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Despite Coronavirus Outbreak, Soros-Funded ERLC Partner Pushing for Extreme Open-Borders Measures

by | Mar 19, 2020 | Immigration, News, Politics, Social-Issues, The Church, World

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Russell Moore and the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) have been advancing a pro-mass immigration open-borders agenda since Moore took office in 2014. Moore, who is the head of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission is also the head of the Evangelical Immigration Table — a subgroup of the George Soros-funded National Immigration Forum which is subsequently led by Ali Noorani.

Despite the Southern Baptist Convention’s efforts to deceptively downplay Moore and the ERLC’s links to George Soros — which have been proven demonstrably false — the groups have continued to advance their agenda.

Ali Noorani, who is closely allied with Russell Moore on the immigration agenda, recently called in to Boston Public Radio to complain about Donald Trump’s coronavirus containment efforts, stating that he’s using the coronavirus to advance its “anti-immigration” policies.

Noorani said that Trump’s administration “is pretty clearly trying to create a narrative that blames the foreigner, the immigrant — the migrant, for COVID-19,” and that “it was ironic for the U.S. to ban immigrants coming from countries far less impacted by the novel coronavirus.”

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Of course, he didn’t mention that the likely reason the country seems “far less impacted” by the virus is due to the fact that the country has far less diagnostic capability and therefore probably numerous cases are failed to be reported. He also did not mention the fact that immigrants likely don’t have a place to actually go when they get here making it much more likely that their moving about aimlessly would spread the virus.

These people are idiotic and don’t actually care about facts and doing what’s right. They have an agenda to push and sadly, Southern Baptists are supporting this partnership between the ERLC and idiots like Noorani.

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