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Asbury Prayer Event Funded by Same Group that Funds “He Gets Us”

by | Feb 27, 2023 | News, Opinion, Religion, Social-Issues | 0 comments

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“When it walks like a duck…” Well, you know the rest. You’re probably aware of the He Gets Us Jesus propaganda campaign that has been pushed heavily by Ed Stetzer and other moderate-left Evangelicals. He Gets Us is essentially a public relations campaign for Jesus making him out to be a big-time social justice warrior who identifies with all of the leftist social causes as a way to make him attractive to leftists.

It turns out that his campaign was heavily funded by a group called The Signatry. The Signatry is essentially a money-funneling organization that is designed to create a smokescreen between donors and so-called Christian charities.

As we’ve watched over the past three weeks during the Asbury “revival,” we’ve noticed quite a few interesting facts. One interesting detail is that it concluded on February 23—the Collegiate Day of Prayer.

Originally, as we reported, Francis Chan and Rick Warren were slated to simulcast live from the Asbury University campus on February 23, but after the students at the school hyped the event up as a “nameless revival” which was “student-led” and didn’t promote any “celebrity speakers,” Chan, Warren, and others who were to appear as “special guests” ultimately did not show. (We have reached out to Asbury for comment and will report when we know more.)

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Despite the fact that Chan and Warren didn’t appear as promised, Asbury’s conclusion of the “revival” with the Collegiate Day of Prayer still took place.

So what is the Collegiate Day of Prayer? According to its website, it is to promote “united prayer” for college students around the nation. “According to Matthew 18:18-20,” the website reads, “the greater the number united in faith and prayer, the easier the battle for this generation can be won. Just as a team of horses can move a heavy load faster and easier together, so our greatest barriers can be better overcome through united prayer.”

The organization is governed by leaders from several leftist social justice organizations including CRU (Campus Crusade), Passion Conferences, the Luke 18 Project, and IHOPKC. But the Collegiate Day of Prayer is actually a creation of a registered charity called Student Churches. According to its 990, Student Churches “continued it’s partnering initiative with several US college ministries to mobilize the Collegiate Day of Prayer, which mobilizes an annual national day of prayer for college campuses, uniting ministries and individuals in all 50 U.S. States to pray for college campuses.”

Student Churches is chaired by a man named Erik Fish. Erik Fish teaches that one does not need to repent of homosexuality when they come to Christ and that one can continue living in homosexuality after they came to Christ and that God may change them after they decided to follow Jesus.

It turns out that Student Churches is also funded in large part by The Signatry, the same organization providing funding to the He Gets Us campaign. According to Student Churches’ most recent publicly available 990, the charity reported $166,371 in total income through contributions, gifts, and grants of which it paid out $95,446, roughly 57 percent, in wages and benefits to its chairman, Erik Fish. And according to Cause IQ, a huge portion of it comes from three top donors, including The Signatry, which paid over 21 thousand,

When you start to grasp the big picture, and see the big money, behind these movements and see how they’re all interconnected, one then has to ask: are these really movements of the Holy Spirit?

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