In the wake of a heart-wrenching legal battle, the world bids farewell to Indi Gregory, an eight-month-old girl whose struggle has ended not by irremediable natural causes, but by a system that claims to protect the very essence of life. Indi, born into a world of...
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How the Lausanne Movement Is Hijacking Christianity to Jumpstart a Global Marxist Revolution – Part I
The Lausanne Movement, established in 1974 following the Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization, initiated by Billy Graham and other Christian leaders, is an international network of globalist evangelical leaders who purport to be focused on fulfilling the Great Commission—the Christian mandate to evangelize and make disciples of all nations. The
Opportunistic Abortion Activists Exploiting Coronavirus
Opportunistic abortion activists around the world are attempting to exploit the Coronavirus pandemic in a bid to introduce more extreme abortion legislation. In the UK, Labour MP Diana Johnson bemoaned that the current crisis could disrupt the abortion regime which...
Racist Black Mob Attacks Asian Man, Beat Him in Street and Leave Him There
The world, particularly, the United States, has been conditioned to believe that racism stems from a virtually eradicated "white supremacy." The fact remains, however, that racism does not actually discriminate and isn't rampant within systems, institutions, or any...
Does Mark Dever Believe the Church is Subservient to Government?
In the midst of the largest health pandemic the world has seen in modern times, national and local governments around the globe are ordering people to stay home and not gather together for fear of spreading a virus that has already taken out thousands of people and to...
Amid Coronavirus, Pope Francis Says He Will Forgive Your Sins Now, Confess and Do Penance Later
Of course, Bible-believing Christians understand that Church of Rome to be an apostate counterfeit to the true bride of Christ described in the Scriptures. Nonetheless, the pope of the Roman Catholic Church has continued to exalt himself and try to stand in the place...
Still no Coronavirus in Myanmar Where Francis Chan “Healed” Everyone He Touched
Making headlines a few weeks ago was Francis Chan who seemed to have jumped off the bandwagon of traditional orthodox Christian theology and embraced the Word of Faith charismatic "faith-healing" movement. Chan was criticized for claiming that he healed countless...
Despite Coronavirus Outbreak, Soros-Funded ERLC Partner Pushing for Extreme Open-Borders Measures
Russell Moore and the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) have been advancing a pro-mass immigration open-borders agenda since Moore took office in 2014. Moore, who is the head of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission is...
How Major Epidemics Have Changed Society Economically, Religiously, Educationally, and Socially
by Don Boys, PhD One of the most obvious effects that major diseases have had on the world is the loss of population. In the pestilence of 302 A.D., the plague had a companion–-famine. The people resorted to eating grass, and deaths from famine almost matched those...
World Health Organization Partnering With Social Media to Stifle Free Speech Globally Amid Coronavirus Outbreak
Free speech is the foundation upon which a free society is built and when freedom of speech is taken away, society is no longer actually free. In the free world, free speech has been a right protected regardless of the truthfulness of the speech itself. In other...
Instead of Fighting Infectious Disease, CDC Wastes Millions on Transgender Beauty Pageants and Gun Control
As Americans, as a freedom-loving society, it's difficult to fathom and comprehend the current health crisis we're facing right now. With Americans on lockdown, barely able to leave our homes, we've trusted our government to protect our freedoms -- after all, that's...
13yo Girl Locked in Bathroom, Starved, Tortured After Pastor Told Mother She Was Possessed by a Demon
According to the Child Rights and Rehabilitation Network (CRARN) -- a nonprofit registered in the U.S. as a 501(c)(3) and operating in Nigeria -- a 13yo girl was found who had been locked up in a dark bathroom and tortured and malnourished for years after a pastor...
Canada Introduces Legislation Making Christian Counseling for Homosexuals Illegal
Conversion therapy has been a point of contention across the globe for a number of years now. While some have argued that conversion therapy consists of abusive practices, the therapy itself is largely a form of religious, nouthetic (biblical) counseling that calls on...
The Vatican Closes St. Peter’s Basilica Due to Coronavirus
The Vatican has announced that the main square of the city will be closed off to tourists amid fears of the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak. The Vatican's news agency reports, As of Tuesday, the Vatican Post Office’s mobile unit in St. Peter’s Square will also be shut...
While Marching for the Right to Chemically Burn Unborn Children, Feminists Accidentally Chemically Burn Themselves
Conservatives have long held the position that leftists would eventually turn on themselves and end up destroying their own movement from within. That's what happens when irrational thought bands together to form irrational movements -- they implode. But nobody could...
Gay Anglican Priest in South Africa Gets Married to Another Anglican Priest From Kenya
*Editor's note: this article previously used the wrong pictures of the people named in the article. We apologize for the error. A gay Anglican priest in the Anglican Church in South Africa recently "married" another man amid the support and applause of his...
Leaders of 200 Thousand-Member Cult in South Korea May Face Murder Charges Over Corona Virus Outbreak
The leaders of the largest sub-Christian sect in South Korea -- which boasts over 200 thousand members according to a recent estimate -- may face murder charges for hiding the identities of people infected with the novel coronavirus that has now killed at least 21...
Abortions for Cleft Lip Increasing at Dramatic Rates
The number of abortions performed on unborn babies with cleft lip and palate has increased 150% since 2011, in England & Wales. The new figures, released in response to a parliamentary question by pro-life MP Fiona Bruce, revealed that there were 10...
Why Aren’t “Faith Healers” Like Francis Chan, Todd White, and Todd Bentley in China Fighting the Coronavirus?
Todd White, Todd Bentley, and now, interestingly but unsurprisingly, Francis Chan have told countless stories about how they've healed sick people, cured chronic and mortal diseases, and even raised people from the dead. Interestingly, however, there has never once...
Pastor Sells Soap He Claims Can “Wash Away Your Sins”
A self-appointed "prophet" who goes by the name "Prophet Shepherd Bushuri" in Malawi is selling soap that he says can "wash away your sins," according to reports. The soap, dubbed the Lion of Judah Soap, aka Bushiri Soap, is said to be able to cleanse one of their...
While Government Agencies Claim “No Cure,” For Years, Lysol Bottles Claim it Can Kill Human Coronavirus
The CDC and other government health organizations around the world have been leading the public to believe that the human coronavirus outbreak is a relatively new phenomenon and that because it is so new, there is no cure for it. There is currently no vaccine to...
The Answer to Bullying is the Wrath of God and the Gospel. Give Bullies a Taste of Their Own Medicine
In the wake of a mother who shared a heartbreaking video of her 9-year-old child who is constantly bullied at his school, awareness is being raised around the world about the incessant problem of school bullies who need a good butt-whooping. While so many people from...