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Pastor Says Kids With Autism Are Demon-Possessed

Pastor Says Kids With Autism Are Demon-Possessed

Pastor Rick Morrow of Beulah Church in Richland, MO, in a recently uncovered video clip, says that physical infirmities like autism are caused by demonic influences and can be remedied by casting the demon out. "Well, my God doesn't make junk," he claims, presenting a...

Unfortunately, Sarah Young Did Not Really Hear Jesus Calling

Unfortunately, Sarah Young Did Not Really Hear Jesus Calling

Sarah Young, the author of the blockbuster devotional "Jesus Calling," met the real Jesus after a long battle with cancer. Before her passing, Young had spent years publishing what she claimed were direct dialogues with Jesus Christ. Using a first-person voice, she...

Abortion: A Moral Quagmire Rooted in Rebellion Against the Creator

Abortion: A Moral Quagmire Rooted in Rebellion Against the Creator

In recent years, a surge of academic inquiries has sought to dissect the contentious issue of abortion from various angles: moral, legal, scientific, and sociological. This has led to a broad range of opinions, some claiming the practice to be a woman's right, while...

Explaining the Lure of Atheism in the 21st Century

Explaining the Lure of Atheism in the 21st Century

“Atheism” is no longer an alien, rarely heard-of term. It is, in fact, a phenomenon that continues to grow at exponential rates in the 21st century. And when such a state of irreligiousness and disbelief engulfs the world while a great number of major and minor...

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Transgenderism as the Conduit for the Persecution of the Church

Transgenderism as the Conduit for the Persecution of the Church

The transgender movement is an affront to the very foundations of logic, reason, and nature. It is a brazen rejection of one of the most fundamental truths of Creation: that God, in His infinite wisdom and power, made us male and female. In this age of political...

The Holy Spirit is Not a Drug: Stop Blaspheming Him

The Holy Spirit is Not a Drug: Stop Blaspheming Him

It is with great conviction and fervor that I declare, in the words of the esteemed Charles Dickens, that we are currently living in a period of both unparalleled excellence and unmitigated despair for the cause of evangelicalism. While the latter may serve to...

Five Biblical Ways to Identify a False Teacher

Five Biblical Ways to Identify a False Teacher

As we find ourselves in the tumultuous and uncertain times of the church age, it is of utmost importance that we exercise discernment in discerning the truth of scripture from the plethora of falsehoods that seek to assail our faith. The great theologian and pastor...

So What’s All This Talk About Christian Nationalism, Anyway?

So What’s All This Talk About Christian Nationalism, Anyway?

The subject of Christian Nationalism has risen to the forefront of the current discourse on religious and political affairs, its very mention inciting a firestorm of passion and disagreement not unlike the tempestuous controversies that plagued the late pop icon,...

The Immanence of God: A Source of Comfort for Believers

The Immanence of God: A Source of Comfort for Believers

The doctrine of immanence holds that God is intimately and actively engaged in the world and the lives of human beings, rather than being detached and aloof. This doctrine posits that God is both transcendent and immanent, transcending human understanding yet present...

The Aseity of God: An Essential and Necessary Attribute

The Aseity of God: An Essential and Necessary Attribute

The concept of the aseity of God, or God's independence and self-sufficiency, is a fundamental doctrine in Christianity and constitutes one of God's key incommunicable attributes. This doctrine finds its roots in scripture, which attests to God's absolute sovereignty...

Heresy of the Day #19: Macedonianism / Pneumatomachianism

Heresy of the Day #19: Macedonianism / Pneumatomachianism

Macedonianism, also known as the Pneumatomachian heresy, is a pernicious belief system that emerged in the early 4th century and was propagated by the heretical Greek bishop Macedonius. This insidious heresy denies the personhood of the Holy Spirit and diminishes the...

Heresy of the Day #18: Christian Science

Heresy of the Day #18: Christian Science

The Christian Science cult, founded by the deceptive Mary Baker Eddy in the late 19th century, is a pernicious and dangerous religious movement that promotes the unsubstantiated belief that spiritual healing techniques can cure all physical illnesses and suffering....

False Teacher of the Day #55: David Hughes, Church by the Glades

False Teacher of the Day #55: David Hughes, Church by the Glades

Pastor David Hughes of Church by the Glades in Coral Springs, FL is little more than a stand-up comedian, running a so-called "church" that does nothing more than tickle the ears of lost people. In one Instagram post, Hughes stated "If there’s one thing we can...

Remembering Pope Benedict, the Antichrist

Remembering Pope Benedict, the Antichrist

The Protestant Reformation split the Western Christian Church into Protestant and Roman Catholic branches in the 16th century. It was driven by a desire for religious reform, objections to the pope's power and role, and the sale of indulgences, which allowed people to...


Supreme Court Strikes Down Affirmative Action, Sort Of

Supreme Court Strikes Down Affirmative Action, Sort Of

I don't normally write strictly on politics unless these politics have a direct impact on the church or religious matters I typically deal with. However, this is an exception, as today's decision by the Supreme Court is very important and affects us all. This is...


Drag Queens Put on a “Drag Nativity” Event

Drag Queens Put on a “Drag Nativity” Event

Every time I believe I've witnessed the peak of sacrilege, I am confronted with a new abomination that sears my soul. As one redeemed by the blood of Christ, continually sanctified despite my own sinfulness, the sheer magnitude of humanity's hatred towards our Creator...

Social Issues

Drag Queens Put on a “Drag Nativity” Event

Drag Queens Put on a “Drag Nativity” Event

Every time I believe I've witnessed the peak of sacrilege, I am confronted with a new abomination that sears my soul. As one redeemed by the blood of Christ, continually sanctified despite my own sinfulness, the sheer magnitude of humanity's hatred towards our Creator...

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More Headlines

Max Lucado Waters Down Sin, Presents Sin as Merely a “Shortcut”

Max Lucado Waters Down Sin, Presents Sin as Merely a “Shortcut”

Max Lucado, a prominent Christian author, recently discussed the concept of sin in a way that, while aiming for accessibility, inadvertently waters down the gravity of what sin truly is. Lucado describes sin as an "unwillingness to wait, to trust, to follow God's...

Debunking Leftist Myths About Jesus – Part IV: Jesus Was Tolerant

Debunking Leftist Myths About Jesus – Part IV: Jesus Was Tolerant

In Part IV of our series on Debunking Leftist Myths About Jesus, we tackle the dishonest notion that Jesus was the epitome of modern-day "tolerance." The proponents of this myth willfully ignore the full scope of Christ's teachings to cherry-pick instances that serve...

Snares of the Modern Church – Part XIII: Christian-Cloaked Occultism

Snares of the Modern Church – Part XI: Seeker Sensitivity

Continuing our series on the pantheon of modern church snares, the phenomenon known as the "Seeker Sensitive Movement" merits particular attention. Born out of a desire for rapid church growth in the late 20th century, this unbiblical methodology puts the focus...

The Real King Jesus vs The Modern False Jesus

The Real King Jesus vs The Modern False Jesus

The world today is flooded with distorted depictions and representations of Jesus Christ. In a quest for relevancy and appeal, modern culture, and even most modern churches, have twisted the figure of Jesus into something more palatable, more in line with human...

Snares of the Modern Church – Part XIII: Christian-Cloaked Occultism

Snares of the Modern Church – Part IX: Superficial Unity

In the fascinating journey through the snares that entangle the modern church, the lure of "Cultural Appeasement" in Part VIII highlighted the ways in which church leaders and congregations can be ensnared by the desire to satisfy worldly desires. Now, we turn our...