Continuing our series on the pantheon of modern church snares, the phenomenon known as the "Seeker Sensitive Movement" merits particular attention. Born out of a desire for rapid church growth in the late 20th century, this unbiblical methodology puts the focus...
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3 Months Ago, This Literal Clown Was “Delivered From Demons,” Now He’s Becoming a Pastor?
Richie, the clown barber, is a gimmicky character that combines the worlds of circus entertainment and haircare. While some may find his act amusing or engaging, the whole concept trivializes the craft of barbering. It's essentially a sideshow novelty. But three...
C3 Church Cult Leader Releases a Manual for Interaction With Him Nearly Naming Himself as God
The newest trend in modern Evangelical megachurches is to set the lead pastor up as the primary visionary to which the rest of the church must conform without question. We've seen this evident in many of these megachurches from Hillsong to Elevation. In 2015, In a...
Debunking Leftist Myths About Jesus – Part III: Jesus Was a Universalist
In this ongoing series, we continue to strip away the veneer of faux spirituality to expose the rotting core of myths that have led many astray in their understanding of Christ and His teachings. These fabrications are not harmless misunderstandings—they are perverse...
Maryland Judge Rules Parents Cannot Opt Their Children Out of LGBTQ Curriculum
In a shocking but not shocking move, a Maryland district court judge has turned a blind eye to the plea of concerned parents, allowing a new policy that sidelines them from their children's education on LGBTQ issues. Conservative and Christian parents have come...
Southern Baptist Megachurch Invites Lady-Pastor to Preach Sermon on Sunday Morning
If you've been involved at all in Southern Baptist life over the past few years, you're probably aware by now of the growing controversy surrounding women pastors and preachers. With an increasing number of Southern Baptist churches calling women to preach and to...
Debunking Leftist Myths About Jesus – Part II: Jesus Was a Political Rebel
The many ways that some movements have perverted the history and theology of Christ is a phenomenon that has perplexed many of us throughout history. At its root, this twisting of biblical truth typically stems from a desire to justify personal ideologies and...
Russell Moore’s Church-Teaching Partner Says New Age Breathing Techniques Originate in Jesus
A few months ago, I published a video on Twitter of a man named Curtis Chang who made the asinine argument that getting the COVID vaXX was just like Jesus saving people—the vaccine "redeemed an abortion" the same way Jesus redeems sinners. That was literally his...
Debunking Leftist Myths About Jesus – Part I: Jesus Advocated Wealth Redistribution
In a world awash with the deceptive allure of secular progressivism, a sinister myth has crept into the hearts of many, even within the sacred confines of the Church. It's the poisoned idea that Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Savior of humanity, was an advocate for...
Notorious False Teacher, Benny Hinn, to Join Lou Engle for Pursuit Conference
Benny Hinn is unequivocally a false teacher, a purveyor of doctrines that grossly contradict the inerrant Word of God as revealed in the Bible. His teachings, soaked in the charismatic soup of the prosperity gospel, are a plague on true Christianity, twisting the...
Snares of the Modern Church – Part X: Self-Importance (God Needs Us)
In our continuing examination of the snares afflicting the modern church, we have delved into various traps such as superficial unity, cultural appeasement, and the distortion of biblical convictions. As we arrive at Part X of this critical series, we uncover yet...
New Southern Baptist CEO’s Wife is a Pastor at a Church in a Pro-LGBTQ Denomination
In a move that has raised eyebrows within the denomination, Southern Baptist podcaster and Executive Committee member, Jonathan Howe has been appointed as the interim president and CEO of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) Executive Committee, following the sudden...
Apostasy of the Modern Church and the Immutable Righteousness of God
In an era marked by uncertainty and a drift away from biblical truth, the warnings and judgments found in the pages of Scripture serve as grave reminders to us. These historical accounts are not merely tales of a bygone era but resounding calls to fidelity and...
The Real King Jesus vs The Modern False Jesus
The world today is flooded with distorted depictions and representations of Jesus Christ. In a quest for relevancy and appeal, modern culture, and even most modern churches, have twisted the figure of Jesus into something more palatable, more in line with human...
Snares of the Modern Church – Part IX: Superficial Unity
In the fascinating journey through the snares that entangle the modern church, the lure of "Cultural Appeasement" in Part VIII highlighted the ways in which church leaders and congregations can be ensnared by the desire to satisfy worldly desires. Now, we turn our...
Why Full Belief in the Whole Bible is an Essential Doctrine of the Christian Faith
An unsettling trend of disregard for biblical inerrancy and authority has swept through the modern church, ushering in an era of half-hearted fidelity to the Word of God. Popular false teachers like Andy Stanley, who spends the majority of his time belittling the...
SBC-Backed Organization Puts Out Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Propaganda Video
Over the past two years, the so-called "woke church" movement appeared to be losing steam as its obsession with social justice and identity politics began losing favor with many of the laypeople who are committed to sound biblical doctrine and waking up to the...
Mark Dever Releases Video Pleading With People to Register for Conference Or It Will Be Canceled
9Marks, better known as 9Marx, is an Evangelical Marxist organization founded by Southern Baptist pastor, Mark Dever and its sole purpose is to convert Evangelicals into social justice activists and, primarily, Democrat voters. 9Marks is responsible for advancing the...
Pastor at Transformation Church Defends Dropping F-Bombs, Says Holy Spirit Has Never Convicted Him of Cussing
In the sphere of what some call "pastoral leadership," Mike Todd, the "pastor" of Transformation Church has shamelessly gained recognition through shenanigans that are nothing short of disgraceful and offensive. Over the past few years, he degraded the act of tithing...
Christianity Today Says Barbie and Taylor Swift Are Bringing Christians Together
Christianity Today has truly outdone itself by stringing together the so-called "epic trifecta" of Greta Gerwig's Barbie, Beyoncé's Renaissance Tour, and Taylor Swift's Eras Tour into a fanciful tale of cultural enlightenment. If we are to believe this narrative,...
5 Ways to Tell if Your Church’s Worship Music is Man-Centered
In the modern age, it's not uncommon to find churches falling into a pattern of cheesy, shallow worship music. The superficiality of these songs often reveals much about the theology in the church itself. When a church preaches and a congregation subscribes to shallow...
Alex Jones Praises Transvestite and Tells Him That God is Working Through “Her”
Alex Jones has definitely gone off the deep end, and it's for different reasons than most leftists would have you believe. There was once a time when I was caught up in the hype of Jones and his takes. Jones is known for his provocative takes on conspiracy theories,...
Hypocrite Pastors Who Complain About Trump, But Refuse to Complain About Democrats
One of my favorite follows on Twitter is Woke Preacher Clips (WPC). I'm the kind of person who is *mildly* entertained by the mass amounts of stupidity plaguing our world, but at the same time, I grieve over it in the hopes that God will open the eyes of some of these...
TGC: Instead of Owning Guns, Defend Others by Standing in Front of Bullets and Tanks for Them
In a recent conversation with The Gospel Coalition (TGC) in it’s “Good Faith Debates” series, TGC Contributor, Andrew Wilson argued his views on self-defense, gun control, and biblical mandates regarding turning the other cheek. His argument can be generously...
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Voting for Child Killers is Not a Matter of Conscience, It’s Sin That Must Be Repented of
Since the Supreme Court's decision to strike down Roe earlier this year, Evangelical leftists have come out of the woodwork exposing themselves showing just how aligned they are with the godless policies of the left. Prior to the decision, Evangelicals would justify...
The Rebellious Woman and the Destruction of Society
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not placing the blame for the destruction of our society squarely on woman’s shoulders. After all, God held Adam accountable for Eve’s rebellion, did he not? However, there is a trend in society, and we see it taking place in the Church as...
Abortion is “Christian” America’s Covenant With Death
In his book, Abortion Violation, author Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas cites Proverbs 8:36, in which the personification of Wisdom says, "All who hate me love death." In application, Thomas tells us, "[T]he rejection of God's wisdom leads selfish, autonomous men to love and...
Kansas City Pastor Screams at Congregation “Broke, Busted, Disgusted,” for Not Giving Him Enough Money to Buy Watch
Carlton Funderburke, the senior pastor at Church at the Well, recently preached a sermon calling his congregation "broke, busted, and disgusted," because they didn't give him enough money to buy a watch he wanted to buy. The Prosperity Gospel–also known as “Health and...
Historically Black Baptist Church to Host Charlotte Gay Pride “Interfaith Service”
One of the most popular trending hashtags on social media in the LGBTQ scene is #faithfullyLGBT. A quick search of that on Twitter turns up monumental results of those who claim to be Christian while still practicing homosexuality. And often, they claim that they have...
Charismatic False Prophets Like to Twist the “Touch Not My Anointed” Passages to Suit Their Own Passions
One of the most misused verses in Scripture is Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." The verse is rampant in the sports industry and misquoted by athletes who want to apply the verse to their phenomenal ability to play sports. But...
Woke Pastor Leads “Prayer for Repentance” For “Homophobic”, God’s Warning Against Tolerating Him
Charles Spurgeon famously said that there would come a time when churches would have clowns entertaining goats rather than pastors feeding sheep. That time has come and gone and now, the vast majority of those calling themselves pastors are just feeding everyone...
No Court, Legislature, or President Has a Right to Decide on Perversion—Let Alone Approve it!
I realize this issue is debatable, delicate, and as dangerous as an attempt to shave a bobcat in a phone booth. Millennials should do their research about phone booths. Same-sex “marriage” was wrong yesterday, today, and tomorrow regardless of what any court,...
False Teacher of the Day #51: Andrew Wommack
Andrew Wommack is a popular Word of Faith teacher and televangelist who twists the Word of God, teaching false doctrines such as “positive confession” and “seed sowing.” Wommack is the founder and CEO of Andrew Wommack Ministries and Charis Bible College. Wommack is a...
Polemics’ Threefold Display Of Love
For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.1 John 3:11 Christians are commanded to love one another. This command permeates through all of life and every facet of ministry. Paul commands the Corinthians church “Let...
Crisis: When did Timothy Keller actually mock authentic Christian belief?
by Tom Hill Timothy Keller: Turning Believers Into Unbelievers? “…when the Son (Jesus) cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18.8) Jesus never accepted unbelief! He challenged His own to believe fully; indeed, He often rebuked His disciples for their...
Call Upon the Name of the Lord and You Will Be Saved
Too often, many have attempted to trivialize the gospel into something less than what it is. For some, the gospel is universal—Christ died to save all and there is nothing more to it. For others, the gospel is that Jesus came to exemplify a "good life" we must live to...
Are You Using Your Precious Gift of Time Wisely?
Next to your soul, time is the most precious thing you have. Wasting it is your most extravagant and costly expenditure. There is too much talk of killing time and in doing so, you commit suicide.The future is somewhere everyone arrives at the universal rate of sixty...
The Gospel Coalition Calls on Christians to Affirm Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage
Yesterday, I ran across a post by a Twitter user who alleged that The Gospel Coalition (TGC) is now endorsing same-sex marriage. My first reaction was "there's no way." I mean, I've been following TGC for years, I've seen all of the unbiblical worldly stuff they...
Prayer Is an Act of Submission to God’s Will, Not a Means to Change His Mind
Mostly prominent in charismatic circles, people will often claim that prayer moves God, and the more we pray—the more "prayer warriors" we invoke—the more we can move Him. But does prayer actually move God? In one sense, it does. First off, we have to understand that...
False Teacher of the Day #50: Curry Blake
Making #50 on our False Teacher of the Day series is Curry Blake. Curry Blake is the founder of a ministry called Divine Healing Technician Training, or DHHT for short. Blake walks in the footsteps of the South African false prophet and fraud, John G. Lake, and is now...
How to Cause Racial Division in the Church: Details and Examples
There has been much written on racial reconciliation within the Evangelical Church, particularly when it comes to issues of hostility between the left and the right. The amount of work that has been done to try to bring people of color and white people into unity...
False Teacher of the Day #49: Becky Tirabassi
Becky Tirabassi markets herself as a "certified life coach" and is a circuit speaker on topics such as prayer, leadership, addiction, mentoring, and parenting. According to her bio, she speaks to men, women, and youth on a variety of topics traveling to speak in...
Dwight McKissic is Hopelessly Lost Apart From a Miraculous Work of the Holy Spirit
Of course, we're all hopelessly lost apart from a miraculous work of the Holy Spirit, but there are some who claim to know Christ who has demonstrated beyond all doubt that they have not been changed by the blood of Jesus. I ran across a thread by Dwight McKissic, a...
The Moral Devolution of a Nation: Watch Youths Brawl With Cops in NYC Subway as Nobody Steps in to Help
Because this nation has turned its back on Christ, God has clearly removed his hand of restraint and this nation continues to devolve into moral decay. Of course, God is not in covenant with America, He is in covenant with His people, the Church. But the general...
Climate Change? Judgments on the Climate for the Works of Men
"He turns rivers into a desert, springs of water into thirsty ground, a fruitful land into a salty waste, because of the evil of its inhabitants. [However,] He turns a desert into pools of water, a parched land into springs of water. And there He lets the hungry...
After Wife Dies of Cancer, Bethel Pastor Removes Article Questioning Salvation of People Who Aren’t Healed
In case you weren't aware, Beni Johnson, the wife of Bethel Redding's lead pastor, Bill Johnson, passed away last week after a long battle with cancer. Again, I don't mean for this to be insensitive to the people and the families involved—it is always a tragedy when...
Understanding the Role and Purpose of Excommunication According to Scripture
1st Corinthians 5 (NASB)1-It is actually reported that there is immorality among you, and immorality of such a kind as does not exist even among the Gentiles, that someone has his father’s wife. 2-You have become arrogant and have not mourned instead, so that the one...
The Most Telling Indicator of Who is a Sheep and Who is a Goat… Or at Least Who we Should Take Seriously and Who We Shouldn’t
According to the post-modern American church world, the only damnable sin is being too certain of anything and nowhere is this cry louder than when a faithful disciple of Christ calls into question whether somebody is actually a Christian. Of course, this is not as...
Lecrae Says He Hates the Word “Woke” Because It’s Been Co-opted
Lecrae, who is overtly woke and who has abandoned Christianity in favor of social justice and leftist political activism says that he hates the word "woke" because it's been co-opted by politics. Lecrae, who describes himself as a “rapper who happens to be Christian”...
Weird Climate Activist Shaves Her Head During Mass as Act of “Repentance” Toward Climate Change
Christian Climate Action is a shabby organization that advocates for "climate justice" and calls for "peaceful" civil disobedience in response to what they believe is an "urgent threat of climate change." It is a network of professing Christians from different...
UK Street Preacher Convicted of “Misgendering” Man Under Counter-Terrorism “Extreme Views” Law
Wakefield, UK street preacher, David McConnell, was arrested and convicted under the nation's counter-terrorism laws according to reports, and the probation officer that he had been assigned to considered McConnell to be "persistently and illegally taking an extreme...
Tucker Carlson Calls Out Russell Moore For Ignoring Biden Admin’s Attacks on Christianity
Tucker Carlson is on a roll. David French, who calls Drag Queen Story Hour a "blessing of liberty" while attacking conservatives who oppose liberalism in both the Church and society, received a strong warning from Tucker Carlson last night, along with Beth Moore and...
TGC Contributor Defends Library for Throwing Out a Pastor Who Opposed Drag Queen Story Hour
Earlier today, we reported that Fox News anchor, Tucker Carlson called out several Evangelical leaders by name, including Beth Moore, Tim Keller, and David French, after a pastor was violently thrown out of a public library for opposing a drag queen event that...
Tucker Carlson Calls Out Beth Moore, David French, And Tim Keller for Not Opposing Drag Queen Story Hour
I may not agree with everything Tucker says and all of his viewpoints but praise God for putting at least one man in the national media with the guts to say exactly what we small-time Evangelical voices have been saying for years. That is that those people platformed...
Pretend Pastor Says Your Faith is “Too Small” If You Don’t Support Abortion
Speaking at a pro-abortion rally in Minnesota, a pro-choice "pastor" says that if you don't support abortion, your faith is "too small." T. Michael Rock serves as one of the Co-Pastors and Teachers at Robbinsdale Parkway United Church of Christ in Robbinsdale,...
Pray for Jimmy Carter’s Repentance Before He Passes
Former President, Jimmy Carter, 98, recently went into hospice care as he opted to no longer receive any medical care as the aging president inches closer to his last day. "After a series of short hospital stays, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter today decided to...
Bible Answer Man, Hank Hanegraaff, Platforms Open Homosexual to Help “Save the West”
For a man who has dubbed himself the "Bible Answer Man," he sure doesn't strike much when it comes to the Bible. You may remember several years ago, I broke the story wide open that Hank Hanegraaff has departed the Christian faith to join the Greek Orthodox Church....
Major Florida City Passes Law Requiring Business to Use “Preferred Pronouns,” Catholic Store Sues
The Catholic Store, Inc. is currently in the midst of a legal battle with the City of Jacksonville, which has recently passed a public-accommodation law that infringes on the store's religious freedom. The law requires businesses, including religious businesses, to...
Self-Proclaimed Charismatic “Prophet” Declares Demon-Possessed Congress Will Manifest in Front of Everyone
Oh, you know that old adage about how "kids say the darndest things?" Well, so do these charismatic prophets—they are equally as ridiculous, if not more so. These self-proclaimed "prophets" spew out some of the most insane and nonsensical things you've ever heard. You...
SEBTS Lecturer Says Environmentalism is a Non-Optional Part of the Gospel
"Creation Care" has become a buzzword in the religious politically left, particularly among those who have abandoned the gospel in favor of the progressive Woke Church movement. This movement really took off when former Ethics and Religious Liberty head, Russell Moore...
Church Mocks Christ and Crucifies Batman on Stage During Easter Performance
The great preacher Charles Spurgeon once said, “A time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats!” He couldn’t have been more accurate in his prediction, not because he’s a prophet, but because he...
Woman “Pastor” Claims That Names in the Bible Have Been Changed to Hide All the Female Apostles
In a recent “sermon,” false teacher Ashley Wilkerson, the self-described “pastor” of Pacific Coast Church posited an extraordinary claim—that the early church was teeming with female apostles whose names were subsequently altered in Scripture to mask their identities...
Why Having Pronouns in Your Bio Demonstrates Foolishness, Unbiblical Worldview
If you spend any time on social media, as admittedly, I do, then you probably see the constant back and forth between conservatives and those who profess Christ with liberals about having "pronouns in their bio." Names like Matt Walsh come to mind as he typically will...
Prominent Woke Ex-Southern Baptist Pastor and TGC Contributor Rebukes John MacArthur for MLK Comments
You may remember the scuffle in February regarding John MacArthur's comments on Martin Luther King, saying that King was "not a Christian at all." Following his remarks about honoring Dr. R.C. Sproul who had passed away recently and was honored at the T4G Conference,...
Sid Roth Guest While Preaching in Africa Says a Crow in a Tree “Shapeshifted” Into a Man and Fell to the Ground
The Bible tells us that in the last days, deception will not just be a part-time job for the adversary but more like a booming industry, with falsehoods so tailor-made they'd give bespoke tailoring a run for its money. In this era of unprecedented information and...
TGC Directly Promoting Self-Described “Democratic Socialist” Who Claims His Views are Historically Biblical
We at The Dissenter have been warning about The Gospel Coalition (TGC) and its clones like Together for the Gospel (T4G) for years and years upon years ago, we concluded that these organizations were compromised in such a way that they shouldn’t even be called...
Former Southwestern Seminary Head, Adam Greenway, Sues School for $75 Thousand Over Claims of Defamation
Back in 2022, Southern Baptists were surprised by the sudden resignation of Adam Greenway, former president of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS). Greenway, who had long been known for his left-leaning theological views and fierce advocacy for women...
Progressives Pose an Existential Threat to Christians, Being Civil is No Longer an Option
We've repeatedly heard the clarion calls from the progressive Evangelical bridge-builders like David Platt and JD Greear who have tried to persuade civil disagreement between politically progressive and conservatives in the public square. The mantra oft-repeated has...
God’s Judgment Upon the Church
by Tom Hill Bible Text: Isaiah 59:1-2 Mankind rejects the idea of the wrath of God against sin. They say that it does not fit God's character. They distinguish between the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament. The tribal God of the Old Testament...
The Bible is Not a Blueprint for Socialized Welfare, and Those Who Believe It Is Don’t Understand the Gospel
In our modern "American Christianity" religio-political landscape, there's a trendy but wrong-headed chorus echoing from the left. The Bible, they claim, is practically a blueprint for a government-run welfare stystem. With zeal, they point to verses championing the...
Francis Chan, Benny Hinn, and Bill Johnson Will Lead Upcoming False Teacher Conference “Jesus 24” in June
The "Jesus 24" conference, set to unfold from June 6-8 in Orange County, California, with Benny Hinn at the helm and includes speakers like Francis Chan, Christine Caine, and other well-known charlatans. Hosted by Jesus Image—a group frequently in collaboration with...
Artist Canceled From Exhibition Over Christian Views On Sexuality and Gender
In an incident that exhibits the growing tensions between genderqueer theory and objective morality rooted in Christian beliefs in our society, Victoria Culf, a Christian artist in Britain, has initiated legal proceedings against Watford Borough Council. This legal...
Social Issues
Church Mocks Christ and Crucifies Batman on Stage During Easter Performance
The great preacher Charles Spurgeon once said, “A time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats!” He couldn’t have been more accurate in his prediction, not because he’s a prophet, but because he...
Woman “Pastor” Claims That Names in the Bible Have Been Changed to Hide All the Female Apostles
In a recent “sermon,” false teacher Ashley Wilkerson, the self-described “pastor” of Pacific Coast Church posited an extraordinary claim—that the early church was teeming with female apostles whose names were subsequently altered in Scripture to mask their identities...
Why Having Pronouns in Your Bio Demonstrates Foolishness, Unbiblical Worldview
If you spend any time on social media, as admittedly, I do, then you probably see the constant back and forth between conservatives and those who profess Christ with liberals about having "pronouns in their bio." Names like Matt Walsh come to mind as he typically will...
Prominent Woke Ex-Southern Baptist Pastor and TGC Contributor Rebukes John MacArthur for MLK Comments
You may remember the scuffle in February regarding John MacArthur's comments on Martin Luther King, saying that King was "not a Christian at all." Following his remarks about honoring Dr. R.C. Sproul who had passed away recently and was honored at the T4G Conference,...
Sid Roth Guest While Preaching in Africa Says a Crow in a Tree “Shapeshifted” Into a Man and Fell to the Ground
The Bible tells us that in the last days, deception will not just be a part-time job for the adversary but more like a booming industry, with falsehoods so tailor-made they'd give bespoke tailoring a run for its money. In this era of unprecedented information and...
TGC Directly Promoting Self-Described “Democratic Socialist” Who Claims His Views are Historically Biblical
We at The Dissenter have been warning about The Gospel Coalition (TGC) and its clones like Together for the Gospel (T4G) for years and years upon years ago, we concluded that these organizations were compromised in such a way that they shouldn’t even be called...
Former Southwestern Seminary Head, Adam Greenway, Sues School for $75 Thousand Over Claims of Defamation
Back in 2022, Southern Baptists were surprised by the sudden resignation of Adam Greenway, former president of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS). Greenway, who had long been known for his left-leaning theological views and fierce advocacy for women...
Progressives Pose an Existential Threat to Christians, Being Civil is No Longer an Option
We've repeatedly heard the clarion calls from the progressive Evangelical bridge-builders like David Platt and JD Greear who have tried to persuade civil disagreement between politically progressive and conservatives in the public square. The mantra oft-repeated has...
God’s Judgment Upon the Church
by Tom Hill Bible Text: Isaiah 59:1-2 Mankind rejects the idea of the wrath of God against sin. They say that it does not fit God's character. They distinguish between the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament. The tribal God of the Old Testament...
The Bible is Not a Blueprint for Socialized Welfare, and Those Who Believe It Is Don’t Understand the Gospel
In our modern "American Christianity" religio-political landscape, there's a trendy but wrong-headed chorus echoing from the left. The Bible, they claim, is practically a blueprint for a government-run welfare stystem. With zeal, they point to verses championing the...
Francis Chan, Benny Hinn, and Bill Johnson Will Lead Upcoming False Teacher Conference “Jesus 24” in June
The "Jesus 24" conference, set to unfold from June 6-8 in Orange County, California, with Benny Hinn at the helm and includes speakers like Francis Chan, Christine Caine, and other well-known charlatans. Hosted by Jesus Image—a group frequently in collaboration with...
Artist Canceled From Exhibition Over Christian Views On Sexuality and Gender
In an incident that exhibits the growing tensions between genderqueer theory and objective morality rooted in Christian beliefs in our society, Victoria Culf, a Christian artist in Britain, has initiated legal proceedings against Watford Borough Council. This legal...
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Charlatan, Todd White, Says God “Knowing” Us is Like Having “Intercourse”
Todd White is a charlatan of the highest order, masquerading as a preacher and pastor. His supposed “healings” are nothing more than cheap parlor tricks, and his association with known false prophets and heretics should be a red flag to anyone who encounters him. But...
The Chosen Cast Members Say Jesus Was “Flawed” and That He Committed “Transgressions” (Sin)
Anyone who still believes that the popular television show, The Chosen, is a Christian television show is deceiving themselves. While Christians and churches have been entranced by this show for the last several years, many of us have been sounding the alarm...
Snares of the Modern Church – Part VIII: Cultural Appeasement
In Part VII of our series on the Snares of the Modern Church, we delved into the pitfalls of "Cultural Relevance," where the church, in its quest to be relatable, risks compromising core beliefs. Now, in Part VIII, we navigate the treacherous waters of "Cultural...
Eric Metaxas Caught in Barber Shop Praising a “Vampire Lesbians of Sodom” Drag Queen
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Wicked America in Scripture
"Your prophets have seen for you false and deceptive visions; they have not exposed your iniquity to restore your fortunes, but have seen for you oracles that are false and misleading." - Lamentations 2:14 As I read this verse again recently, I was struck...
Russell Moore, David French, Host Event at Queer Church to Complain About How “Evangelicalism Lost Its Way”
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God’s Impending Judgment on the False Churches of the Modern World
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Sorry Church Ladies, Jesus is Not Your Romantic Partner
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Voddie Baucham Schools Ben Shapiro on Apologetics, the Existence of God, and the Scriptures
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TGC Says Barbie Movie Matters Because 10 Percent of Women Leave Church Over Misogyny
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Former LifeWay Exec Finds New Home at Christine Caine’s Church With Women Pastors
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Megachurch Pastor Compares Spiderman/Hollywood Movies to Jesus’s Parables for “Spiritual Truths”
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Wearing Planned Parenthood Stole, Lady-“Pastor” Celebrates Her Abortions From Pulpit
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Biblical Purity in Youth Ministries: Should Youth Groups Welcome Transgender Youth?
In today's rapidly changing cultural landscape, it is becoming even more important for the church to defend our younger generation by teaching and standing firm on the foundational truths of Scripture. One of the most contentious topics of our day is the issue of...
Not Satire: Pastor Builds Bird Nest on Stage and Pretends to Eat Worms in Crazy Sermon Illustration
You may remember a few years ago when Shawn Nepstad, the former pastor of People Church, hauled a dumpster on stage and climbed in it, and began to preach from the dumpster. No, that was not satire, you can see the clip here if you like. But the level of tomfoolery...
JD Greear, Who Twerks to Whitney Houston During Church, Scolds His Church for Treating Service Like an Entertainment Production
The megachurch industrial complex is grappling with a significant dilemma. Often, these churches start small, but are built around a production or personality rather than the gospel itself. It's rare to see a large church that doesn't depend on some form of...
Why We Must Confront False Teachers No Matter How Outlandish and Absurd They Are
In a world feverishly engaged in an unrestrained pursuit of "progress," the demarcation line between secular culture and shallow, cultural Christianity is not merely fading—it is being intentionally obliterated. To be clear, the line between the pagan culture and...
Progressive Social Media Philosopher Unlocks the Real Culprit Behind Christianity’s Woes
"Dr." Kevin M. Young has unlocked a mystery that has baffled theologians for centuries. With the clatter of his keyboard, he has pinpointed the downfall of modern Christianity, and it's nothing so profound as a departure from biblical truth or a failure to preach...
Snares of the Modern Church – Part VII: Cultural Relevance
Every Sunday, across the globe, congregations gather in church buildings, expecting not only to hear the Word of God but often to be entertained. We see the theatrical spectacle of contemporary churches engaging in “culturally relevant” productions, sermon series...
Pastor Teaches About Love From Scripture…No Wait, From Top Gun Movie
There is a welcomed trend of churches arming themselves with the Scriptures to teach important messages about the faith that we should find encouraging. Church after church, pastor after pastor, they're all opening the Scriptures, preaching Christ and Him crucified,...
Snares of the Modern Church – Part VI: False Love
The pages of Scripture are permeated with a resplendent theme: the inestimable and unspeakable love of God. This love cascades through time and eternity, an everlasting torrent of grace and mercy. We are taught even as little children the profound simplicity of love,...
Teen Arrested While Preaching on Public Sidewalk as Drag Queens Do Sex Dances in Front of Children
Anyone who argues that drag shows are "just entertainment" and not sexualized is by definition what God calls those who "justify the wicked" in Proverbs 17:15. The drag cult is a sex cult. The cult of Dionysus was a Greek mystery religion centered around the worship...
Wheaton Professor Teaches Class on Environmental Justice at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
The buzzwords 'stewardship', 'sustainability', and 'creation care' are ringing out from pulpits across the nation. At face value, they sound biblical and commendable. However, once we peel back the layers, we see a different picture—one where biblical truths are...