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Oprah at DNC: Without Abortion, There is No American Dream

by | Aug 22, 2024 | News

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In a performance worthy of her self-anointed status as America’s spiritual guide, Oprah Winfrey took the stage at the DNC to deliver what can only be described as a sermon on the sanctity of abortion. With the gravitas of a high priestess delivering her divine revelation, she proclaimed,

“If you do not have autonomy over this, over this, if you cannot control when and how you choose to bring your children into this world and how they are, [gestures to herself], there is no American dream.”


One might wonder if, before her sermon, Oprah took a moment to meditate in the DNC’s gender-neutral prayer room—perhaps channeling her inner Molech, that ancient symbol of child sacrifice, or maybe she considers herself a deity in need of worship within those sacred, gender-neutral walls.

Yesterday, we informed you that the DNC had set up “gender-neutral prayer rooms” scattered throughout the convention center—spaces ostensibly created to reflect the their commitment to “inclusivity.” Of course, these rooms are equipped with Islamic prayer rugs, but conspicuously absent are anything remotely resembling Christianity.

In these rooms, one could only assume that Oprah, the queen of New Age spirituality, felt right at home. Whether she was there to offer up prayers to Molech—or simply to bask in the adoration of those who see her as the living embodiment of self-worship—the parallel to ancient child-sacrifice rituals is hard to miss.

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Oprah, the queen of New Age mysticism, has long peddled the idea that the universe revolves around the individual’s whims and desires—no wonder she now extends this philosophy to argue that the “American Dream” hinges not on hard work, freedom, or opportunity, but on the right to kill inconvenient unborn children.

Forget life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness—according to Oprah, it’s the right to extinguish life that forms the foundation of our national ethos. And, of course, this doctrine fits perfectly within the DNC’s broader mission—a mission that, at its core, stands in opposition to God and embraces a love of death, as Proverbs 8:36 warns.

“For whoever finds me finds life and obtains favor from the LORD, but he who fails to find me injures himself; all who hate me love death.” —Proverbs 8:35-36

In their relentless pursuit to appease every conceivable identity and ideology—all but Christianity, of course—no matter how contradictory or destructive, the DNC has become a vehicle for nihilism. Their platform is a twisted celebration of autonomy that elevates the “right” to destroy life above all else.

Welcome to the new American Dream—brought to you by the DNC, endorsed by Oprah, and sanctified in a “gender-neutral prayer room” where they even try to force God to submit to the doctrines of child-sacrifice, gender fluidity, and the cult of self-idolatry. In this nightmarish reality, the ultimate dream isn’t life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness—it’s the death of God, the death of conscience, and the death of a nation that is beholden to either.

But fear not, brethren, God is not mocked and He will have the last laugh.

”But the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he sees that his day is coming.” —Psalm 37:13

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