If you can't trust a man to pastor his church according to the edicts of Scripture, how can you trust him to run the country if elected president? The answer? You can't. That's why I would suggest not voting for Ryan Binkley, co-pastor of the non-denominational Create...
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Russell Moore Praises Joe Biden as “Genuine” Regarding Hunter’s Drug and Money Laundering Scandals
Disclaimer: This is not a political article nor is it meant to make a political point. I do that from time to time, and seek to engage politics through a decidedly biblical worldview. That being said, politics can't be completely avoided here, but this article is...
SBC State Director of Evangelism Says Eternal Salvation Can Only Come After Social Justice
In the midst of a progressive shift and growing divide within the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), social justice has become the dividing line that some are not willing to cross and others are not willing to go without. The social justice movement in the SBC has...
Short Op-Ed: Should Christians Support Turning Point USA?
I've never been a fan of Turning Point USA (TPUSA) or its movement. I really just don't care much for the personalities involved in it, particularly, Charlie Kirk. But there are a lot of churches—so-called conservative churches—that are embracing, promoting, and...
Praising God Even in the Midst of Difficult Times
Today, the glittering facades of prosperity and self-interest have largely shrouded the sacred reverence and humble piety at the heart of Christianity. The Holy Scripture is often misinterpreted and misused to serve the interests of man rather than glorify the...
Despite What Popular Evangelical Pastors Are Saying, Doubt is an Enemy of the Faith
The winds of modern thought have blown into the halls of the Church, stirring up a novel perspective that now echoes loudly from the pulpit to the pews. The perception that doubt is a beneficial, even necessary, component of faith has started to hold sway. This novel...
Just in Time for the Election, David Platt Continues His Attack On Conservative Politics
In a recent conversation with Jim Davis at The Gospel Coalition, Pastor of McLean Bible Church in the DC area, David Platt offered his assessment of the political tensions within the American Church that warrants a biblical critique. Platt attempted to identify an...
Homosexuality: Orientation Or Abomination? How the LGBTQ Movement Rejects God’s Commands
“Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is an abomination.” (Leviticus 18:22) “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination…” (Leviticus 20:13) When confronted with these Biblical commands, the...
Why Would ERLC Leader Support Paying for Trans Shooter’s Funeral, But Not Victims’ Funerals?
The Southern Baptist Convention's rogue entity known as the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) has a strange reputation of doing the exact opposite of what its constituents support, not to mention, the opposite of what the Bible teaches, on a number of...
Abortion is Nothing More Than a Sexual Fetish, Women Are Not Victims
In the maelstrom of our continually metamorphosing society, a singular issue continually fuels the fires of contention, setting minds and hearts ablaze: the matter of abortion. This contentious topic cleaves society with an almost surgical precision, causing a chasm...
Asst Sec of Defense Says Military Should Provide Abortions So Women Can Fight Wars
John Calvin said, “When God wants to judge a nation, He gives them wicked rulers”. The prophet Jeremiah also tells us in Jeremiah 23:19, “See, the storm of the LORD will burst out in wrath, a whirlwind swirling down on the heads of the wicked.”One out of five military...
ERLC Contributor Says Christians Shouldn’t Support Abortion Restrictions Without Government Handouts
If you needed any other reason to write off the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), look no further than its abortion lobby. I don't say that tongue-in-cheek, either. You may be asking, "abortion lobby"? The answer is, yes....
Popular Worship Artists, Shane & Shane, Have Now Bit the Dust
I'm typically not drawn to contemporary Christian music for the very reasons that I've written about a dozen times. I simply do not view the industry as God-honoring, rather it is a self-promoting, man-pleasing industry designed to launch the careers of artists whose...
Wild, Wild Interaction Between Reformed Pastor and Pro-Abortion Protester at Iowa Capitol
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Christ as Our Substitute for God’s Wrath and Our Reward His Work
The Apostle Paul, in his second epistle to the Corinthians, makes an assertion of unparalleled profundity: "For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God" (2 Corinthians 5:21). This single verse in the...
JD Greear Calls Women Pastors, Essential, Secondary, and Tertiary Issue All in One Blog Post
I've been writing quite a bit the last few days about the issue of women pastors in the SBC and how the issue has become one of the most hot-button topics in recent Southern Baptist history. In fact, I can't remember a time during my former Southern Baptist life where...
Paul’s Warning to Christians Against Worshiping the Creation Instead of God
As we gaze upon the sprawling panorama of modern culture, we're struck by a blinding constellation of unchecked desires and self-absorbed pursuits, illuminating the night sky of human morality. This present era, in its rush to drape itself in the gilded cloak of...
JD Greear Compares Passing Women Pastors Amendment to Nancy Pelosi Passing Obamacare
Last month, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) passed an amendment that would bar cooperating churches from having women in the pastorate as is commanded in Scripture. The amendment was passed overwhelmingly by the messengers with more than 2/3 of the vote in...
Thousands of Black Southern Baptist Churches With Women Pastors Play Race Card
You're probably aware by now that the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), during its annual meeting in June, voted to disfellowship several churches with women pastors, including Saddleback Church which was formerly pastored by Rick Warren. During the convention, the...
Defending the Inspiration of the Whole of Scripture Against Modern Skeptics
The Word of God stands like a mighty mountain, steadfast amidst the shifting sands of human culture and philosophy. Yet, we see attempts at every turn to chip away at this divine edifice, to cast doubt upon its authenticity and to discredit its authority. Skeptics...
Opinion: Most Southern Baptist Leaders Worship a False Jesus
This morning, I stumbled upon a tweet that sparked a sudden revelation or insight within me. The problem with the Southern Baptist Convention is that so many Southern Baptist leaders and pastors desire a false Jesus—one who is willing to compromise with their desires...
Andy Stanley Says You Only Have to Believe One of the Gospels to be a Christian
Andy Stanley’s disdain for the Holy Scriptures is a well-established fact, and it is nothing new that he has been vocal in his condemnation of the inerrancy and authority of the Word of God. He has gone so far as to declare the Scriptures to be...
Charismatic Pastor Says He Commanded a Tree to Be Healed, and It Was So
A popular heresy among charismatic false teachers is little-god theology, or the belief that we as humans carry within us the potential to become God, or divine like God. This is not only a heresy found among charismatics, however, it is the underlying teaching of...
CBS Praises Newborn Girl Being Trafficked to Two Homosexual Men
Did you ever think we would live in a nation that flippantly passed off two homosexual men living together and fornicating as a "happily married couple"? Even ten years ago, this would have been unthinkable. But that day is here and this should serve as a...
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The Gospel Coalition Author Implies Jesus Knows What It’s Like to Be a Homosexual
You've probably heard of the "gay Christian" ministry called Living Out. Living Out has been in partnership with the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) as well as The Gospel Coalition (TGC) and the late Ravi Zacharias'...
Corrupt NAMB Uses Tithe Dollars to Turn Out Voters at SBC Annual Meeting to Vote For Woke Candidates
You may remember the report from the Washington Post last year that accidentally told on its own people when it reported that the Southern Baptist Convention's North American Mission Board (NAMB)—a corrupt and spiritually bankrupt "church planting" organization that...
ERLC Article Tries to Convince Christians that Voting Democrat May Be Valid and Biblical
Leading up to the mid-term elections, the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) is once again attempting to rationalize the notion that Christians can vote for Democrats and have "valid" and "biblical" reasons for doing so. We at...
False Teacher of the Day #46: Karen Wheaton
Karen Wheaton is a popular charismatic Pentecostal singer and musician and also a self-proclaimed Bible teacher and minister. Wheaton is a disciple of the financial fraudster, Jim Bakker, as well as Jimmy Swaggart and Janet Paschal. Karen is the founder of a ministry...
Southern Baptist Megachurch to Host Helicopter Easter Egg Drop for Easter Sunday
In the midst of the Southern Baptist Convention's (SBC) complete and total meltdown of reality, the divide between the progressives and the conservatives is growing rapidly. And unsurprisingly so. No matter who ultimately wins control of the Southern Baptist...
The New Evangelical Latitudinarians, Emptying Christianity of All Meaning
From the very beginning, the church has had to preserve its integrity and purity by protecting and fencing its membership. Jesus said that many would come in his name and make claims to faith falsely. Paul told the Ephesian elders that ravenous wolves would arise even...
Thoughts on Steven Curtis Chapman and the Idolization of His Accomplishments
I ran across an article today which was actually from March 15th that caught my attention. The article itself is about the Contemporary Christian musician, Steven Curtis Chapman, and an upcoming performance he will be holding at Crossroads Church. In that article, I...
David Platt Church Plant Uses Satanic Enneagram to Train Ministers in Training Booklet
It has been revealed in a story broken by Capstone Report that a church planted by David Platt's church planting ministry in partnership with the Southern Baptist Convention's North American Mission Board (NAMB) heavily promotes the use of the Enneagram to train its...
The Woke Gospel Coalition Wants to “Update” the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy
Since 1978, the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy has stood as the de facto standard confession of the Church in its belief in the authority and inerrancy of Scripture. The statement has grounded the Church's position in biblical truth and has served as a...
Disney’s Turning Red, A Review and Warning For Christian Parents
Disney has released a new movie that targets young children, but the content of the movie is definitely not for Christians. The movie, Turning Red, is about "a 13-year-old girl who is torn between being her mother's obedient daughter and the chaos of her youth. As if...
A New Heresy Invading the Church: Child Liberation Theology
You've heard of Black Liberation Theology. Liberation theology can be traced back to Latin America in the early 60s. Latin America has always been a hotbed of oppressive working conditions for those who tried to make ends meet and Liberation Theology was invented as a...
Tim Keller Compares Pro-LGBTQ Pro-Abortion “Christian” Scientist, Francis Collins, to the Prophet Daniel
Evangelical elitists have been up-in-arms the last few days over a report by Daily Wire author, Meg Basham, who reported on leaked audio that NIH director, Francis Collins laughed and smirked at the prospect that people will be forced to take the COVID-19 vaccine at...
Stupid Fake Baptist Publication Says Voddie Baucham is a Threat to Women, Children, and Daughters
Yesterday, we reported that Voddie Baucham had confirmed that he had been asked to accept the nomination for the Southern Baptist Convention's presidential office, the highest-ranking office in the denomination, amid news that an establishment candidate, Willy Rice,...
Thoughts on the Coming Persecution, God’s Discipline, and Ultimate Judgment
I don't know the details. What I do know is this. It is undeniable and Crystal clear from Genesis to Revelation that when God's covenant people upon who he has put his name push him far enough, he will crush them back into submission by any means necessary. And I will...
SBC Seminary President Compares Conservative Christians to 1965 Segregationists
There is no denying that the 1950s and 1960s were a trying time for Blacks in America. 1965, America was embroiled in the civil rights movement that ultimately led to the shooting death of Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1968. But it wasn't just America that was caught up...
SBC President, Serial Plagiarist, Ed Litton, Will Not Seek Second Term Amid Growing Pressure to Resign
Nearly nine months after Ed Litton was elected the new president of the Southern Baptist Convention, there are still scant calls for his resignation. On June 21, 2021, Reformation Charlotte broke the story that Ed Litton had copied and used his predecessor,...
Worship Artist Profiles: Sean Carter
Sean Carter is a popular artist known for songs such as Redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb and the widely popular Passion Song. While on the surface, the lyrics to some of his music may not seem that bad, while the lyrics of his other music may be questionable....
Why Did Jesus Speak in Parables?
A parable ( παραβολή ) is pretty much what one would naturally think it is. We don’t get any earth-shattering revelation from the Greek word. A parable is an illustration, metaphor, or simile comparing two things, usually one more familiar than the other, in order to...
“Then You Will Know That I am the Lord.” (Lessons From Ezekiel.)
Eighty one times in the book of Ezekiel alone God says some version of, THEN ______________________will know that I am the Lord 5:13-15 “Thus shall my anger spend itself, and I will vent my fury upon them and satisfy myself. And they shall know that I am the...
Former SBC President Says Oneness Pentecostal Artist is “Holy Spirit Anointed and Biblical”
Despite this, former Southern Baptist president, Steve Gaines, praises Oneness Pentecostal Charity Gayle and her extreme charismatic emotionally-manipulative music as “Holy Spirit anointed” and “biblical.”
Podcast: The Menace of Manipulation in Ministry
In this episode, I rant about the popular practice of manipulation among pastors and elders. Pagan society engages in open and shameless manipulation in order to advance its agenda. While it may seem unthinkable that pastors and elders would mirror this same behavior,...
Charity Gayle is a Oneness Pentecostal Blaspheming Heretic, Stop Singing Her Music
I've written recently on some of Charity Gayle's music and the self-idolatry of her music and the lyrics that it contains including the extremely man-centered repeated mantra in one of her songs that states over and over in a celebratory manner "I am who I am because...
White Pastor Brags How He Sought Out Black Pastor to Submit to Just Because He’s Black
Critical Race Theory and the "woke church" movement have exposed exactly how depraved the minds are of some people, including those who call themselves Christians. What's worse, those who should be shepherds of God's elect instead are wolves masquerading as sheep and...
The Psychology and Negative Effects of Repetitive Lyrics in Modern Worship Music
Today's worship landscape has been overtaken by modern, contemporary music as the hymns of the old days that contained good theology have been largely abandoned. In this article, I want to compare the psychology of the lyrics of two popular worship songs; one hymn...
So What’s All This Talk About Christian Nationalism, Anyway?
The subject of Christian Nationalism has risen to the forefront of the current discourse on religious and political affairs, its very mention inciting a firestorm of passion and disagreement not unlike the tempestuous controversies that plagued the late pop icon,...
Criminalizing Conscience: Facing the Coming Persecution of the Church in a Once-Free and Civilized Society
I know this story has been out for a couple of weeks now, but I really felt the urge to add my thoughts. Back in December, a British woman was arrested for praying on a public sidewalk near an abortion clinic. She wasn't interacting with anyone nor was she involved in...
South Carolina Supreme Court Allows for More Late-Term Abortions in Devastating Ruling
On Thursday, the South Carolina Supreme Court made a disastrous decision, declaring that the state's ban on abortion after the detection of a fetal heartbeat, typically around six weeks of pregnancy, is a violation of the state's constitutional right to privacy. This...
A Warning About the Social Media Platform, TikTok
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is a notorious perpetrator of censorship and propaganda, and it is now becoming increasingly clear that they are using TikTok, a social media platform that they own and operate, to spread their toxic ideology and influence the minds...
Dwight McKissic’s Relentless Crusade: When Accusing Conservatives of Racism Becomes a Full-Time Job
The controversy surrounding a statue on the campus of Princeton University has sparked a debate between conservative and liberal evangelicals about how to remember significant figures in the movement's history, their theology, and their complicity in the institution...
Trump Champions Abortion Exceptions for “Rape, Incest, and Life of the Mother”
Despite the overturning of Roe v. Wade, a significant number of Republicans continue to support exceptions for abortion, including in cases of rape and incest. This position, which allows for the termination of unborn life in certain circumstances, stands in contrast...
Oh Joy! Church Rewrites Classic Christmas Carol to Promote Leftist Queer Political Agenda
All Saints with Holy Trinity in Loughborough really pulled out all the stops this year with their inclusive and oh-so-woke revision of the classic Christmas carol "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen". Instead of mentioning Jesus as the savior of sinners, the updated lyrics...
Man Claims He’s Experiencing Menstrual Cramps After “Transitioning” to a “Woman”
It's no longer a matter of 'normal people versus the rest', instead, it seems more like an uphill battle between logic and madness. The world has well and truly lost its sense when we are considering "transgenderism" as something even remotely normal - with some...
I’m no Prophet, But Here Is My Prediction for 2023
As I gaze upon the pages of the sacred text, I can't help but feel a sense of mystery and wonder at the revelations it holds about the end times. As believers, we can rest assured that the Lord has revealed His plan for the future to us through His Word. The Bible...
Elijah List Announces Yet Another List of “Prophecies” by False Prophets About Trump’s Return to Office
It's always a good time when the self-proclaimed prophets come out with their latest and greatest predictions about the future, especially when it comes to the return of Donald Trump to office and other political prophecies. And boy, have these false prophets not...
Trans Activists Re-Make Rainbow Flag to Include Sex Workers and Intersex People
When insanity goes wild, the rainbow flag you see above is what we end up with. In recent years, there has been a trend to continue adding endless "marginalized" groups to the rainbow flag as some kind of symbol to stand against "white supremacy." Originally, the...
Gospel Singer Who Hosted Evangelical Conference With TGC Members to Host Same-Sex Wedding at Same Venue
A few weeks ago, Amy Grant, who came out in full support of homosexuality, hosted an Evangelical gathering for the National Association of Evangelicals. The event was held at Amy Grant’s venue where she transformed a barn into a music and event venue known as the...
Logos Bible Software Apologizes for Selling Pornography On Its Bible Study Platforms
According to a report at Protestia, Logos Bible Software, a platform revered for its extensive theological resources, and its sister company, Faithlife Corporation, has been implicated in a controversy for selling books with explicit content. This revelation has...
Virgil Walker Discusses the Christian Response to the Legalization of Marijuana on OAN
Christians are now finding themselves at a cultural crossroads, grappling with questions of faith, obedience, and witness as the world spirals increasingly into moral chaos. What does the Bible say about substances that alter the mind, such as marijuana, now legal in...
The Ever-Increasing Seduction of False Teachers in Our Postmodern Fallen World
In the verdant beauty of Eden, where humanity first walked with God, the serpent’s whisper, “Did God really say…?” marked the inception of humanity's tragic fall. This ancient deception mirrors a modern crisis, as the world, and the vast majority of the professing...
Dusty Deevers Announces Intent to Nominate Jared Moore for SBC Presidency
In a world increasingly adrift in moral ambiguity, the Evangelical Church as a whole has severely lacked a leadership that is willing to take a stand for biblical integrity even at the expense of their own reputations and even their personal safety. This is especially...
TGC Author Who Wrote About Jesus “Penetrating” the Church Publishes Book on Conservatives and Democrats Uniting
You may remember last year, there was an uproar on social media involving an article published at The Gospel Coalition that described Jesus’s relationship with the Church in a graphically detailed comparison to how a man embraces and has intercourse with his wife. Not...
How to Spot a Self-Serving, Self-Promoting Pastor in Your Local Church
As the old, biblical adage goes, there is nothing new under the sun. And since the beginning of Creation, religious leaders have disguised themselves as shepherds of God's people but have done so for nothing more than self-seeking reasons. In the modern Evangelical...
Francis Chan Says God Wants Roman Catholics, Protestants, and Orthodox All at the Same Communion Table
Francis Chan, who has been moving decidedly ecumenical in recent years while abandoning the distinctions that differentiate biblical Christianity from other sects including Roman Catholicism, is once again preaching a gospel of superficial unity between various,...
TGC Podcaster Says “I think Christianity Makes a Case that to be Human is to Have (Gender) Dysphoria”
The Gospel Coalition (TGC) has been one of the leading organizations smuggling in aberrant theologies and vain philosophies into mainstream Evangelicalism that are either blatantly or subtly at odds with biblical Christianity. While TGC has been the primary conduit...
Jared Moore Throws Hat in the Ring for SBC Presidency
Every year, the Southern Baptist Convention holds an annual meeting where denominational business is conducted, resolutions are voted on, and the new convention leaders are chosen to lead for the next years. And every year, it seems, that dirty tricks are pulled to...
Labeling Extreme Movements as “Far Right” is Intellectually Dishonest and These Movements Have No Ties to Conservatism
In a recent tweet, Neil Shenvi, a self-described apologist who attends former SBC president, JD Greear's Summit Church in Raleigh, NC, raised an alarm about the "radicalization" of young, white men by the far-right, suggesting a toxic influence from Critical Race...
No, Jesus Was Not Born Again
I often hear charismatic Word of Faith preachers twist Genesis and the Creation narrative of God making man in His own image—and how man and animals were created in such a way that like kind begets like kind—to support their false "little gods" doctrine. It is a rank...
90-Year-Old Volunteer Gets Boot From National M.S. Society for Not Knowing What “Preferred Pronouns” Means
In the labyrinth of modern societal golden calves, there lies a thread, not so much golden as it is cunningly spun, weaving through the former sanity of traditional values towards a singular, covert objective: the dismantling of society itself. This thread, known...
Social Issues
Logos Bible Software Apologizes for Selling Pornography On Its Bible Study Platforms
According to a report at Protestia, Logos Bible Software, a platform revered for its extensive theological resources, and its sister company, Faithlife Corporation, has been implicated in a controversy for selling books with explicit content. This revelation has...
Virgil Walker Discusses the Christian Response to the Legalization of Marijuana on OAN
Christians are now finding themselves at a cultural crossroads, grappling with questions of faith, obedience, and witness as the world spirals increasingly into moral chaos. What does the Bible say about substances that alter the mind, such as marijuana, now legal in...
The Ever-Increasing Seduction of False Teachers in Our Postmodern Fallen World
In the verdant beauty of Eden, where humanity first walked with God, the serpent’s whisper, “Did God really say…?” marked the inception of humanity's tragic fall. This ancient deception mirrors a modern crisis, as the world, and the vast majority of the professing...
Dusty Deevers Announces Intent to Nominate Jared Moore for SBC Presidency
In a world increasingly adrift in moral ambiguity, the Evangelical Church as a whole has severely lacked a leadership that is willing to take a stand for biblical integrity even at the expense of their own reputations and even their personal safety. This is especially...
TGC Author Who Wrote About Jesus “Penetrating” the Church Publishes Book on Conservatives and Democrats Uniting
You may remember last year, there was an uproar on social media involving an article published at The Gospel Coalition that described Jesus’s relationship with the Church in a graphically detailed comparison to how a man embraces and has intercourse with his wife. Not...
How to Spot a Self-Serving, Self-Promoting Pastor in Your Local Church
As the old, biblical adage goes, there is nothing new under the sun. And since the beginning of Creation, religious leaders have disguised themselves as shepherds of God's people but have done so for nothing more than self-seeking reasons. In the modern Evangelical...
Francis Chan Says God Wants Roman Catholics, Protestants, and Orthodox All at the Same Communion Table
Francis Chan, who has been moving decidedly ecumenical in recent years while abandoning the distinctions that differentiate biblical Christianity from other sects including Roman Catholicism, is once again preaching a gospel of superficial unity between various,...
TGC Podcaster Says “I think Christianity Makes a Case that to be Human is to Have (Gender) Dysphoria”
The Gospel Coalition (TGC) has been one of the leading organizations smuggling in aberrant theologies and vain philosophies into mainstream Evangelicalism that are either blatantly or subtly at odds with biblical Christianity. While TGC has been the primary conduit...
Jared Moore Throws Hat in the Ring for SBC Presidency
Every year, the Southern Baptist Convention holds an annual meeting where denominational business is conducted, resolutions are voted on, and the new convention leaders are chosen to lead for the next years. And every year, it seems, that dirty tricks are pulled to...
Labeling Extreme Movements as “Far Right” is Intellectually Dishonest and These Movements Have No Ties to Conservatism
In a recent tweet, Neil Shenvi, a self-described apologist who attends former SBC president, JD Greear's Summit Church in Raleigh, NC, raised an alarm about the "radicalization" of young, white men by the far-right, suggesting a toxic influence from Critical Race...
No, Jesus Was Not Born Again
I often hear charismatic Word of Faith preachers twist Genesis and the Creation narrative of God making man in His own image—and how man and animals were created in such a way that like kind begets like kind—to support their false "little gods" doctrine. It is a rank...
90-Year-Old Volunteer Gets Boot From National M.S. Society for Not Knowing What “Preferred Pronouns” Means
In the labyrinth of modern societal golden calves, there lies a thread, not so much golden as it is cunningly spun, weaving through the former sanity of traditional values towards a singular, covert objective: the dismantling of society itself. This thread, known...
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ERLC Head, Brent Leatherwood, Desperately Trying to Censor “Manifesto” from Trans School Shooter From Public
On March 27, 2023, a mass shooting occurred at The Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, which resulted in multiple fatalities. The attack was carried out by a transgender leftist who had written a "manifesto" which has currently been withheld due to public records...
Most Americans Are Opposed to Businesses Promoting LGBTQ Pride Propaganda
In recent times, we have witnessed a concerning trend where businesses have aggressively taken up the cause of social activism, often promoting political and cultural narratives associated with the progressive left, including the LGBTQ+ movement and observances like...
From the Beginning, God’s People Have Been Tortured, Ostracized, and Killed. Are We Next?
For centuries, the professing Church in America has basked in a cocoon of comfort and safety, protected by the constitutional promise of religious freedom and the tolerance of a nation that has largely shared the moral values of Christians. Our faith has existed...
On Muslims Coming to Christ in Dreams and the Heresy of Monophysitism
Over the past several years, an intriguing phenomenon has captured the attention of many in Christian circles: Muslims across the Middle East purportedly experiencing dreams and visions of Jesus, leading to their conversion to Christianity. Prominent Evangelical...
The Scriptures as the Basis of Our Apologetic
Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible, with 176 verses. Of those verses, only three don't contain a word referring to the scriptures, such as law, commandments, or testimonies. This Psalm is 176 references to the benefits of God's Word in the life of the...
Elevation Church, Another Major Heretical Megachurch Departs the Southern Baptist Convention
Elevation Church, under the leadership of prosperity gospel Charlatan, Steven Furtick, has just announced their withdrawal from the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). This development is hardly surprising at all given that Elevation Church, long known for its...
Supreme Court Strikes Down Affirmative Action, Sort Of
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Hebrews 1:3 – An Exegetical Affirmation of Jesus as God Himself
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Preston Sprinkle Tells Tim Keller That Jesus Didn’t Use Theology, He Just “Loved” Homosexuals Into the Kingdom
Everybody knows the theological argument that homosexuals and their allies use to justify their sinful behaviors and to rebuke those who believe that homosexuality is incompatible with Christianity. Essentially, the argument goes like this: Jesus ate with sinners.Yep,...
The Biblical Case for Christians Leaving Blue States: Shaking the Dust Off Our Feet
The debates in Christian circles have recently been marked by an issue of geographical color—the decision for Christians to leave "blue states" for "red states." The color here is symbolic, denoting political ideologies, with blue, of course, symbolizing liberal...
How Evangelical Leaders Have Co-opted “Loving Your Neighbor” to Distort the Gospel
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Ed Stetzer Once Again Finds Himself Aligned With a Slew of False Prophets and Apostles
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Southern Baptist Book Publisher Refuses Academic Scholarships to White Men
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The Importance of Training Children in Biblical Apologetics From a Young Age
The nature of faith, and specifically Christian faith, is such that it is not simply an accessory to life, casually picked up or set aside as one's whims dictate. It is a fundamental structure, a foundation upon which life's decisions, choices, and worldviews are...
Should We Ever Assume Mormons are Saved?
In an age of information overload and media consumption, the influence of popular culture on our perspectives and beliefs cannot be overstated. It's not uncommon for prominent figures within the public sphere to shape or even reshape our understanding of faith and...
Lady Pastor at SBC Megachurch Insists God Called Her to Pastoral Ministry and She Intends to Stay
Following the passage of the Mike Law Amendment at the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) annual meeting earlier this month, several member churches have been exposed as having women pastors. The amendment, which was passed by a staggering 89 percent of SBC messengers,...
Pastor at Andy Stanley’s Church Assures Homosexuals Are Embraced at North Point Ministries
Andy Stanley and his associated churches have all been under fire in recent months after a series of exposes outing North Point as not simply tolerant, but completely embracing of homosexuality. The Dissenter has published numerous articles demonstrating Stanley's...
Lady-Pastor Ousted by SBC Wears Rainbow Stole During Sermon Prior to Pride Month
If you followed the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting for 2023, you're probably aware that the convention voted to oust several churches, including one of the largest megachurches in the denomination, Saddleback Church, over their ordination of women to the...
A Biblical Perspective in the Preeminence of Scripture in Christian Politics
As we traverse the complex pathways of modern politics, we encounter an ever-changing terrain of ideas, values, and movements, each vying for prominence in our socio-political landscape. Emblematic of this dynamic is the growing popularity of progressive thought which...
Presbyterian Church Body Calls for Government Intervention to End Sex-change Procedures for Minors
The Evangel Presbytery, a part of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), has put forth an overture petitioning the United States Government and all 50 State Governments to end sex-change procedures for minors. The move comes as part of the church's commitment to...
Chairman of Hatmaker’s Child Sex Change Org Also Active in North Point’s LGBTQ Kids Ministry
Protestia's recent investigation has unveiled disturbing actions by Legacy Collective, a pro-LGBTQ financial front group co-founded by Jen Hatmaker. The Collective, through its 'Mama Bears' initiative, has funneled $150,000 into organizations promoting highly...
Is Rape a Justification for Abortion?
Rape is a horrible crime. Not only does it violate the physical wholeness of the victim, but it is also an assault on her mental wholeness. It often causes an unjustified sense of shame, and it always deprives her of a sense of security, especially around men. Some...
Michigan’s Legislation: Felony Penalties for Hurting Transgender Feelings, Prison Possible
With the passage of the revamped 'Hate Crime Bill' (House Bill 4474) by the Michigan House, the foundation of our freedom of speech stands perilously close to the edge of a dangerous precipice. This new bill is nothing short of an egregious assault on conservative...
Verbal Terrorism: A Biblical Perspective on Homosexuality and Christian Response
Remember the song, “What The World Needs Now Is Love Sweet Love?”The homosexual community claims the modern version of this tune. They demand that everyone love them. They even dictate the terms and expressions of the love that they require from us. According to their...