You know it’s time to grab the nearest wall to bang your head against when you hear the latest news from Christianity Today. In a move that makes you question whether they’ve completely lost their minds—or perhaps their Bibles—the once-somewhat respected, somewhat conservative publication has hired Sho Baraka as the editorial director of its Big Tent Initiative.
Who in the world is Sho Baraka, you ask? It sounds like a stage name for a local freak show circus—or a character out of the 90s video game series Mortal Kombat (you’ll only get that if you’re in your 40’s).
But this is the same Sho Baraka who drops the n-word like it’s a punctuation mark and laments missed opportunities to smoke pot is now going to be steering the ship at one of the most influential platforms in Evangelicalism. If that doesn’t make you want to face-palm into oblivion, I don’t know what will.
Listen below to hear Sho Baraka try to make an argument for Christians smoking weed.

As theologically compromised as he was, Christianity Today was founded by Billy Graham to “express evangelical Christianity to the present generation.” But if Billy could see what’s become of his legacy, he might just wish he’d named the magazine something else.
Sho Baraka, the man now tasked with “bridging cultures and ideas,” is the very embodiment of the woke, progressive drift that’s been infecting the church like a slow-acting poison. And who’s leading the charge at Christianity Today? Former Southern Baptist leader Russell Moore, the court jester in this harlequin show of sub-biblical compromise.
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But let’s not stop at his potty mouth and pot endorsements—pun intended—those are just the appetizers in this buffet of bad decisions. Baraka’s been championed as a “transcendent talent” who’s earned “enormous respect” for his thoughtfulness and faithfulness. Thoughtfulness? Maybe, depending on how you define it. Faithfulness? To what, exactly? It’s certainly not to the biblical standards of morality that used to be the bedrock of Evangelicalism.
His so-called “thoughtfulness” has led him to the conclusion that recreational marijuana is just dandy for Christians, especially if it’s legal. Because, you know, legality is the new litmus test for Christian ethics. Forget about being sober-minded as Scripture commands—just light up and call it liberty. And if you happen to cuss out a few people along the way, well, that’s just keeping it real, right?
And now this man, who’s so comfortable blurring the lines between the world and the ekklesia, the called-out ones, is being lauded by Christianity Today as the perfect fit to “catalyze the important work” of their Big Tent Initiative.
Dr. Nicole Martin, CT’s chief impact officer (whatever that means), is practically gushing over Sho’s “creativity and entrepreneurialism.” Meanwhile, Timothy Dalrymple, CT’s president, is convinced that Sho is going to bring new kinds of stories (shos?) to the table—stories that “go beyond what we’ve typically done.” Well, Timothy, if by “beyond” you mean “dragging the gospel through the mud of cultural filth,” then yes, I suppose Sho is your guy.
And what exactly is this Big Tent Initiative? Is this a fancy way of saying, “Let’s water down the gospel and make it palatable to everyone—no matter how unbiblical their lifestyle might be”? If so, Sho Baraka is the perfect mascot for this endeavor, with his woke lifestyle, his casual cussing, and his unwavering endorsement of getting high.
But hey, at least he’s good at “bridging differences” and “elevating voices on the margins,” right? Because nothing says “advancing the gospel” like turning estranged neighbors into family—just as long as we don’t have to ask them to repent or actually follow the teachings of Jesus.
So here we are, folks. Christianity Today has officially told us what we already knew years ago—they’ve jumped the shark, departed the faith, Christianity Astray. They’ve hired a man who’s more comfortable with the language of the streets than the language of Scripture, a man who thinks that marijuana is just another Christian liberty to be enjoyed, a man who represents everything that’s wrong with the woke church. And they’ve done it all with a smile on their faces, convinced that they’re on the cutting edge of some grand new movement.
If you were looking for a sign that the modern Evangelical church has lost its way, look no further. Christianity Today, under the guidance of Russell Moore and his merry band of cultural capitulators, has handed the keys over to Sho Baraka—a man who’s more interested in pushing the boundaries than proclaiming the gospel. And if that doesn’t make you want to face-palm until you see stars, I don’t know what will.