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Worship Pastor at JD Greear’s Summit Church Says Having Sex Before Marriage Was Good, Helpful

by | Oct 5, 2023 | Apostasy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Opinion, Racialism, Religion, Social Justice, Social-Issues, Video | 0 comments

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Former SBC president, JD Greear, has been under fire on social media in recent days after a video surfaced of him advocating for his church’s diversity/equity/inclusion (DEI) program. But what exactly is the result of that program? Apparently, this.

You may remember during the COVID/BLM scandal a few years ago, Greear’s Summit Church was involved in an anti-police march in North Carolina alongside militant Black Lives Matter groups. The march was led by one of Greear’s co-pastors, the worship pastor, Michael Georges Jr.

Screenshot of Georges’ Twitter Account on 10/5/2023

Georges, who refers to himself as the “Black King,” has been an advocate for the Black Lives Matter movement — which is heavily involved in anti-American terrorism — and even wears the organization’s official gear. While chanting their Marxist slogans, Georges, with the blessing of Greear, has led his church neck-deep into the social gospel.

In addition to promoting the pro-homosexual, pro-abortion, anti-family, anti-police, anti-Christian Black Lives Matter movement, Georges also praised the LGBTQ community for taking the lead in what he refers to as a “civil rights movement.” A quick perusal of Georges’ Twitter account will reveal that Georges’ allegience isn’t to God or the Scriptures, it’s to his movement — and he cloaks it in Christian-speak.

“Hard Pill & Fact:” Georges wrote in a now-deleted tweet on Twitter, “The Sports & LGBTQ Communities Are Leading Out This Civil Rights Movement WAYYYYYY MORE THAN THE CHURCH!!!!! And If You Believe Otherwise, You Are Sadly In Denial Beloved!!! I Sincerely Applaud Them!!!”

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It wasn’t his first time, either. His identification with anti-Christian rebellers against God date back to at least early 2019.

And he also apparently agrees with militant pro-gay black activists that you “can’t be pro-black and anti-LGBTQ.”

Now, in a recently surfaced interview, Georges is asked if he thought having sex before marriage was good or bad.

“Now my personal opinion was I think it was good um because I definitely um in my my first state music I was testing the waters before I jumped all the way in,” Georges said. He then went into a justification of his behaviors based on his upbringing and his relationships with other people before marriage. Then, he concluded with “I’m just saying but um I think um I think if anything it helped both of us be like I mean we know what we’re getting into you know we knew what we was getting into from a physical standpoint um and our attraction you know with each other you know I mean to this day”


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