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Former SBC President Says Oneness Pentecostal Artist is “Holy Spirit Anointed and Biblical”

by | Feb 23, 2022 | heresy, Opinion, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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Reformation Charlotte recently published an article detailing the rank heresy of an up-and-coming star in the Evangelical worship music industrial complex, Charity Gayle. Charity Gayle, as we reported, is associated with a movement that holds a heretical view of the Trinity that places them outside of the bounds of orthodox Christianity and the biblical faith.

In other words, Charity Gayle and her associated movement–Oneness Pentecostalism–should not be considered Christian and those who profess these unorthodox views of the Trinity should not be considered Christians.

Despite this, former Southern Baptist president, Steve Gaines, praises Charity Gayle and her extreme charismatic emotionally-manipulative music as “Holy Spirit anointed” and “biblical.”

Keep in mind, this is a recent president of the Southern Baptist Convention–one who is supposed to lead the denomination in truth. Yet, the lack of discernment among Southern Baptist leaders is appalling. It is clear that good sound doctrine is not the driving force behind the denomination anymore as it continues to slide deeper into various errors; it is emotionalism.

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