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TGC Editor Who Regularly Watches Soft Porn to Lead 8-Week Course in “Faithfully Viewing Films”

by | Aug 28, 2024 | News

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Every year, Brett McCracken releases his annual “best and favorite films” of the year list. And every year, normal people are horrified at what we could only see as Satan’s shortlist of things people should never see. Sometimes, I feel like TGC puts out material that’s so awful and ungodly that it has to be bait for their critics.

I mean, this stuff is just absolutely apostate on every level. Nobody who truly knows God or the Scriptures could actually walk away from these movies feeling, as McCracken describes them, “edified.” But then, again, I remember that this is Brett McCracken and TGC that we’re talking about here.

It’s rather obscene that TGC’s Best Movies of 2022 list includes films with underage graphic sex scenes, abortion and feminist propaganda, violence, and R-rated films filled with blasphemous foul language. It’s no surprise, though, considering TGC has relatively little to do with the gospel or biblical teachings. It’s devolved into a platform primarily for woke Evangelicals to disseminate whatever worldly influence they’re caught up in at the time into the Church.

McCracken, the Senior Editor and Director of Communications at The Gospel Coalition, is well known for his affinity toward carnal entertainment, particularly that which involves the forbidden fruit of sexual sin.

There are a number of movies that he recommends that fall into this category, many of which are littered with sex scenes and nudity—even some including homosexual sex scenes.

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Here are the “best picks” of some movies McCracken recommended in 2021:

McCracken’s list of favorite television shows originally included White Lotus, as you can see from the Wayback Machine archives. He has since removed that show from his list after we exposed him for publishing it. White Lotus is an HBO television series that depicts extremely graphic and disgusting gay sex scenes, according to IMDB.

And now, The Gospel Coalition is offering an 8-week course on “faithfully watching films” led by, you guessed it, Brett McCracken. According to McCracken, the “power of movies—for good and ill—demands Christians take them seriously and approach them wisely” because film “is a realm of culture we cannot pretend doesn’t exist.”

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