In the land of make-believe—otherwise known as Columbus, Ohio—a man by the name of Tim Ahrens plays dress-up as a pastor. The setting? The First Congregational Church, a stage in the theatrical United Church of Christ, a denomination better known for its creative...
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Why Are So Many Worship Pastors Theologically and Morally Compromised?
Welcome to a discussion that dives deep behind the fog machines, laser light spectacles, and thunderous sound systems, addressing not just one, but multiple elephants in the room. First, the theological disarray among a plethora of megachurch worship pastors—those...
Untwisting the Bible, Part II: Matthew 7 – “Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged”
Welcome to Part II of our series, "Untwisting the Bible," where we yank twisted Scriptures back into their rightful context. In today's spiritual battlefield of "gotcha" theology, few verses are weaponized as much as Matthew 7:1 and 7:5: "Judge not, that you be not...
Worship Pastor at JD Greear’s Summit Church Says Having Sex Before Marriage Was Good, Helpful
Former SBC president, JD Greear, has been under fire on social media in recent days after a video surfaced of him advocating for his church's diversity/equity/inclusion (DEI) program. But what exactly is the result of that program? Apparently, this.You may remember...
Holy Spirit or Dopamine Trip? Emotional Manipulation in Charismatic “Worship”
We've witnessed in recent years a surge of hyper-emotional events masquerading as expressions of genuine Christian faith. These gatherings, such as the Passion Conference, Hillsong concerts, and other events connected to the charismatic, word of faith, and prosperity...
Fashion Mogul, Kat Von D: A Spiritual Journey From the Occult to Christian Baptism?
In a world where celebrities often garner attention for superficial antics, Kat Von D has recently taken a more profound route. The renowned tattoo artist, known for her gothic style and past associations with the occult, has been on a spiritual journey of her own....
What is God’s Purpose in Allowing False Teachers to Flourish?
Have you ever slummed through a sermon by a preacher like Steven Furtick or Andy Stanley? Have you ever really just sat and listened to them preach. It's easy to be drawn in to the charismatic mood changing, emotionally-driven style of speech or worship. They quote...
Radical Pro-LGBTQ Activists Feel at Home at Queer Conference at Andy Stanley’s Church
Former Southern Baptist Convention president, JD Greear, once said that churches should be the safest places for homosexuals to come out of the closet. In that same sermon, he said that Christians should stand up against discrimination in the "LGBTQ community," and...
Preston Sprinkle and Guest Say Christian Parents Should Allow “LGBT” Children to Start Dating at 16
Preston Sprinkle, one of the original advisory board members of Revoice, the “gay Christian” movement within Evangelical churches, has been instrumental in shifting the church’s doctrinal stance on homosexuality and other aberrant sexualities. It is through...
Untwisting the Bible, Part I: Jeremiah 29:11
Welcome to Part I of our brand-new series, "Untwisting the Bible." Today, we're examining a text so frequently misused that it's virtually become a spiritual cliché: Jeremiah 29:11. It's recited by valedictorians at graduation ceremonies, inscribed in ornate fonts on...
Andy Stanley Isn’t the Problem, He’s Only a Massive Symptom
The recent revelations about Andy Stanley's gay-affirming theology come as no surprise to those who have watched the North Point pastor's descent into heresy over the past decade. While not surprising, they do confirm unequivocally Stanley's position and intent to...
Andy Stanley’s ‘Embracing the Journey’ Conference: A Full Report and Exposé. Part 1
Andy Stanley and his associated churches have all been under fire in recent months after a series of exposes outing North Point as not simply tolerant, but completely embracing of homosexuality. The Dissenter has published numerous articles demonstrating Stanley's...
Diane Feinstein Joins Elijah Cummings in Eternal Rat-Infested Neighborhood
Dianne Feinstein, the oldest member of the U.S. Senate and a long-serving Democrat from California, has passed away at the age of 90, joining former U.S. Congressman, Elijah Cummings in an eternally rat-infested neighborhood. Her death marks the end of a political...
Anglican Professor at Union Seminary Says “Queerness is Central to Christian Theology”
It's increasingly evident that we are living in times where apostasy is not just knocking at the door of the Church but has made its way to the pulpit. Patrick Cheng, a visiting Anglican Studies professor at Union Theological Seminary, is offering a course on Queer...
The Presence of God is a Dangerous Place to Be for Sinners
"The God that holds you over the pit of hell, much as one holds a spider, or some loathsome insect over the fire, abhors you, and is dreadfully provoked: his wrath towards you burns like fire; he looks upon you as worthy of nothing else, but to be cast into the fire."...
Employee Gives Tour of Megachurch: You Can, Like, Drop Your Kids Off Here and Enjoy Church
For years, I've vociferously criticized the megachurch movement for its lack of concern for the gospel while morphing into venues more akin to circuses and entertainment hubs than houses of God. In fact, most of these megachurches are an appalling departure from the...
What Would You Do If This Were Your Daughter?
A disturbing video has emerged showing a biological male student, dressed as a female, viciously attacking an actual girl. This alarming incident demands an urgent response from Christian parents: what would you do if this was your daughter? This is not an isolated...
Bethel Leader Says Jesus Appeared Bodily and Told Him 500K Instagram Followers Means “Guaranteed Ticket to Heaven”
Cory Asbury, a Bethel-affiliated "worship" artist, recently took to Instagram to make claims that leave one questioning not just his theology but his grip on reality. According to Asbury, hitting the milestone of 500 thousand followers on Instagram was not just a...
If the World Hates You for Your Faith, Remember It Despised the Truth Long Before You Spoke It
In today's hyper-polarized climate, there's a label that gets thrown around like confetti at a parade whenever someone holds a countercultural worldview grounded in the Word of God—"bigot." It seems the moment you dare to commit the public sin of proclaiming biblical...
Debunking the Myths: How Continuationists Misrepresent Cessationism
Criticism of the doctrine of cessationism is hardly a novel phenomenon coming from the charismatic wing of professing Christendom. Yet in recent years, a concerning shift has become increasingly evident. Hostility towards this doctrine has intensified, crossing the...
Prayer or Counseling Outside Abortion Clinic Now a Crime in Northern Ireland, $2500 Fine
A controversial new law passed in Northern Ireland threatens to restrict the religious freedom of Christians who pray or offer help to women outside abortion clinics. The Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Act, which takes effect this Friday, creates "safe access...
IHOPKC “Prophet” Says God Re-grew Trans Woman’s Breasts After Listening to His Testimony and Coming to Christ
Self-proclaimed "prophet" and "seer", Micah Turnbo—who is straight out of the heretical IHOPKC and the Kansas City Prophets movement—has amassed a huge following on social media, but his spectacle is more theatrical than theological. Brandishing titles like "Seer...
Timothy Keller: Turning Believers Into Unbelievers?
“…when the Son (Jesus) cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18.8)Jesus never accepted unbelief! He challenged His own to believe fully; indeed, He often rebuked His disciples for their unbelief: their fear in the storm on the Sea (1); Peter sinking as he...
Police Apologize to Woman Arrested for Silent Prayer Outside Abortion Clinic, Drop All Charges
West Midlands Police have issued an apology to the charity volunteer who was arrested twice over the past year for praying silently within the vicinity of an abortion clinic, and have confirmed that they will not be bringing charges against her. Isabel...
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Heresy of the Day #16: Antinomianism
Antinomianism is a heresy that has been present in various forms throughout the history of Christianity. At its core, antinomianism is the belief that believers are not bound by moral law, and that they are exempt from following God's commands. This belief is in...
Why Abortion is Destructive to Society
Abortion is a highly controversial issue that has been at the center of debates and discussions for decades. While some people, primarily, non-Christians, view it as a "necessary medical procedure" that allows women to "make choices about their own reproductive...
Woman Preacher at SBC Megachurch in Florida Urges People to See a Psychologist for Emotional or Sin Issues
Normally, we lambast this circus-like "church" because it literally puts on circus performances. No, really, this Southern Baptist megachurch in Florida is well-known for its extravagant Sunday morning performances featuring circus acrobats swinging from the ceiling...
Christ-Denier, Scientologist, Kirstie Alley Loses Battle to Cancer at 71
Actress and Hollywood persona, Kirstie Alley, became somewhat of an anomaly in the celebrity world after she announced her unwavering support for President Donald Trump. Being a Republican in Hollywood is rare enough, but to openly express support for the most...
Creation Actually Approved by Jesus?
Today's episode of Emmaus Road Chronicles looks at eight ways Jesus Christ certified in Genesis chapter one. Thank you for joining this episode. Welcome to Emmaus Road Chronicles, the series of videos, concentrating upon the answers that Jesus gave to two men as they...
Is God Using Sexual Immorality to Separate the Sheep from the Goats?
by The Doctrinal Watchdog The time has come to purify the bride of Christ Anyone supporting same-sex marriage legislation needs to be put under church discipline including pastors. Back in 2019, some people (not us) were shocked when SBC president JD Greear preached a...
America’s Apostasy and the Innocent Blood of Aborted Babies
In describing the apostasy of Israel, God gave these words through the anonymous writer of Psalm 106:36-39: "They served their idols, which became a snare to them. They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the demons; they poured out innocent blood of...
The Christian Hip-Hop Scene Looks No Different Than the Pagan Hip-Hop Scene and is Largely Intertwined
Lest you think I'm picking on hip-hop, I've written plenty on the Contemporary Christian Rock movement and the charismatic movement as well. But there is a particular grievance with hip-hop culture that appears to have carried over and is inexcusable. It's the fact...
I Don’t Like Donald Trump But May Vote For Him in 2024 With all His Reprehensible Baggage!
The hatred expressed for Trump and all America Firsters by the self-righteous and falsely tolerant people in the world is reminiscent of the worst brutality, barbarism, and bloodshed of history. The acceleration of Democrat-sponsored baby-killing, high taxes,...
Sodom’s Behavior: Homosexuality Or Gay Rights?
Many people attempt to reconcile homosexuality with the Bible. However, such efforts fail. You cannot reconcile truth with error. The battle to legitimize homosexuality begins with an all out attack upon the Biblical record of Sodom. This assault changes the story of...
Don’t Let the Left Use a Tragedy to Dissuade You From Standing Against Sexual Indoctrination of Children
If we keep moving in the direction this country has been headed over the last few decades, the only things that will be illegal ten years from now are worshiping God, using gasoline, and owning guns. Every form of sexual rebellion will not only be legalized but...
COVID Truth Must Not be Sacrificed on the Altar of a Pretended Superiority!
By Don Boys, Ph.D. Truth, any truth, must never be sacrificed for any reason, especially when millions of lives are at risk. All sincere, honest, concerned Americans should be aware of the massive corruption in the health industry before making judgments about medical...
SBC Pastor Warns Race-baiting Woke Theologian, Jemar Tisby, of Hell. Where is Everyone Else?
Southern Baptist pastor and president of Founders Ministries, Tom Ascol, warned Jemar Tisby today of his impending doom and place in "the lake that burns with fire and sulfur" today after woke social justice theologian, Jemar Tisby falsely accused a brother of...
Imagine if These Were Your Children’s Teachers: Exit the Public School System ASAP!
The public school system has long been a means by which the left indoctrinates children and is the catalyst behind the liberal shift in our society. If you wonder why the world is descending into mass chaos, understand that Satan himself has commandeered the public...
Exposing the False Prophets of the Mid-Terms #1: Hank Kunneman
Prior to the mid-term elections, so much of the right-wing media and landscape predicted that there would be a "red wave" that took control of Congress. Some predicted it would be a sweep in the House giving the Republicans a majority of over 20. and gaining a few...
Nazis Based Their Radical Treatment of Disabled, Deficient, Diseased, Deaf, and Dumb People on Flawed Science—Progressives’ Policies Are Based on Wokeism!
Wokeism is the new Nazism. Comparing Nazis’ treatment of people in an effort to reach their desired results with modern woke zealots’ behavior will be resented—by modern Nazis. However, my analysis will be accepted by informed people. The...
God’s Judgment: Michigan Passes Ballot Measure to Amend Constitution to Allow Abortion Up to Birth
The wrath of God is upon us like never before. What seemed like many to be a sure landslide for Republicans turned out to be at best a dried-up lagoon of just a handful of conservatives who barely squeezed by. On the other hand, the vast majority of the nation...
The Democrat Party is From Hell and Does Not Have the Answer to Actual Racial Injustices That Do Exist
With the future of this nation hanging on today's election, it's important to realize that the nuance-bros in Christian-land are out in full force attempting to persuade Christians that both the Democrat and Republican parties are equally right and wrong on certain...
Who REALLY Loves His Neighbor? Telling the Truth in a Relativistic Culture
I have been dealing with people online who criticize me for "lack of love" when I insist that one's relationship with Christ determines one's relationship with God the Father. That is, does the unbeliever, whether of another religion or none, have access to God, such...
All Serial Killers Were Failed by Parents and Were Cruel to Animals!
Robert K. Ressler, an agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) behavioral sciences unit, studied serial killers and noted, “Murderers…very often start out by killing and torturing animals as kids,” and he further observes, “… a fascination...
Is Voting Democrat Compatible With Faithfulness to God?
After watching parts of the debate last night between Pennsylvania candidates John Fetterman and Mehmet Oz, it has become abundantly clear that the Democrat party's commitment to abortion, LGBTQ, and all of the other items on the progressive agenda far outweigh the...
How to Properly Understand Christian Unity
I often hear church people say that we need to have more "unity in the church." Unity, what does that even mean? Well, it depends on who you ask. There is no question that the Bible teaches us that Christians are to be united, without divisions among us (1 Cor. 1:10),...
What is the Doctrine of Original Sin and Why is it Important?
There is a growing movement within Evangelical churches to reject the doctrine of original sin. The doctrine of original sin teaches that through Adam, all people are born with an inherent nature inclined toward sin and are in need of the regenerating work of the Holy...
Remaining Faithful to the Word of God
by Jeff RoseIf we are not careful, we can find ourselves drifting into a state of despair when we observe the landscape of American Christianity. I remember reading the article about Joshua Harris, how he no longer considered himself to be a Christian, and instead...
Socialism Can Only Survive as a Parasite on Its Ideological Opponents, Capitalists
I saw a post on Twitter today, a video clip of functional socialists in Chicago decrying Walmart's recent decision to shutter four unprofitable stores in high-crime low-income neighborhoods throughout the city. I also saw a response to the tweet: "Who will we steal...
FBI Accused of Attempting to Infiltrate Churches, Sparking First Amendment Concerns
A recent letter from Congressman Jim Jordan, Chairman of the House Committee on the Judiciary, to FBI Director Christopher Wray has raised concerns over the FBI's handling of domestic violent extremism investigations against Catholic Americans and its impact on First...
Michigan Pastor Says He “Witnessed the Resurrection” When Gov. Whitmer Repealed Anti-Abortion Law
It's bad enough that the queer community has created a movement within their movement that they dare to label Christianity, a movement that not only seeks to normalize, but also to glorify sicj grotesque sex acts that would even have the assailants at Sodom and...
Massive Student Protest After High School Puts on Drag Show, Offers Drag Queen a Bible
The sexual revolution is squarely in the hands of the LGBTQ movement and those that support it. And the fact that a large media company like Netflix can produce and broadcast a show that glorifies the sexualization of children and get away with it speaks volumes about...
Walmart to Close Four Chicago Stores Amid Ongoing Losses from Crime and Theft
I don’t typically write about political or corporate issues unless they somehow relate to the Church. So I am writing about this because I believe that it affects Christians and is demonstrative of the judgment of God on a nation that has abandoned a Christian...
Tennessee State Rep Says Jesus Was Lynched for Supporting the LGBT Community on Good Friday
There was a man named Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, who was born of the Virgin Mary in the city of Bethlehem, as it is written: "Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given" (Isaiah 9:6). He was called Emmanuel, which means "God with us" (Matthew 1:23), and...
Hundreds of Women “Pastors” Sign Petition Urging The SBC to Accept Women Pastors
A gaggle of religious feminists has drafted an open petition, calling upon the Southern Baptist Convention to adopt a policy that allows women to assume leadership roles, particularly the office of the pastorate in the church, rebelling against God's clearly stated...
Former Homosexual Faces Serious Prison Time for Sharing Conversion Testimony in Malta
In Malta, a nation at the forefront of LGBTQ+ rights, the consequences of the Affirmation of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression Act has sparked an intense debate surrounding freedom of expression and religious persecution. Matthew Grech, a...
Ed Stetzer’s 2018 Political Hit Piece Against Paige Patterson Proven Completely False in Court
In June 2019, a lawsuit was filed against Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) and its former leader, Paige Patterson, by an unnamed plaintiff known as Roe. She alleged multiple incidents of sexual assault committed against her by a former seminary...
Oregon Denies Christian Woman Right to Adopt Children Because She Won’t Celebrate LGBTQ
If you think the LGBTQ mafia isn’t out to destroy your family because of your faith, guess again. Jessica Bates, a Christian woman and mother of five, has filed a lawsuit against the Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) after being denied the opportunity to adopt...
What’s the Difference Between the Pro-Life Movement and Abolitionism?
The debate surrounding abortion has been ongoing for decades, with both sides fiercely advocating for their beliefs. And while the pro-life movement claims to have made significant strides in the past, abortion abolitionists believe that their approach is not enough...
Why Do So Many Pastors Have a Flawed Understanding of the Purpose of the Church?
Okay, so you walk into the typical church down the street on a Sunday morning, your heart full of anticipation to worship God, serve fellow believers, and be spiritually nourished. But instead, you find yourself subjected to a diluted sermon that is more focused on...
False Teacher of the Day #58: Jonathan Cahn
It is appropriate that we continue to warn Christians about the dangerous teachings of Jonathan Cahn, who positions himself as a modern-day prophet and decoder of biblical mysteries. Despite numerous bold predictions about economic collapses and national disasters,...
The Sydney Stabbing Massacre Demonstrates Why the Second Amendment is Worth Protecting
If you haven't yet seen the news, in the Westfield Bondi Junction shopping center in Sydney, Australia yesterday, a chilling scene unfolded that left a nation in mourning and the world in shock—or maybe it didn't. A lone assailant, later identified as 40-year-old Joel...
IHOPKC Winding Down, Coming to a Close, According to Leaked Recording of IHOP University President
Despite what Mike Bickle claims, IHOPKC was never a move of God or a work of the Holy Spirit, rather, it was a carefully orchestrated façade, which quickly became a cult, that has finally crumbled under the weight of its own leadership scandals. According to a leaked...
Watch This Ridiculous Tank Stunt At Men’s Conference Where Mark Driscoll Got Kicked Off Stage
Yesterday, we reported that Mark Driscoll was booted from the stage by the conference host, Pastor John Lindell, who interrupted him and told him he was "done." Driscoll was criticizing the conference for having a male stripper perform on a stripper pole while ripping...
Matt Chandler’s Acts 29 Network Requires Members to Agree Not to Criticize the Organization
The infamous Acts 29 Network appears to be crumbling before our eyes. We’ve covered a lot of the ongoing controversies in at Matt Chandler’s Acts 29 church planting network over the years and this organization has been wrought with controversy since its...
Doug Wilson Speaks to Tucker Carlson About “Christian Nationalism”
As the world rages against Christianity from all sides, from the far-left American progressivism to even the ostensibly "Christian" centrists like David French, the movement for some within Christendom to embrace what is being labeled "Christian Nationalism" is...
False Teacher of the Day #57: Jesse Duplantis
In the pantheon of modern prosperity preachers, few people are as brazen or as voraciously money-hungry as Jesse Duplantis. Broadcasting from Destrehan, Louisiana, where he founded Jesse Duplantis Ministries, this charlatan of the highest order has spent over half a...
SBC Megachurch Starts New Sermon Series on “Family” by Worshiping to Popular LGBTQ Anthem by Sister Sledge
David Hughes, the president and CEO of C̶h̶u̶r̶c̶h̶ Goat Farm by the Glades in Coral Springs, Florida, has successfully turned the organization into a highly profitable carnival act. Rather than providing spiritual sustenance through the gospel, Hughes is preoccupied...
Mark Driscoll Kicked Off Stage for Calling Out Male Stripper Dancing on a Pole at Men’s Conference
Let me start with a disclaimer that I do not support or endorse Mark Driscoll in any way. Driscoll was once a prominent figure in the infamous "young, restless, and Reformed" community, known for his edgy, aggressive sermons and punk-inspired worship services.However,...
Popular MAGA Arizona Senate Candidate, Kari Lake, Comes Out as Pro-Choice
These Republican MAGA politicians are becoming harder and harder to defend as the "lesser of evils" when it comes to moral issues. Recently, Trump himself came out as pro-choice on abortion, stating that despite the fact that he played a role in seeing that Roe v....
Joseph Prince Performs Epic Scripture Twisting To Say That Praying in Tongues Heals Our Bodies of Diseases
In the world of extreme charismaticism where the "Health and Wealth gospel" reigns supreme, and where spectacle trumps scripture, notorious false teacher and charismatic self-appointed NAR "apostle," Joseph Prince, claims that speaking and praying in tongues heals our...
Steven Furtick Wears 2 Thousand-Dollar Sweater During Easter Sermon
If there has been a more blatant example of Matthew 19:24 being played out in modern times than the Furtick family, I’ve not seen it. Jesus’s words were clear, “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of...
Social Issues
False Teacher of the Day #58: Jonathan Cahn
It is appropriate that we continue to warn Christians about the dangerous teachings of Jonathan Cahn, who positions himself as a modern-day prophet and decoder of biblical mysteries. Despite numerous bold predictions about economic collapses and national disasters,...
The Sydney Stabbing Massacre Demonstrates Why the Second Amendment is Worth Protecting
If you haven't yet seen the news, in the Westfield Bondi Junction shopping center in Sydney, Australia yesterday, a chilling scene unfolded that left a nation in mourning and the world in shock—or maybe it didn't. A lone assailant, later identified as 40-year-old Joel...
IHOPKC Winding Down, Coming to a Close, According to Leaked Recording of IHOP University President
Despite what Mike Bickle claims, IHOPKC was never a move of God or a work of the Holy Spirit, rather, it was a carefully orchestrated façade, which quickly became a cult, that has finally crumbled under the weight of its own leadership scandals. According to a leaked...
Watch This Ridiculous Tank Stunt At Men’s Conference Where Mark Driscoll Got Kicked Off Stage
Yesterday, we reported that Mark Driscoll was booted from the stage by the conference host, Pastor John Lindell, who interrupted him and told him he was "done." Driscoll was criticizing the conference for having a male stripper perform on a stripper pole while ripping...
Matt Chandler’s Acts 29 Network Requires Members to Agree Not to Criticize the Organization
The infamous Acts 29 Network appears to be crumbling before our eyes. We’ve covered a lot of the ongoing controversies in at Matt Chandler’s Acts 29 church planting network over the years and this organization has been wrought with controversy since its...
Doug Wilson Speaks to Tucker Carlson About “Christian Nationalism”
As the world rages against Christianity from all sides, from the far-left American progressivism to even the ostensibly "Christian" centrists like David French, the movement for some within Christendom to embrace what is being labeled "Christian Nationalism" is...
False Teacher of the Day #57: Jesse Duplantis
In the pantheon of modern prosperity preachers, few people are as brazen or as voraciously money-hungry as Jesse Duplantis. Broadcasting from Destrehan, Louisiana, where he founded Jesse Duplantis Ministries, this charlatan of the highest order has spent over half a...
SBC Megachurch Starts New Sermon Series on “Family” by Worshiping to Popular LGBTQ Anthem by Sister Sledge
David Hughes, the president and CEO of C̶h̶u̶r̶c̶h̶ Goat Farm by the Glades in Coral Springs, Florida, has successfully turned the organization into a highly profitable carnival act. Rather than providing spiritual sustenance through the gospel, Hughes is preoccupied...
Mark Driscoll Kicked Off Stage for Calling Out Male Stripper Dancing on a Pole at Men’s Conference
Let me start with a disclaimer that I do not support or endorse Mark Driscoll in any way. Driscoll was once a prominent figure in the infamous "young, restless, and Reformed" community, known for his edgy, aggressive sermons and punk-inspired worship services.However,...
Popular MAGA Arizona Senate Candidate, Kari Lake, Comes Out as Pro-Choice
These Republican MAGA politicians are becoming harder and harder to defend as the "lesser of evils" when it comes to moral issues. Recently, Trump himself came out as pro-choice on abortion, stating that despite the fact that he played a role in seeing that Roe v....
Joseph Prince Performs Epic Scripture Twisting To Say That Praying in Tongues Heals Our Bodies of Diseases
In the world of extreme charismaticism where the "Health and Wealth gospel" reigns supreme, and where spectacle trumps scripture, notorious false teacher and charismatic self-appointed NAR "apostle," Joseph Prince, claims that speaking and praying in tongues heals our...
Steven Furtick Wears 2 Thousand-Dollar Sweater During Easter Sermon
If there has been a more blatant example of Matthew 19:24 being played out in modern times than the Furtick family, I’ve not seen it. Jesus’s words were clear, “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of...
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Biden Admin Targets Conservative Christian Family for Deportation While Ignoring Millions of Illegals
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Bethel Pastor Says You Can Dictate What the Devil Does and What God Does Through Prayer and Prophecy
Frankly, Bethel Church in Redding California is no church at all. It is a blasphemous, idolatrous organization ran by gospel-distorting men and women who do nothing more than lead people right into the hands of the enemy. From its faux signs and wonders to its rank...
Female Pastor From Ministry Promoted by NOBTS Compares “White Christianity” to “Easy Mac”
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SBC President Unites With God-hating Pro-LGBTQ Pro-Abortion Feminist to Battle Christian Nationalism
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Texas Church Holds Blessing Service for Drag Queens, Prayers of Repentance and Pledges of Allyship
We've reported in the past, numerous times, about cHurChEs being coopted by the LGBTQ mafia and turned into grinding hubs for drag queens. The phenomenon isn't unexpected as historically, these perverts have always been pervasive in society. But what is stunning about...
Christian Nationalism, G3, and the Church’s Duty to be Salt and Light
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“Gay Married” Speaker Strikes Back at Al Mohler for Criticizing Andy Stanley’s Queer Conference
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New Poll: Only 84 Percent of Protestants Identify as Straight
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Lecrae Says Christianity is a Hotbed for Homophobia, But Real Christianity Isn’t Like That
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Male Student Crowned “Homecoming Queen” at Kansas City High School
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Paw Patrol Goes Woke, Introduces “Non-Binary Transgender” Character in New Episode
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“Apologetics Rapper” Accused of Selling Bleach Tablets to Treat Autism
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The Pervasive Cancer of “White Guilt” In the Evangelical Church
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Donald Trump Advocates for Abortion, Says He Will Bring Peace By Compromising
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Snares of the Modern Church – Part XIV: Part Spiritual Complacency, When Comfort Trumps Conviction
In Part XIV of our series on the Snares of the Modern Church, we're pulling the curtains back on perhaps the most dangerous trap of all: spiritual complacency. This deceptive entrapment is particularly sinister because it's not always glaringly obvious—it creeps in...
During “Worship Service,” SBC Megachurch Raves to LGBTQ Activist’s Song
David Hughes, the president and CEO of C̶h̶u̶r̶c̶h̶ Goat Farm by the Glades in Coral Springs, Florida, has successfully turned the organization into a highly profitable carnival act. Rather than providing spiritual sustenance through the gospel, Hughes is preoccupied...
Four Years After His Wife Passes From Cancer, Tony Evans Announces Engagement
In an announcement on Sunday, September 10, 2023, Dr. Tony Evans, founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas, and a highly influential figure in American Evangelicalism, shared news of his engagement. Dr. Evans told his congregation, "God...
Pastor Says Kids With Autism Are Demon-Possessed
Pastor Rick Morrow of Beulah Church in Richland, MO, in a recently uncovered video clip, says that physical infirmities like autism are caused by demonic influences and can be remedied by casting the demon out. "Well, my God doesn't make junk," he claims, presenting a...
Unspoken Compromise: The Inconvenient Truth About the Modern Pro-Life Movement
In the contemporary American pro-life movement, there's an elephant in the room that's too significant to ignore yet astonishingly remains largely unaddressed. The urgent question beckoning from the shadows is this: Does the pro-life movement genuinely resonate with...
State Baptist Leaders Challenge NAMB’s Legal Tactics as Undermining Baptist Autonomy
A coalition of regional Baptist Executive Directors across several states has sent a strongly-worded petition to the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). The letter raises serious concerns about the North American Mission Board (NAMB) and its...
ERLC Elects Man Who Calls Trump Voters “Whores” to Serve as Chairman of the Board
Nashville, TN - September 13, 2023 — In a unanimous but unsurprising decision that marks a significant turning point for the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), Kevin Smith, former vice chair of the board, has now been elected as the new chairperson of the Ethics and...
How the Contemporary Church Has Eroded and Perverted True Worship of the Living God
When we take a look at biblical history, we find a pattern of worship that couldn't be more distant from what we see in most modern churches today. Ancient Israel, a people set apart by God, given was meticulous laws and guidelines on how to worship the Creator of...
Greg Locke Tapes Bible to a Baseball Bat and Smashes Barbie Dreamhouse During Sermon Illustration
Greg Locke is a wild, wild dude. I've watched him over the years move from a relatively sane, conservative low-key pastor to something that is completely off the rails over a period of about ten years. Prior to his divorce, Locke was a fairly conservative, but a...
Veggie Tales Creator Releases Series for Woke Apostate Celebrities To Explain Why They’re “Still Christians”
When I first saw the trailer to this upcoming series, I thought it was a parody. I thought it was going to be some kind of satirical sitcom making fun of “ex-vangelicals” who have deconstructed into complete apostasy. The fact of the matter, though, is that this is...