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The De-Education of America and the Resulting Judgment of God

The De-Education of America and the Resulting Judgment of God

The state of our nation, fraught with moral decay, political anarchy, and social unrest, is a painful reminder that ideas have consequences. Far from being an overnight phenomenon, this quagmire has been years in the making, fertilized by the seeds of godless...

Untwisting the Bible, Part III: “Let Go and Let God”

Untwisting the Bible, Part III: “Let Go and Let God”

Okay, so this one isn't actually in the Bible. But since a disturbing number of professing believers think it is, we'll cover it anyway. The well-worn mantra, "Let go and let God"—a phrase often parroted in church Sunday School classes, book clubs, and social media...

What is God’s Purpose in Allowing False Teachers to Flourish?

What is God’s Purpose in Allowing False Teachers to Flourish?

Have you ever slummed through a sermon by a preacher like Steven Furtick or Andy Stanley? Have you ever really just sat and listened to them preach. It's easy to be drawn in to the charismatic mood changing, emotionally-driven style of speech or worship. They quote...

Untwisting the Bible, Part I: Jeremiah 29:11

Untwisting the Bible, Part I: Jeremiah 29:11

Welcome to Part I of our brand-new series, "Untwisting the Bible." Today, we're examining a text so frequently misused that it's virtually become a spiritual cliché: Jeremiah 29:11. It's recited by valedictorians at graduation ceremonies, inscribed in ornate fonts on...

Andy Stanley Isn’t the Problem, He’s Only a Massive Symptom

Andy Stanley Isn’t the Problem, He’s Only a Massive Symptom

The recent revelations about Andy Stanley's gay-affirming theology come as no surprise to those who have watched the North Point pastor's descent into heresy over the past decade. While not surprising, they do confirm unequivocally Stanley's position and intent to...

The Presence of God is a Dangerous Place to Be for Sinners

The Presence of God is a Dangerous Place to Be for Sinners

"The God that holds you over the pit of hell, much as one holds a spider, or some loathsome insect over the fire, abhors you, and is dreadfully provoked: his wrath towards you burns like fire; he looks upon you as worthy of nothing else, but to be cast into the fire."...

What Would You Do If This Were Your Daughter?

What Would You Do If This Were Your Daughter?

A disturbing video has emerged showing a biological male student, dressed as a female, viciously attacking an actual girl. This alarming incident demands an urgent response from Christian parents: what would you do if this was your daughter? This is not an isolated...

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Is Anyone Righteous, Even One? What Does the Bible Say?

Is Anyone Righteous, Even One? What Does the Bible Say?

Romans 3:10 states, "As it is written: 'There is no one righteous, not even one.'" To understand this verse, we must first consider the broader context of the book of Romans as a whole. Written by the Apostle Paul, the New Testament book of Romans is widely regarded...

Who Were the Baptist Dissenters and What is Dissension All About?

Who Were the Baptist Dissenters and What is Dissension All About?

In the seventeenth century, England was undergoing a religious upheaval, marked by the rise of the Puritan movement and the efforts of the Anglican Church to maintain its control over religious life in the country. The conflict between these two forces eventually led...

Why Do Woke Feminists Hate John MacArthur So Much?

Why Do Woke Feminists Hate John MacArthur So Much?

"There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies,...

David French is an Insufferable, Pathetic, Delusional Clown

David French is an Insufferable, Pathetic, Delusional Clown

It's becoming increasingly easy to separate the sheep from the goats as we watch the religious, cultural, and political climate become increasingly divisive. David French, a religious leftist who devotes his life to standing against conservative Christianity in the...

What Exactly is Saving Faith and How do We Know We Have It?

What Exactly is Saving Faith and How do We Know We Have It?

As Christians living in a world that is hostile to God, we face a barrage of challenges to our faith every day. These attacks come in the form of anti-Creation propaganda, such as evolution and theories about the origins of the universe, as well as an all-out assault...

Not Even Aristotle and Plato Could Truly Defend Slavery

Not Even Aristotle and Plato Could Truly Defend Slavery

It is with an extremely heavy heart that I must announce that Dr. Don Boys, a good friend and an occasional contributor to this publication has passed away at 88. I always enjoyed his provocative, pointed, and controversial writing even when I didn’t fully agree with...

Pray for Jimmy Carter’s Repentance Before He Passes

Pray for Jimmy Carter’s Repentance Before He Passes

Former President, Jimmy Carter, 98, recently went into hospice care as he opted to no longer receive any medical care as the aging president inches closer to his last day. "After a series of short hospital stays, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter today decided to...

Asbury Prayer Event Funded by Same Group that Funds “He Gets Us”

Asbury Prayer Event Funded by Same Group that Funds “He Gets Us”

"When it walks like a duck..." Well, you know the rest. You're probably aware of the He Gets Us Jesus propaganda campaign that has been pushed heavily by Ed Stetzer and other moderate-left Evangelicals. He Gets Us is essentially a public relations campaign for Jesus...

All Inhabitants of the Earth Will Worship the Beast

All Inhabitants of the Earth Will Worship the Beast

As we look around the world today, particularly around the Evangelical landscape, it is clear that we are living in a time of increasing confusion and spiritual deception. Mass deception and delusion is on the rise as people are being led astray by false teachings,...


Snares of the Modern Church – Part VIII: Cultural Appeasement

Snares of the Modern Church – Part VIII: Cultural Appeasement

In Part VII of our series on the Snares of the Modern Church, we delved into the pitfalls of "Cultural Relevance," where the church, in its quest to be relatable, risks compromising core beliefs. Now, in Part VIII, we navigate the treacherous waters of "Cultural...

Wicked America in Scripture

Wicked America in Scripture

"Your prophets have seen for you false and deceptive visions; they have not exposed your iniquity to restore your fortunes, but have seen for you oracles that are false and misleading." - Lamentations 2:14  As I read this verse again recently, I was struck...


Why is Matt Chandler Posing in a Girly Pink Sweater?

Why is Matt Chandler Posing in a Girly Pink Sweater?

There is something to said about the degradation of our modern culture. I've always argued that wokeness and effeminacy go hand-in-hand. And not that I want to be, but that argument continues to be proven right, especially in the Church. Once you give up objective...

Why We Follow False Prophets: False Prophets are Masters of Disguise

Why We Follow False Prophets: False Prophets are Masters of Disguise

by Tom Hill You’ve seen them. They appear everywhere promoting the latest health solution, money-making plan, or the “newest scoop” on popular people, complete with anonymous sources. These flim flam artists fool multitudes of gullible folks every day. Which one just...

Social Issues

Why is Matt Chandler Posing in a Girly Pink Sweater?

Why is Matt Chandler Posing in a Girly Pink Sweater?

There is something to said about the degradation of our modern culture. I've always argued that wokeness and effeminacy go hand-in-hand. And not that I want to be, but that argument continues to be proven right, especially in the Church. Once you give up objective...

Why We Follow False Prophets: False Prophets are Masters of Disguise

Why We Follow False Prophets: False Prophets are Masters of Disguise

by Tom Hill You’ve seen them. They appear everywhere promoting the latest health solution, money-making plan, or the “newest scoop” on popular people, complete with anonymous sources. These flim flam artists fool multitudes of gullible folks every day. Which one just...

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More Headlines

Debunking the Myths: How Continuationists Misrepresent Cessationism

Debunking the Myths: How Continuationists Misrepresent Cessationism

Criticism of the doctrine of cessationism is hardly a novel phenomenon coming from the charismatic wing of professing Christendom. Yet in recent years, a concerning shift has become increasingly evident. Hostility towards this doctrine has intensified, crossing the...

Timothy Keller: Turning Believers Into Unbelievers?

Timothy Keller: Turning Believers Into Unbelievers?

“…when the Son (Jesus) cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18.8)Jesus never accepted unbelief! He challenged His own to believe fully; indeed, He often rebuked His disciples for their unbelief: their fear in the storm on the Sea (1); Peter sinking as he...

New Poll: Only 84 Percent of Protestants Identify as Straight

New Poll: Only 84 Percent of Protestants Identify as Straight

What a golden age we live in, where even those who lay claim to the name of Christ, pretending to uphold the pillars of the Christian faith toss those very pillars aside like yesterday's trash. Clearly, or queerly, I should say, the future of the world is, well,...

The Pervasive Cancer of “White Guilt” In the Evangelical Church

The Pervasive Cancer of “White Guilt” In the Evangelical Church

"White guilt," you've heard of it. You've read it in the headlines. And you may know people who suffer from it. But what is it? Is it a mental disorder? Is it some other kind of ailment? Or is it sin? The term "white guilt" is far from innocuous—it is a calculated...

Pastor Says Kids With Autism Are Demon-Possessed

Pastor Says Kids With Autism Are Demon-Possessed

Pastor Rick Morrow of Beulah Church in Richland, MO, in a recently uncovered video clip, says that physical infirmities like autism are caused by demonic influences and can be remedied by casting the demon out. "Well, my God doesn't make junk," he claims, presenting a...