit at a North Carolina Church to preach about “doing justice” and “mercy.” Unfortunately, instead of a faithful exegesis of Scripture, what the congregation received was a political sermon from the...
Kamala Harris Preaches “Justice for the Vulnerable” from NC Pulpit While Ignoring the Most Vulnerable Among Us
While many of us were in church this past Sunday, listening to our pastor open the Scriptures and rightly apply them to our lives, some unfortunate souls were sitting in Koinonia Christian Center in Greenville, North Carolina, being subjected to Kamala Harris...
Reject the Revisionist Lies of Indigenous Peoples’ Day
Today is Columbus Day and once again, the leftist chorus is doing what they do best, rewriting history, twisting facts, and advancing their anti-American pet cause by calling this day "Indigenous People's Day." But before we let them get away with this brazen...
America’s Days of Noah Are Here: Over 5700 American Children Mutilated in 4 Years
I honestly get tired of writing on this topic, but it’s such a pervasive evil in our world that it’s impossible to ignore. I read an article sent to me by one of my avid readers that sent chills down my spine. The article, published in the New York...
Social Issues
Kamala Harris Panders for Votes at Communist, Pro-Abortion “Pastor” Jamal Bryant’s Church
Jamal Bryant, the pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Stonecrest, Georgia, has made a name for himself as a Marxist Communist who thrives on wielding power over others. His love for abortion is entrenched in his craving for this kind of demented...
Watch: College Girls Admit Abortion is Driving Force in Voting for Kamala Harris
It's disconcerting to think that so many young women would prioritize the “right” to murder their unborn children as the primary reason for supporting Kamala Harris. The fact that we've reached a point in this nation where children—innocent, defenseless lives—are...
Father Angry That Boy Follows 8YO Daughter Into Bathroom at Public School
This happened in Cabarrus County, NC. It’s crazy that this is allowed to happen. I remember growing up in public schools in NC and if a boy was caught in a girls’ restroom, he could be suspended or even expelled from the school and sent to a disciplinary school.Today,...
The Disturbing Trend of Continuationism Embraced by the Modern Church
I've observed over the last several years a phenomenon that is deeply distressing—the increasing embrace of various forms of continuationism by evangelicals and even within traditionally Reformed circles. Whether it’s the full-blown charismaticism that promotes the...
The Democrat Party is the Modern Incarnation of the KKK
The flames would light up the darkness of the night sky like a demonic signal, as the flickering glow reflected off the faces of the chanting crowd. Hooded figures, would carry torches and symbols of hatred and stand in a ritualistic circle, their identities hidden...
Maverick City Music Mogul, Kirk Franklin, Collaborates With Foul, X-Rated Hip-Hop Artist
Kirk Franklin has become an icon in the Contemporary Christian Music Gospel genre and has gained even more notoriety after touring with and becoming heavily involved in the contemporary worship music collective, Maverick City Music.Franklin made headlines in 2019...
Tim Walz’ Wife is Reading Queer Propaganda to Little Children in Public Schools
Need another reason to homeschool your children? Well, Gwen Walz, wife of Minnesota Governor and VP nominee, Tim Walz, apparently has a new mission in life—reading children’s books about gay dads and their cats.While the state grapples with real issues like education...
Not Satire: Kamala Harris’ Solution to Black Men’s Problems is Free Money and Weed
Kamala Harris, the unelected Democratic nominee for president—yes, unelected, because no one asked her to be the face of the party but here she is—has now dropped her latest gem of wisdom upon the American people.And what is it this time? At first, I thought this was...
Legitimate Question: How Many Abortions Has Kamala Harris Had?
Earlier today, I wrote about how Kamala Harris took the pulpit at a North Carolina Church to preach about “doing justice” and “mercy.” Unfortunately, instead of a faithful exegesis of Scripture, what the congregation received was a political sermon from the...
Kamala Harris Preaches “Justice for the Vulnerable” from NC Pulpit While Ignoring the Most Vulnerable Among Us
While many of us were in church this past Sunday, listening to our pastor open the Scriptures and rightly apply them to our lives, some unfortunate souls were sitting in Koinonia Christian Center in Greenville, North Carolina, being subjected to Kamala Harris...
Reject the Revisionist Lies of Indigenous Peoples’ Day
Today is Columbus Day and once again, the leftist chorus is doing what they do best, rewriting history, twisting facts, and advancing their anti-American pet cause by calling this day "Indigenous People's Day." But before we let them get away with this brazen...
America’s Days of Noah Are Here: Over 5700 American Children Mutilated in 4 Years
I honestly get tired of writing on this topic, but it’s such a pervasive evil in our world that it’s impossible to ignore. I read an article sent to me by one of my avid readers that sent chills down my spine. The article, published in the New York...
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More Headlines
ERLC Chairman Who Calls Trump Voters ‘Whores for Trump’ Resigns After Firing Leatherwood
Kevin Smith, the chairman of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) Board of Trustees, has resigned following his dismissal of Brent Leatherwood. Smith, known for his controversial statement referring to Trump supporters as "whores for Trump," admitted to...
How a Social Credit Scoring System Would Undermine Biblical Morality and Bring Severe Persecution Against Christians
What if your every action, every word, and even your thoughts were subject to constant scrutiny and judgment? What if a centralized authority determined your worth based on a score, dictating your access to basic rights and freedoms?This is not dystopian fiction—this...
Update: Leatherwood Reinstated – Brent Leatherwood Fired From ERLC Following Praise of Joe Biden
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Roman Catholic Church’s Newest “Saint” – a 15-year-old Who is Called “God’s Influencer”
Can anyone truly believe that elevating Carlo Acutis to sainthood is anything more than idolatry? This young kid, who died at 15 from leukemia, has been transformed into what they call "God's influencer" by the Roman Catholic Church.But what does that even mean? Can...
Trump’s Roman Catholic Pick for Vice President Solidifies GOP’s New “Safe, Legal, and Rare” Position on Abortion
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SBC Megachurch Pastor Praises Pro-Abortion, Pro-LGBTQ, Porn Star Sikh RNC Festival as a ‘Spiritual Movement’
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California’s Radical LGBTQ Agenda is a Preview of National Policy if Gavin Newsom Elected
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No, Abortion is Not a “States’ Rights Issue,” Here’s Why
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RNC’s Opening Night: A Parade of Porn Stars, Sikhs, and LGBTQ Advocates
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Meet the Sarco Pod, the New Suicide Machine That Falsely Promises a “Peaceful” Death
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Trump’s Roman Catholic Pick for Vice President Solidifies GOP’s New “Safe, Legal, and Rare” Position on Abortion
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Peace and Unity With the Left is Not an Option for Christians
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So God Spared Trump’s Life, Will He Repent and Believe the Gospel?
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Canadian “Church” Recruits Children to Stage to Recite Pride Flag Colors
Ontario LGBT “church” recruits children to liturgically recite the meaning of the Progress Pride flag's colors for their LGBTQ “church” service.Sydenham Street United Church is part of the United Church Of Canada denomination. Its lead minister, Catherine Elsdon, is...
Responding to the Modern Idols of the World: Self-Esteem
Continuing our series on confronting modern idols, today I'm going to talk about the idol of self-esteem. Seemingly subtle, it towers above all else. The focus on "me, myself, and I," it's a mantra instilled in us even in the very curriculum of elementary school. It's...
US Army Labels Pro-life Groups as Terrorist Organizations
According to reports online, an anti-terrorism brief held at Fort Liberty (formerly Fort Bragg) has crossed a line that should infuriate any reasonable person. The presentation allegedly labeled several pro-life organizations, like National Right to Life and Operation...
If Satan Wrote Biblically Sound Worship Music, Would You Sing It In Church?
I recall attending worship services where the worship leader and band members spent more time interacting with the crowd and showcasing their vocal range and guitar riffs than pointing us to the true object of Christian worship—Jesus Christ. It’s been a while, but it...
Philadelphia Pastor Leads Congregation in Praise and Worship of…Joe Biden?
I just have a question: Is this “Christian Nationalism”? Why does the left insist on conservatives “keeping politics out of the pulpit” when they’re the ones most notorious for doing so?Hypocrites!Bishop Louis Felton of Mt. Airy Church of God in Christ recently hosted...
Thoughts on the Idolatry of American Politics
I’ve been watching the political landscape for decades and watching the catastrophic slide away from biblical conservatism ramp up even more in recent years. This writing has been on the wall for a while.For those who have ears to hear, I don't know how God could make...
Can Christians Still Support the Republican Party After Caving on Abortion, Same-Sex Marriage?
Click here to read this article ad-free.The abortion debate in America has been a defining issue for decades, drawing a clearly defined line between those who value life and those who, quite frankly, promote death. From the infamous Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, which...
Latest ‘He Gets Us’ Campaign Sees ‘They/Thems’ as Victims of Christian Bigotry
The "He Gets Us" campaign, a $100 million public relations initiative aimed at rebranding Jesus, has once again proven its penchant for theological folly. This latest installment features an ad proclaiming, "The one who identifies as they/them is your neighbor." As...
Evangelical “Political Savior,” JD Vance Argues Like a Leftist in Support of the Abortion Pill
From Rod Dreher to Eric Metaxas, Tony Perkins, and Charlie Kirk, J.D. Vance has amassed quite the following among those who see him as the new face of "religious populism." It's an interesting accolade for someone whose claim to fame is being a champion of...
Joe Biden Preaches Black Liberation Theology at Philadelphia Megachurch
The left will always be the first to criticize the right for “mixing religion with politics,” yet, the left is far more guilty of this than we are. In fact, not only is the left guilty of this, but they use their religion as a tool to advance very un-Christian...
BioLogos: The Deceptive Agenda to Undermine Biblical Truth with Evolutionary Mythology
This morning, I ran across an article by Gregory Adaka on BioLogos that claims you can reconcile faith in the living God with the religion of evolution—an increasingly popular claim in Christendom, yet a claim that is as absurd as it is dangerous.BioLogos, a nefarious...