Making the news cycle in 2021, you may remember some of the hype surrounding hip-hop artist, Lil Nas' and his conversion to Satanism. Lil Nas not only came out as a flaming homosexual, but also as one who worships the devil as he depicted himself in disgusting sex...
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Group of Pastors Insert Trump Into Peter’s Confession, Praying “The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail Against Him”
In the passage of Peter's Confession, found in Matthew 16:13-20, in response to Jesus' question "who do you say that I am," Peter acknowledges Jesus to be the Christ, the Son of the living God. Jesus responds affirmatively, proclaiming that upon this rock—this...
Bethel Pastor is the Board President of Venue Holding a Drag Queen Christmas Event
Last December, according to a report at Ministry Watch, “Bethel members Tenessa Audette, 45, a first-time candidate, and Jack Munns, 64, who first ran two years ago, will now join Bethel elder Julie Winter on the 5-member council” in Redding, California,...
Little White Lie: Charlatan, Todd White, Says He Hasn’t Lied in 18 Years
Todd White is a charlatan of the highest order, masquerading as a preacher and pastor. His supposed “healings” are nothing more than cheap parlor tricks, and his association with known false prophets and heretics should be a red flag to anyone who encounters him. But...
Remembering These Heretics Who Met Their End and Now Fully Understand the Wrath of God
Scripture is unambiguous in its condemnation of false teaching. The Apostle Peter equates it with heresy and apostasy, and warns of its destructive consequences, "But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will...
Victimhood, Coercion, Even Threats of Death are Not Valid Excuses to Commit Sin Before a Holy God
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Roman Catholic Women’s College to Allow Transvestite Men to Apply and Gain Admission
NOTRE DAME, INDIANA — In an unsurprising deviation from its proclaimed values, Saint Mary's College in Notre Dame, Indiana, under the umbrella of the Roman Catholic Church, has enacted a policy that allows transvestite men to gain admission. This move, slated for...
Book Review: The Lust of the Flesh, by Dr. Jared Moore
In the contemporary evangelical landscape, a profound debate has emerged regarding the nature of sin, especially as it relates to sexuality. This debate centers on a significant shift in how many modern churches perceive and teach about aberrant sexual desires. A...
Christianity Today Blames Declining Church Attendance Among Democrats on……..Trump
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So, Kevin DeYoung’s Church Has Women Pastors Disguised as “Shepherdesses”?
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Unreal: SBC Megachurch’s Multi-Million Dollar Man-Pleasing Aesthetics Upgrade
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“Baptist” Church to Host Drag Queen for Concert Night
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Proof That Preston Sprinkle is a Lying, Deceptive Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
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Another “Trans,” Inspired by Nashville Attack, Planned to Attack School, Arrested and Then Released
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Snares of the Modern Church – Part XV: Political Correctness
It's been a few weeks since I published an article in this series, Snares of the Modern Church. But I wanted to touch on something today that even the best of us are affected by. It's easy to get caught up in the language and reconstructionism of the day, especially...
OK State Senator Candidate Makes Strong Case for Outlawing No-Fault Divorce
In a recent interview with a local news outlet, Dusty Deevers, the Republican candidate for state senator of Oklahoma District 32, has reignited an essential dialogue surrounding the contentious issue of no-fault divorce. His position challenges the prevailing norms...
FL SBC Pastor Lies About Queers in His Church and Then Gives Absurd Excuse for Handing Pulpit Over to LGBTQ
In the past, we have alerted you to the disturbing reality that First Baptist Church Orlando, a Southern Baptist megachurch located in Orlando, Florida, has openly been baptizing practicing homosexuals. Shockingly, there has been a complete lack of accountability from...
Yes, We Can Legislate Morality, and We Should!
You can't legislate morality! You've heard the argument that is often lobbed at conservative Christians who support laws that restrict evil in this fallen world—especially when it comes to laws against abortion. The argument that "we can't legislate morality," often...
The Disturbing Trend of Being Fired for Refusing to Embrace the Absurdity of Leftism to its Fullest
In the case of David Bloch, a snowboarding coach at Woodstock Union High School in Vermont, we see a textbook example of discrimination fueled by today's cultural and political biases. Bloch, who not only founded the school's snowboarding team but also spearheaded its...
Michael Horton Praises Heretic Martin Luther King as “Making an Important Impact for the Gospel”
Besides being a civil rights activist who did do good things for this cause, Martin Luther King, Jr. was a pastor who received his seminary training at Crozer Theological Seminary in Upland, PA in 1948 where it is said that he "strengthened his commitment to the...
An Open Letter of Apology to Abortive Mothers on Behalf of the Church
Dear Abortive Mothers, I want to apologize on behalf of the Church for not being upfront with you. We, as the Church, have failed you in many ways. First, I would like to apologize on behalf of the Church for lying to you. You see, the Church has been relentlessly...
Pope Francis Hosts Busload of Transvestites at His Personal Table to Break Bread
In 2020, the Roman Catholic pope sent a donation to a group of transgender prostitutes living in the small town of Torvaianica, Italy who are out of work amid the coronavirus outbreak. This is not satire, it actually happened. The pope has been increasingly supportive...
The Only “Prophets” the Bible Says Will Endure Throughout the Church Age are False Prophets
In today's Christian landscape, an intriguing trend is unfolding: a surge of people claiming the titles of "Prophet" or "Apostle." With an air of spiritual authority, they assert themselves as contemporary mouthpieces of God, equipped with new revelations and divine...
NY Appellate Court Reinstates Kathy Hochul’s Quarantine Rule Instituting a Dictatorship in the State
In a move that strikes at the very heart of American liberty, New York's Appellate Division has ruled in favor of a regulation that could be plucked straight from an Orwellian nightmare. A decision that has many asking the question: why would anyone want to live in...
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The Discernment of Charles Spurgeon, a Foundation for the Modern Believer
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, affectionately known as the "Prince of Preachers," remains one of the most influential Christian leaders in modern history. His vast collection of sermons, writings, and theological teachings continue to inspire believers and shape the...
Socialism Can Only Survive as a Parasite on Its Ideological Opponents, Capitalists
I saw a post on Twitter today, a video clip of functional socialists in Chicago decrying Walmart's recent decision to shutter four unprofitable stores in high-crime low-income neighborhoods throughout the city. I also saw a response to the tweet: "Who will we steal...
Truth Amidst Turmoil: Discerning and Defending the Faith in the Age of Subtle Spiritual Deception
During the early days of Christianity, the fledgling Church faced numerous obstacles and disagreements over its teachings and doctrines. Much of the professing Church found itself at odds over how to interpret scripture and understand doctrine, eventually giving rise...
Can One Be Saved While Dismissing a Literal Interpretation of Genesis Creation Account?
The question has been posed: can someone be saved while rejecting a literal interpretation of the creation account in Genesis? The answer to this question is not as straightforward as some may hope, and as much as I hate to use the word "nuance," there is some nuance...
Tolerance, Passivity, Complacency: What is the Kindness of God that Leads to Repentance?
In many modern churches, the true essence of divine grace and mercy has been distorted and diluted, resulting in a skewed understanding of the transformative power of God's love. With their plush pews, rainbow-splattered banners, and messages of unconditional...
Evolution: A Blind Man Looking for a Black Cat in a Dark Basement–That Isn’t There
No one denies, disagrees, disputes, or debates that we are here; but how did we get here and what is the origin of the universe? Those questions have been asked by mankind since the beginning of time. I will provide the answer today! There are only four possibilities...
Andy Stanley Denies the Creation Account in Genesis, Apparently He Knows Better Than God
Syncretism often occurs when two or more cultures or religions come into contact, leading to the blending of their spiritual beliefs, rituals, and symbols. This can result in a unique fusion of religious ideas and practices. There are two major religions in the world...
Five Observations of Modern Church Liberal Drift and Apostasy
Believers in Christ's atonement are now in declared religious union with those who make light of it; believers in Holy Scripture are in confederacy with those who deny plenary inspiration; those who hold evangelical doctrine are in open alliance with those who call...
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ and Its Indispensable Role in Our Faith
Throughout the annals of history, no religious figure has endured the relentless scrutiny and targeted attacks quite like Jesus Christ. As the central figure of Christianity, Jesus has faced unyielding opposition from various quarters, both in ancient times and in our...
Is God Homophobic?
The term "homophobia," as presently understood by our contemporary society, is a linguistic construct devised by the political and social left to characterize what they describe as an irrational fear, aversion, or discrimination against those who identify as LGBTQ+ on...
The Perils of Winsomeness: How the Church’s Pursuit of Charm Undermines Its Witness
Following the seeker-sensitive and emergent church movements, Evangelical churches have been left grappling with a tenacious and disconcerting trend—an approach marked by non-confrontational and uncontroversial stances on contentious social and moral matters, such as...
Beyond the Vanity: Embracing the Everlasting Promises of Christ in a World of Fleeting Illusions
As we journey through this world together, hand in hand, we must acknowledge the relentless barrage of messages that promise happiness, fulfillment, and success which come at us from all directions, ensnaring us in their tantalizing web. We are tempted to believe that...
What’s the Difference Between the Pro-Life Movement and Abolitionism?
The debate surrounding abortion has been ongoing for decades, with both sides fiercely advocating for their beliefs. And while the pro-life movement claims to have made significant strides in the past, abortion abolitionists believe that their approach is not enough...
Contending for the Faith: Why Christians Must Stand for Truth in a World of Tolerance and Apostasy
Timothy was bishop of the Ephesus church and disciple of the Apostle Paul who trained him to be a church leader. In A.D. 97, as the pagans were about to celebrate a feast called Catagogion, a festival in which they carried images of pagan gods through the...
Rosaria Butterfield Publicly Repents of Using Preferred Pronouns, Urges Others to do the Same
Rosaria Butterfield has been a vocal voice over the years in Evangelicalism as she, a former practicing lesbian, has been outspoken in Christian circles about biblical sexual ethics. Butterfield made a name for herself with her book, The Gospel Comes With a House Key,...
Why Do So Many Pastors Have a Flawed Understanding of the Purpose of the Church?
Okay, so you walk into the typical church down the street on a Sunday morning, your heart full of anticipation to worship God, serve fellow believers, and be spiritually nourished. But instead, you find yourself subjected to a diluted sermon that is more focused on...
Don’t Let the Idolatry of the World Consume You, Stand Strong Against It With Patience and Conviction
"All who fashion idols are nothing, and the things they delight in do not profit. Their witnesses neither see nor know, that they may be put to shame. Who fashions a god or casts an idol that is profitable for nothing? Behold, all his companions shall be put to shame,...
No Compromise: Women Should Have Absolutely No Choice in the Fate of Their Unborn Children
God says in His word to us that all those who hate Him love death, and nothing could exemplify that truth more than the abortion lobby, especially in the United States. The death industry is so powerful in this nation that it even has some parts of the professing...
Anyone Who Fails to Protect and Provide For His Family is Worse Than an Unbeliever
The incessant drumbeat of headlines detailing yet another mass shooting is both gut-wrenching and nauseating. The growing trend of violence in our society troubles the hearts of all decent people, but as believers, we understand that this is not just a physical...
Perspicuity: Can Individual Believers Rightly Interpret the Word of God?
The Bible is the most influential and widely read book in human history. Its teachings have shaped the course of civilization, inspired countless works of art and literature, and provided guidance and solace to millions of believers around the world. But most...
If We’re Truly Saved, Why Do We Keep Transgressing Against Our Savior?
Do you ever find yourself dispirited by your sins, experiencing feelings of guilt and shame while yearning for a new place free from temptation and desires of the flesh? Are you saddened by the realization that, even as a Christian, you continue to falter and succumb...
What Does it Mean that Jesus “Became Sin” For Us?
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Thus, the Bible, a divine tapestry woven with complex and deeply layered threads, stands as a testament to the unfathomable wisdom of the Almighty. For it is written, "Study to show...
Sola Gratia: God’s Unmerited Grace Rooted in the Scriptures and Illuminated in Church History
The Protestant Reformation marked a pivotal moment in Christian history, with the re-emergence of a long-forgotten and neglected doctrine that would resonate with believers for centuries to come: sola gratia, a Latin phrase meaning "grace alone." This foundational...
The Problem of the One and the Many: How the Christian Worldview Solves This Philosophical Conundrum
Have you ever struggled to understand how individual things can belong to a common category or have common properties? For instance, how do we know that all trees have leaves, a trunk, and roots, and what makes them trees rather than some other kind of plant? What...
Just in Time for the Election, David Platt Continues His Attack On Conservative Politics
In a recent conversation with Jim Davis at The Gospel Coalition, Pastor of McLean Bible Church in the DC area, David Platt offered his assessment of the political tensions within the American Church that warrants a biblical critique. Platt attempted to identify an...
Abortion is Nothing More Than a Sexual Fetish, Women Are Not Victims
In the maelstrom of our continually metamorphosing society, a singular issue continually fuels the fires of contention, setting minds and hearts ablaze: the matter of abortion. This contentious topic cleaves society with an almost surgical precision, causing a chasm...
Asst Sec of Defense Says Military Should Provide Abortions So Women Can Fight Wars
John Calvin said, “When God wants to judge a nation, He gives them wicked rulers”. The prophet Jeremiah also tells us in Jeremiah 23:19, “See, the storm of the LORD will burst out in wrath, a whirlwind swirling down on the heads of the wicked.”One out of five military...
ERLC Contributor Says Christians Shouldn’t Support Abortion Restrictions Without Government Handouts
If you needed any other reason to write off the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), look no further than its abortion lobby. I don't say that tongue-in-cheek, either. You may be asking, "abortion lobby"? The answer is, yes....
Wild, Wild Interaction Between Reformed Pastor and Pro-Abortion Protester at Iowa Capitol
A few days ago, as Iowa passed a six-week abortion ban, the state's Capitol building was amassed with terroristic militant women seeking to do anything they could to stop the state from interfering with their self-imposed "right" to murder their children when they're...
CBS Praises Newborn Girl Being Trafficked to Two Homosexual Men
Did you ever think we would live in a nation that flippantly passed off two homosexual men living together and fornicating as a "happily married couple"? Even ten years ago, this would have been unthinkable. But that day is here and this should serve as a...
ERLC Head, Brent Leatherwood, Desperately Trying to Censor “Manifesto” from Trans School Shooter From Public
On March 27, 2023, a mass shooting occurred at The Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, which resulted in multiple fatalities. The attack was carried out by a transgender leftist who had written a "manifesto" which has currently been withheld due to public records...
Supreme Court Strikes Down Affirmative Action, Sort Of
I don't normally write strictly on politics unless these politics have a direct impact on the church or religious matters I typically deal with. However, this is an exception, as today's decision by the Supreme Court is very important and affects us all. This is...
The Biblical Case for Christians Leaving Blue States: Shaking the Dust Off Our Feet
The debates in Christian circles have recently been marked by an issue of geographical color—the decision for Christians to leave "blue states" for "red states." The color here is symbolic, denoting political ideologies, with blue, of course, symbolizing liberal...
How Evangelical Leaders Have Co-opted “Loving Your Neighbor” to Distort the Gospel
The biblical commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself” is a cornerstone of biblical Christian ethics and teaching since the beginning of time. It is an instruction that, according to Jesus Himself, encompasses and summarizes a vast array of the other...
A Biblical Perspective in the Preeminence of Scripture in Christian Politics
As we traverse the complex pathways of modern politics, we encounter an ever-changing terrain of ideas, values, and movements, each vying for prominence in our socio-political landscape. Emblematic of this dynamic is the growing popularity of progressive thought which...
Presbyterian Church Body Calls for Government Intervention to End Sex-change Procedures for Minors
The Evangel Presbytery, a part of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), has put forth an overture petitioning the United States Government and all 50 State Governments to end sex-change procedures for minors. The move comes as part of the church's commitment to...
June 2024, Pride Month: Part IV – American Cancer
by Jim Fennell This is Part IV in the “pride month” series… The Civil Rights Act was passed by Congress with the approval of President Lyndon Johnson on July 2, 1964. In 1969 in New York City, the ‘gay movement came out’ demanding that they be given their ‘civil...
Porn-star “Pastors” Attempt to Justify Their Sin With This Lame Excuse
In a mesmerizing display of theological acrobatics, porn star "pastors," Stephen and Angela Dela Cruz of Living Faith Church in San Diego, have offered their justification for merging the worlds of dirty adult films and leading a "church." In a recent video clip,...
The Counterfeit Christ of the United Methodist Church
The modern world has no shortage of counterfeits—be it counterfeit money, counterfeit Chinese goods, or counterfeit churches. But in the midst of all the counterfeits stands one eternal, unchanging truth, Jesus Christ. Yet, even His name has not been spared from the...
Steven Furtick Performs Mega Scripture Twist While Singing Praises of SBC Megachurch Pastor, David Hughes
For those of us who take the Christian faith seriously, we understand that the Bible is not just a collection of stories and wisdom, but the actual, revealed word of God. And contrary to what popular prosperity "pastor" Steven Furtick may believe, the Bible is not...
June 2024 Pride Month, Part III: Politically Correct
by Jim Fennell In Part II, we saw that the coming month of June 2024 will again give homosexuals a “green light” to push their immoral agenda by hiding their sexual perversion into the mix of their ‘civil rights’. Part III Today, our nation has done a complete...
June 2024: Part II “Pride,” Really?
by Jim Fennell In Part I we saw that the coming month of June 2024 will once again give homosexuals a “green light” to push their immoral agenda upon America in social media and TV, with the blessings of our federal government, as well as the support of many state...
Sick “Queer Animals” Propaganda From NBC Seeks to “Prove” Homosexuality is Natural
When I saw this, I literally couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I mean, homosexuals have always argued that homosexuality is normal and natural because, well, there are animals that do it. But I always thought the argument was so dumb that no serious person would...
A Popular Worship Artist Your Church Probably Uses for Worship Exposes Herself in Risque Photo Online
Koryn Hawthorne is an up-and-coming star in the contemporary worship scene, renowned for her hit song "How Great Thou Art." Her music is becoming increasingly popular in Evangelical worship services across the nation. However, a closer look at her background and...
Crocodile Tears? Mica Miller’s Pastor-Husband Claims He Tried to Raise Her From the Dead After Alleged Suicide
If you've been following the unfolding scandal surrounding the alleged suicide of Mica Miller, the wife of South Carolina pastor, John-Paul Miller, then you may be aware of some of the speculation surrounding her tragic death. Although authorities have ruled her death...
Another Southern Baptist Megachurch Ordains Woman to Pastorate
Another Southern Baptist Church is lifting its proverbial middle finger to the Scriptures, to the Baptist Faith and Message, and to God Himself, in rebellion by ordaining women to the pastorate. Bayou Church in Lafayette, with its brazen defiance, has decided to...
Daystar Co-Founder Exploits Ministry Funds and Jet for Lavish Romantic Getaways
It’s getting harder and harder to ignore the shenanigans that these prosperity charlatans continue to perpetrate, especially with the latest revelations about the extravagant misuse of ministry funds and assets in false prophet, Joni Lamb's ministry. For the life of...
JUNE 2024: The LGBTQ Agenda – Part 1 The Curtain Goes Up
by Jim Fennell The month of June 2024 is approaching, giving homosexuals a “green light” to push their immoral agenda upon America with their “Pride” month celebrations and propaganda. The liberal press fully supports this annual festivity as well as many city...
Social Issues
June 2024, Pride Month: Part IV – American Cancer
by Jim Fennell This is Part IV in the “pride month” series… The Civil Rights Act was passed by Congress with the approval of President Lyndon Johnson on July 2, 1964. In 1969 in New York City, the ‘gay movement came out’ demanding that they be given their ‘civil...
Porn-star “Pastors” Attempt to Justify Their Sin With This Lame Excuse
In a mesmerizing display of theological acrobatics, porn star "pastors," Stephen and Angela Dela Cruz of Living Faith Church in San Diego, have offered their justification for merging the worlds of dirty adult films and leading a "church." In a recent video clip,...
The Counterfeit Christ of the United Methodist Church
The modern world has no shortage of counterfeits—be it counterfeit money, counterfeit Chinese goods, or counterfeit churches. But in the midst of all the counterfeits stands one eternal, unchanging truth, Jesus Christ. Yet, even His name has not been spared from the...
Steven Furtick Performs Mega Scripture Twist While Singing Praises of SBC Megachurch Pastor, David Hughes
For those of us who take the Christian faith seriously, we understand that the Bible is not just a collection of stories and wisdom, but the actual, revealed word of God. And contrary to what popular prosperity "pastor" Steven Furtick may believe, the Bible is not...
June 2024 Pride Month, Part III: Politically Correct
by Jim Fennell In Part II, we saw that the coming month of June 2024 will again give homosexuals a “green light” to push their immoral agenda by hiding their sexual perversion into the mix of their ‘civil rights’. Part III Today, our nation has done a complete...
June 2024: Part II “Pride,” Really?
by Jim Fennell In Part I we saw that the coming month of June 2024 will once again give homosexuals a “green light” to push their immoral agenda upon America in social media and TV, with the blessings of our federal government, as well as the support of many state...
Sick “Queer Animals” Propaganda From NBC Seeks to “Prove” Homosexuality is Natural
When I saw this, I literally couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I mean, homosexuals have always argued that homosexuality is normal and natural because, well, there are animals that do it. But I always thought the argument was so dumb that no serious person would...
A Popular Worship Artist Your Church Probably Uses for Worship Exposes Herself in Risque Photo Online
Koryn Hawthorne is an up-and-coming star in the contemporary worship scene, renowned for her hit song "How Great Thou Art." Her music is becoming increasingly popular in Evangelical worship services across the nation. However, a closer look at her background and...
Crocodile Tears? Mica Miller’s Pastor-Husband Claims He Tried to Raise Her From the Dead After Alleged Suicide
If you've been following the unfolding scandal surrounding the alleged suicide of Mica Miller, the wife of South Carolina pastor, John-Paul Miller, then you may be aware of some of the speculation surrounding her tragic death. Although authorities have ruled her death...
Another Southern Baptist Megachurch Ordains Woman to Pastorate
Another Southern Baptist Church is lifting its proverbial middle finger to the Scriptures, to the Baptist Faith and Message, and to God Himself, in rebellion by ordaining women to the pastorate. Bayou Church in Lafayette, with its brazen defiance, has decided to...
Daystar Co-Founder Exploits Ministry Funds and Jet for Lavish Romantic Getaways
It’s getting harder and harder to ignore the shenanigans that these prosperity charlatans continue to perpetrate, especially with the latest revelations about the extravagant misuse of ministry funds and assets in false prophet, Joni Lamb's ministry. For the life of...
JUNE 2024: The LGBTQ Agenda – Part 1 The Curtain Goes Up
by Jim Fennell The month of June 2024 is approaching, giving homosexuals a “green light” to push their immoral agenda upon America with their “Pride” month celebrations and propaganda. The liberal press fully supports this annual festivity as well as many city...
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Lecrae Says He Hates Words Like “Bible” Because They are “Triggering” to Him
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Heartcry Missionary, Paul Washer, Will Need Heart Bypass Surgery
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Archbishop of Canterbury Promotes Hinduism, Wishes Everyone a Happy Diwali
The Church of England (CofE), also known as the Anglican Church, is a historic institution that has its roots in the 16th century when King Henry VIII sought to divorce his wife Catherine of Aragon but was denied annulment by the Pope. As a result, Henry broke away...
Petition to Remove ERLC’s Brent Leatherwood Has Over 700 Signatures and Growing
Brent Leatherwood, the current president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), epitomizes the progressive agenda that seeps through some corners of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). His ascension to this role followed the tenure of Russell Moore,...
Sadly, It Appears House Speaker Mike Johnson Has Aligned Himself With the New Apostolic Reformation
In a surprising turn of events, it appears as though the newly-elected Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, has aligned himself with the nefarious unbiblical movement, the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). According to a report in Rolling Stone, Johnson is flying a flag...
Why Does the Party of Death Keep Winning Elections?
In the recent election cycle, we witnessed a disturbing series of victories for the party of death, the Democrat party—a party that, from any honest Christian perspective, flagrantly tramples on the sacredness of human life. The heinousness of abortion and the...
In Bizarre Voice: Abortion “Doctor” Says He Hates Christ and Loves Killing Babies
We, as Christians, know that killing children in the womb is a form of murder and we know that God hates it. But sadly, many Christians have a flawed understanding of the depraved minds that it takes to commit such heinous acts of hatred toward fellow human beings....
Catholic Church Updates Dogma to Include Co-habiting Homosexual Couples as “Conforming to the Faith”
In an unsurprising move of apostasy, the Roman Catholic Church, which has completely abandoned the Scriptures in favor of Papal authority, is now allowing “transgender” people to find refuge within its walls. This startling development echoes the fall of mainstream...
U.K. Government Set to Execute 8-Month-Old Girl Despite the Pleas of Parents and Italian Government
In the heart of Nottingham, a family's private agony has become a public crucible of ethical debate. Indi Gregory, a baby of merely eight months, lies at the confluence of medical limitation and governmental authority. Indi battles mitochondrial disease—a relentless...
NC Baptists Pass Strong Abortion Abolition Resolution Declaring Equal Protection of the Unborn
While caught up in the negativity of the Ohio pro-abortion constitutional amendment that was passed yesterday, some good news went amiss. While some groups of people are working to enshrine abortion as a God-given right into our society, others, thankfully, are...