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Employee Gives Tour of Megachurch: You Can, Like, Drop Your Kids Off Here and Enjoy Church

by | Sep 28, 2023 | Apostasy, News, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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For years, I’ve vociferously criticized the megachurch movement for its lack of concern for the gospel while morphing into venues more akin to circuses and entertainment hubs than houses of God. In fact, most of these megachurches are an appalling departure from the biblical duty of the church—to preach the Word, uphold the truths, and feed Christ’s sheep. Instead, it chooses to pacify the masses with watered-down messages and theatrical spectacles. In the words of the great Charles Spurgeon, “The devil has seldom done a cleverer thing than hinting to the church that part of their mission is to provide entertainment for the people, with a view to winning them.”

At Longhollow Church in Hendersonville, TN, we see a demonstration of exactly this attitude toward church—an entertainment session designed to make people comfortable by offering amenities akin to a stay at a luxury hotel in Las Vegas. Flailing around like a fairy in a kid’s movie, an employee gives us a tour of Longhollow, demonstrating the church’s obsession with comfort and relaxation:

“So this is like our kids area,” she says. “I’m gonna show you guys the theater, kind of dark in here right now because it’s the weekday. But like here’s the airplane and then the stage… have two other theaters for different grades.

“So on a Sunday morning, you would like drop your kids off here and then you get to go enjoy church So this is the main foyer,” she continued. Because, that’s what church is all about—dumping off your kids to some unqualified babysitter for a couple hours while you go “enjoy church.”

Watch the full clip below:

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