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World Health Organization Partnering With Social Media to Stifle Free Speech Globally Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

by | Mar 17, 2020 | News, Politics, World

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Free speech is the foundation upon which a free society is built and when freedom of speech is taken away, society is no longer actually free. In the free world, free speech has been a right protected regardless of the truthfulness of the speech itself. In other words, the right to free speech is not determined by its truthfulness.

Now, the globalists are outright admitting that they are after the free speech of the world and since the World Health Organization is in partnership with governments around the world, this is an act of globalist government declaring war on free speech.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that it is partnering with social media giants to “flag and take down” “misinformation” regarding the coronavirus pandemic. ABC 7 reports “Health officials are taking this infodemic seriously. The WHO is working directly with tech companies on a daily basis to flag and take down bad information, and to ensure that facts from reliable sources get to users first.”

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg posted in a comment on Facebook recently,

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Given the developing situation, we’re working with national ministries of health and organizations like the WHO, CDC and UNICEF to help them get out timely, accurate information on the coronavirus,” he said in his post. “We’re also focused on stopping hoaxes and harmful misinformation. It’s important that everyone has a place to share their experiences and talk about the outbreak, but as our community standards make clear, it’s not okay to share something that puts people in danger. So we’re removing false claims and conspiracy theories that have been flagged by leading global health organizations. We’re also blocking people from running ads that try to exploit the situation — for example, claiming that their product can cure the disease.

While there certainly is a plethora of false information being widely disseminated around social media, a free society has the obligation to allow it, protect the right to it, and to combat it with true information.

The fact that a world government organization is partnering with social media to limit the information that they alone deem “false” or “misleading” should raise the hairs on everyone’s necks. This isn’t protecting the public, it’s harming people. It’s outright tyranny on a global scale.

Especially during a time when the public is on lockdown, our regular avenues of public speech are limited and life in the digital planet is our only means of social interaction. And when our only method of speech is governed by the bureaucrats sitting in their ivory towers of world government organizations — and they get to decide what information gets propagated around the world — we’re in big trouble.

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