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White Pastor Brags How He Sought Out Black Pastor to Submit to Just Because He’s Black

by | Feb 17, 2022 | Feminism, Immigration, LGBTQ Issues, News, Opinion, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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Critical Race Theory and the “woke church” movement have exposed exactly how depraved the minds are of some people, including those who call themselves Christians. What’s worse, those who should be shepherds of God’s elect instead are wolves masquerading as sheep and leading people astray.

The “woke church” movement, rooted in Marxism, essentially mirrors the secular movement that teaches that systems and structures within the Church have historically given an economic advantage to Whites while Black people suffer the ongoing and perpetual consequences. Further, it teaches that the only way to “fix” this problem is to re-create these systems and structures in reverse by building a system that disadvantages White people while advantaging Blacks simply based on the color of one’s skin.

In short, the idea is that White people, particularly pastors and those in leadership, should step out of their leadership roles and hand them over the Black people–not because these people are biblically qualified to do so, but because they are Black.

The “woke church” movement teaches that all White people carry the guilt of “systemic racism” by the very virtue of their skin color and that any White person who is not actively and perpetually involved in the “woke church” movement of dismantling these imaginary systems–as a means of their self-atonement for their sins–will be guilty before God on judgment day.

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The fact that so many people have fallen for this Marxist ruse is indicative of the spiritual state of the Church today. One White pastor, Clifton Stringer, demonstrates his spiritual ignorance as he boasts about how he left a Church with a White pastor to purposefully submit himself to a Black pastor simply because he was Black.

This Black pastor, named Robert Waddle, pastors Simpson United Methodist Church in Austin, TX. The United Methodist Church is apostate; it is gay-affirming, has women pastors, and is devoid of the gospel. It has abandoned completely the biblical gospel in favor of the social gospel.

“My family and I had recently relocated to Austin and moved into an east-side neighborhood full of historic Black churches,” Stringer wrote in an op-ed at Christianity Today. “In that space, my wife and I felt the tug of Turner’s words. But we weren’t swift to put ourselves under Black preaching. My wife is Anglican, so we’d resolved first to connect with the local Anglican congregation we’d previously attended when in town for holidays.”

One of the sad and undeniable truths is that many–not all, but many–of these historic Black churches are given to a false gospel known as Black Liberation Theology. This ideology is rooted in James Cones’ social justice perversion of the gospel that advances the perpetual “business” of victimhood. It is, perhaps, why Stringer wasn’t “swift to put ourselves under Black preaching.”

Stringer recalls when he was in Divinity School at Duke and a student challenged his professor with whether or not he’d be willing to sit under a Black pastor. He recalls being “emblazoned” by the professor’s answer which caused him to question himself to which he gave himself an answer: Of course I would, the answer surges up within me. After all, I’m not a racist.

This begs the question: Does being unwilling to intentionally place oneself under the leadership of an unqualified leader simply based on the color of one’s skin make one racist?

The sane person would undeniably answer “no.” But for those caught in the snare of the “woke church” movement, doing so sends a strong virtue signal out to the Apostles of Critical Race Theory leading them to believe that they have earned status among the saints of the “woke church.” Unfortunately, they have not–and never will.

“Still, we talked a lot about Turner’s witness and the Black churches near us,” Stringer continued. “And then one Sunday morning, after the Spirit moved my wife, she and I along with our three kids attended worship at Simpson United Methodist Church, a Black congregation founded in 1880.”

Stringer has now intentionally placed himself under Robert Waddle, an unqualified social justice pastor in an apostate denomination, simply because of his skin color. After spending some time there, Stringer recalls Waddle asking him to join the staff as a pastor, to which his response was, “What business did I, a white man with a lot of privilege in his life, have standing in a place of authority in a Black congregation?”

Stringer then blames the Holy Spirit for him ultimately accepting this job in an apostate church:

White Christians in America have historically been very happy to preach to Blacks and to exercise all manner of authority over them. No, Turner had said that racial reconciliation involved whites being willing to submit to Black authority. I heard his words echo in my head, I felt the Holy Spirit tugging me forward, and I knew: This was my chance to do exactly that.

Because, as everyone knows, White people submitting themselves to Black leadership is the ultimate fruit of the “woke church” gospel. And then to boast about it all over social media and the web; well, that’s not privileged at all. That’s the “gopsel.”

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