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NY Governor Announces “Social Media Analysis Unit” Who Will Come After You if You Post “Hate Speech” Online

by | Nov 14, 2023 | Censorhip, Cult, Law Enforcement, News, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, US, Video | 0 comments

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In the latest episode of what can only be described as a political theatre of the absurd, New York Governor Kathy Hochul has unveiled her latest, and perhaps most arrogant, foray into Orwellian oversight—a “Social Media Analysis Unit.” Wrapped in the velvety guise of “safety” and “security,” this initiative is nothing short of a brazen overreach of government power, a trampling of free speech under the boots of progressive authoritarianism.

Hochul, in her speech, proudly declared the state’s commitment to monitoring social media platforms to “counter negativity” and tackle “hate speech.” But let’s cut through the diplomatic jargon—what this really translates to is a state-sanctioned thought police, patrolling the digital world for any dissenting opinions that dare to stray from the progressive agenda.

Let’s dissect the Governor’s words a bit. She speaks of a “strong commitment to ensure that not only do New Yorkers be safe, but they also feel safe,” and that nobody should have to “hide” their “religious beliefs.” A noble goal, indeed, if it weren’t so transparently and almost comically laced with hypocrisy. The real question is, safe from what? Or rather, safe from whom? Because, let’s be real, when this tyrant—and progressives in general—talks about protecting religious beliefs, she’s not talking about conservative Christianity. No, in the progressive lexicon, “religious beliefs” is code for anything and everything except Christianity.

And, in reality, who she’s talking about protecting here are Muslims, particularly, radical Muslims who wouldn’t mind wiping Christians, along with all Americans, off the face of the Earth. Safe? Safe? If she wants “safe,” how about stopping letting violent criminals off the hook?

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The woman’s speech is a masterclass in doublespeak. She speaks of a desire to see people “celebrating their lives, walking out freely,” yet her actions speak the language of restriction and control. The absurdity of the situation is almost laughable—almost. But not quite. But it is scary. New Yorkers are told they can do “whatever they want” in the state, yet here we are, with a government unit breathing down the necks of citizens for the crime of expressing their views online.

This “Social Media Analysis Unit” is not a guardian of public safety. It’s a tool for silencing dissent, a weapon against those who hold conservative, biblical values. It’s a direct attack on the First Amendment, cloaked in the guise of public service. It’s a classic case of progressive overreach, where anything that doesn’t align with the liberal narrative is branded as “hate speech” and swiftly censored.

Hochul’s initiative is nothing short of tyrannical. It’s a blatant attempt to police thought and speech, to quash any opposition under the guise of combatting “negativity.” But let’s call it what it is—an attack on conservatives, on Christians, on anyone who dares to challenge the progressive status quo. It’s a sad day for New York, and a sadder day for freedom of speech. And soon, it will be coming to your state. In Hochul’s New York, you’re free to speak your mind—as long as it’s exactly what she wants to hear.

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