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Popular MAGA Arizona Senate Candidate, Kari Lake, Comes Out as Pro-Choice

by | Apr 12, 2024 | Abortion, News, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, US, Video

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These Republican MAGA politicians are becoming harder and harder to defend as the “lesser of evils” when it comes to moral issues. Recently, Trump himself came out as pro-choice on abortion, stating that despite the fact that he played a role in seeing that Roe v. Wade was overturned, he still believes that the states have the right to “choose” whether or not to allow abortion rather than passing federal laws to ban the systematic murder of unborn children.

Similarly, a Popular MAGA Republican Senatorial candidate from Arizona, Kari Lake, recently released a video stating the she, too, is pro-choice.

Let’s not mince words. These politicians speak out of both sides of their mouths all the time—and, unfortunately, the so-called “conservatives” are not immune to this wicked behavior. While leftists hate politicians like Trump and Lake because they claim they’re too far to the right, or “right wing extremists,” the reality is that they are hard for Christians to defend because they simply aren’t conservative enough. In an effort to “win elections,” they are abandoning their actual conservative base by compromising on abortion and the LGBTQ movement.

In this clip, Lake explains how she “personally chose life,” but doesn’t believe that abortion should be banned and that every woman should be forced to make the same decision that she did. The clowns need to stop calling themselves pro-life, because the very definition of “pro-choice” is believing that people should be able to choose whether or not they kill their child.

And that’s wicked and unacceptable, and conservatives need to hold these compromising politicians accountable. I hope you are seeing where the mainstream “pro-life” movement and incrementalist ideology have led this nation’s collective morality.

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