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Woman “Pastor” Claims That Names in the Bible Have Been Changed to Hide All the Female Apostles

by | Mar 24, 2024 | Apostasy, Cult, Feminism, heresy, News, Opinion, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, Video

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In a recent “sermon,” false teacher Ashley Wilkerson, the self-described “pastor” of Pacific Coast Church posited an extraordinary claim—that the early church was teeming with female apostles whose names were subsequently altered in Scripture to mask their identities and contributions as women. This assertion, while striking, is completely absurd and crumbles under the weight of scriptural fidelity, historical scrutiny, and orthodox understanding.

Firstly, the apostolic office, as delineated in the New Testament, is not a title bestowed lightly. It is marked by direct commissioning by Christ Himself or, as seen in Paul’s case, a clear, divine calling. The primary roles of an apostle included witnessing Christ’s resurrection and teaching with authority conferred by Jesus. To suggest a widespread alteration of Scripture to exclude women from this office is just silly. The office is God-ordained, not humanly manipulated.

Secondly, the historical transmission of the biblical texts does not support Wilkerson’s assertion. The painstaking process of copying manuscripts across centuries was undergirded by a reverence for the Word’s sanctity and an understanding of its divine inspiration. While no historical process is perfect, the suggestion of a deliberate, systematic effort to alter apostolic names and genders lacks both evidence and credibility. The reliability of the scriptural manuscripts, confirmed by countless scholars and textual critics, stands in direct opposition to the idea of such conspiratorial alterations.

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To imply that recognition of women’s roles requires altering scriptural identity is to overlook the profound contributions of women as recorded in the Scriptures themselves. Women like Phoebe and Priscilla were indeed important contributors to the early church’s growth and vibrancy. Their roles as supporters and servants are just as important within the New Testament without the need for alteration or misrepresentation.

Wilkerson’s error lies not in acknowledging the significant contributions of women to the early Christian church but in proposing a narrative of deliberate scriptural alteration that undercuts the integrity of the biblical text and the providence of its preservation. Such claims detract from the unity and truth of the gospel and women such as Wilkerson who pervert the gospel, undermine the integrity of God’s word, and make such outlandish claims should be marked and avoided.

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