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Video Shows Elderly Pro-Life Advocates Brutally Attacked by Pro-Abortionist

by | Jun 19, 2023 | Abortion, News, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, US, Video | 0 comments

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A distressing video has recently emerged, released by the Baltimore Police Department, that showcases a chilling act of violence against two pro-life advocates outside a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Baltimore.

Last month, pro-life advocates Dick Schafer and Mark Crosby fell victim to a ruthless and unprovoked assault. The attacker, identified as a pro-abortion man in his 20s, brutally attacked Schafer and Crosby during a tense exchange over abortion. The unsettling video shows the suspect aggressively tackling Schafer into a large planter, causing significant injury, before violently attacking Crosby, who had rushed to Schafer’s aid.

This horrifying incident exemplifies the descent of society into an abyss of intolerance and violence where the sanctity of life is devalued, and freedom of speech and religious conviction is suppressed with brute force. It is a sobering testament to the devastating lengths some will go to protect the grotesque ritual of abortion, the deliberate extinguishing of innocent, unborn life.

In an era that purports to champion tolerance and diversity, such violent attacks on those upholding the sanctity of life are disturbingly ironic. Not only does this reveal a deep-rooted bias against the pro-life community but also an alarming level of hostility and aggression, a sad reflection of the state of modern society.

Even more troubling is the stoic resolve with which Schafer and Crosby returned to their advocacy following the attack. They bear the physical scars from the violent encounter, all while reaffirming that their suffering pales in comparison to the innocent lives taken through abortion.

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While we must express our abhorrence at such violent acts and stand in solidarity with Schafer and Crosby, we must not forget the scripture’s words: “Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:10). We must also remember that every life, born and unborn, is precious and deserves to be protected.

The assault on Schafer and Crosby is a clear indicator of the rising hostility and violence directed toward the pro-life community and Christian organizations globally. The surge in these attacks coincides with an apparent indifference from authorities, as evidenced by the tepid response of the Biden administration to the spate of domestic terrorism against pro-life advocates and Christians.

In this moment of crisis, we must not succumb to fear but respond with renewed conviction to stand up for the sanctity of life. We must channel our efforts to stem the tide of violent hostility and pray for a society where every life is valued, and our views can be expressed without fear of reprisal. We must raise our voices in unison to denounce violence and stand up for the right to life. The stakes have never been higher.

Society’s very soul hangs in the balance. Now more than ever, we must boldly assert our values, resist the culture of death, and fervently pray for the restoration of a culture of life, love, and respect for all. We shall not be intimidated by those who resort to violence but remain unfaltering in our mission to affirm the inherent dignity and worth of every life, from conception to natural death.

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