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Andy Stanley Says You Only Have to Believe One of the Gospels to be a Christian

by | Jul 10, 2023 | Apostasy, Cult, News, Religion, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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Andy Stanley’s disdain for the Holy Scriptures is a well-established fact, and it is nothing new that he has been vocal in his condemnation of the inerrancy and authority of the Word of God. He has gone so far as to declare the Scriptures to be indefensible and expository preaching to be a form of “easy” and “dishonest” shortcut. He has even dismissed the importance of the biblical account of the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, revealing his utter disregard for the truth of the Word of God.

It is not surprising that Stanley has chosen to reject the authority of the Scriptures, as he has also called for the severing of Christianity from the Old Testament—yet, the Old Testament clearly reveals the moral character of God through His laws. In a sermon delivered in 2019, he even went so far as to claim that the Ten Commandments have no relevance for Christians today.

It is a fundamental belief of true believers in Jesus Christ that the Scriptures are the authoritative, inerrant, and self-attesting Word of God, and that this truth has been revealed to them by God Himself. Those who reject this truth demonstrate that they have not been transformed by the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the mind by the Holy Spirit.

Stanley, a habitual and serial blasphemer of God, has continuously demonstrated his disregard for the Word of God throughout his entire ministry, which appears to be primarily focused on discrediting the Scriptures. He regularly portrays the Scriptures as non-binding, non-authoritative, and irrelevant in modern times.

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However, in a recent sermon, he took a different approach. Now Stanley says that in order to be a true follower of Christ, you only have to believe that one of the four gospels—either Matthew, Mark, Luke, OR John—is a “reliable account of actual events.” And, he says, if you believe one of the gospels, you will then believe enough to be a Christian. Even though he says that he can make the case that the Scriptures are inerrant, he says you can believe everything else in the New Testament is false, and your faith does not hinge on belief of the Scriptures.

Stanley is sadly mistaken, though. The Scriptures are the Word of God and Jesus said that His sheep will hear his voice. The Bible is His voice—and if you don’t believe the Bible is the Word of God, then you don’t hear His voice. Jesus does not lie, therefore, you are not one of His sheep if you do not believe the Bible in its fullness.

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