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If Kamala Harris is Elected, Get Ready for More of This

If Kamala Harris is Elected, Get Ready for More of This

Welcome to the era of “gender seasonality,” where common sense, science, and basic biology are tossed out the window in favor of a new dogma, one that insists you can change your gender as easily as you change your shoes.For the uninitiated, "gender seasonality," the...

This Might Be the Wokest Confession of Sin Ever Recited in a “Church”

This Might Be the Wokest Confession of Sin Ever Recited in a “Church”

“Reverend” Caroline Unzaga—ever heard of her? No? Well, that's understandable, given that she's the latest in a long line of clergy more interested in appeasing the ever-ravenous gods of wokeness than actually preaching the gospel, not that she’s qualified to do so....

Oprah at DNC: Without Abortion, There is No American Dream

Oprah at DNC: Without Abortion, There is No American Dream

In a performance worthy of her self-anointed status as America’s spiritual guide, Oprah Winfrey took the stage at the DNC to deliver what can only be described as a sermon on the sanctity of abortion. With the gravitas of a high priestess delivering her divine...

The ERLC’s Abortion Talking Points Came From a Democrat Organization

The ERLC’s Abortion Talking Points Came From a Democrat Organization

Over the last year or so, we’ve been reporting that the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention, had adopted a new mantra in its abortion rhetoric—“making abortion unthinkable.” Yet, the ERLC, under the guise of defending...

Women in Southern Baptist Pulpits? Southern Baptists, You Own This

Women in Southern Baptist Pulpits? Southern Baptists, You Own This

In June 2023, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) appeared to take what we thought might be a decisive stand against the creeping influence of progressivism within its ranks by voting to amend its constitution to explicitly ban women pastors. What turned out to be...

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US Army Labels Pro-life Groups as Terrorist Organizations

US Army Labels Pro-life Groups as Terrorist Organizations

According to reports online, an anti-terrorism brief held at Fort Liberty (formerly Fort Bragg) has crossed a line that should infuriate any reasonable person. The presentation allegedly labeled several pro-life organizations, like National Right to Life and Operation...

Thoughts on the Idolatry of American Politics

Thoughts on the Idolatry of American Politics

I’ve been watching the political landscape for decades and watching the catastrophic slide away from biblical conservatism ramp up even more in recent years. This writing has been on the wall for a while.For those who have ears to hear, I don't know how God could make...

Responding to the Modern Idols of the World: Feminism, Egalitarianism

Responding to the Modern Idols of the World: Feminism, Egalitarianism

Continuing in our Rejecting Modern Idols series, today, we move to another topic. In the Old Testament, we see a repeated pattern of God’s people adopting various forms of pagan idolatry which always led to judgment. Today, we see a similar pattern in the rise of...

SBC Egalitarians Take Victory Laps Over Defeat of Mike Law Amendment

SBC Egalitarians Take Victory Laps Over Defeat of Mike Law Amendment

Southern Baptists either never learn from their mistakes or are willfully ignorant of the consequences of compromising, or giving even an inch, on doctrinal purity. The recent defeat of the Mike Law amendment at the SBC annual meeting is a glaring testament to this...

Responding to the Modern Idols of the World: Transgenderism

Responding to the Modern Idols of the World: Transgenderism

In the Old Testament, we see numerous examples of societies adopting practices that are abominable in the sight of God. One such practice was the sacrifice of children to false gods. In our modern era, this same spirit of rebellion against God's design is manifesting...

Why Todd White is the Most Dangerous Kind of False Teacher

Why Todd White is the Most Dangerous Kind of False Teacher

Todd White is a charismatic preacher who is known for his parlor trick "healings" such as leg-lengthening and various other fake healings. White is the pastor of Lifestyle Christianity, a church in Watauga, Texas, and is well-known in Word of Faith and prosperity...

Kamala Harris Encourages Children to Become Cross-dressing Prostitutes

Kamala Harris Encourages Children to Become Cross-dressing Prostitutes

Kamala Harris has once again demonstrated that she lacks any sense of rationality and decency. In a tweet that defies logic, she celebrates "LGBTQI+ children" with a photo of her embracing a man—cross-dressed like a sex worker—at a “pride” event. This isn't about...


If You Buy Into Climate Change Alarmism, You Can’t Believe the Gospel

If You Buy Into Climate Change Alarmism, You Can’t Believe the Gospel

In the recent Christian social media sphere, a lot has been stirred up about climate change. Voices from all corners are demanding us to take action, citing “scientific” studies and dire predictions of an impending global catastrophe. But let's pause and think—does...

The Transgender Movement is the Beast’s Litmus Test For Compliance

The Transgender Movement is the Beast’s Litmus Test For Compliance

What if the greatest lie of our time wasn't just a lie, but a test—a trial balloon sent up to see how many would bow to the absurd and how many would resist? The transgender movement, despite its claims of promoting “equality” and “understanding,” is the de facto...

Kamala Harris’ Possible VP Picks: Who Exactly is Roy Cooper?

Kamala Harris’ Possible VP Picks: Who Exactly is Roy Cooper?

In the wake of President Joe Biden's withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race, speculation has mounted about his potential successors. Among the most discussed candidates is North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper, rumored to be a leading contender for Vice President on...

No, Abortion is Not a “States’ Rights Issue,” Here’s Why

No, Abortion is Not a “States’ Rights Issue,” Here’s Why

In the aftermath of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, a chorus of celebration erupted from the conservative corner of America. The triumph was substantial, the cries of victory deafening. Republican leaders and right-wing pundits proudly declared...


True Boldness: A Response to Carl Lentz’s Critique of Street Preachers

True Boldness: A Response to Carl Lentz’s Critique of Street Preachers

by Rob NelsenCarl Lentz, the former Hillsong pastor who fell from grace due to an affair, has reemerged with a podcast alongside his wife, Laura. Much like a phoenix rising—or perhaps more aptly, a Hydra that refuses to stay down, Lentz remains a fixture in the public...

Social Issues

True Boldness: A Response to Carl Lentz’s Critique of Street Preachers

True Boldness: A Response to Carl Lentz’s Critique of Street Preachers

by Rob NelsenCarl Lentz, the former Hillsong pastor who fell from grace due to an affair, has reemerged with a podcast alongside his wife, Laura. Much like a phoenix rising—or perhaps more aptly, a Hydra that refuses to stay down, Lentz remains a fixture in the public...

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More Headlines

If You Buy Into Climate Change Alarmism, You Can’t Believe the Gospel

If You Buy Into Climate Change Alarmism, You Can’t Believe the Gospel

In the recent Christian social media sphere, a lot has been stirred up about climate change. Voices from all corners are demanding us to take action, citing “scientific” studies and dire predictions of an impending global catastrophe. But let's pause and think—does...

Joni Eareckson Tada and Rome

Joni Eareckson Tada and Rome

"For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths." 2 Timothy 4: 3-4 2...

Benny Hinn’s Wife Files For Divorce for Second Time After Re-Marriage

Benny Hinn’s Wife Files For Divorce for Second Time After Re-Marriage

Benny Hinn, the charlatan of the highest order, faces yet another scandal as his wife, Suzanne Hinn, has filed for divorce.Known for bilking his followers for millions and teaching a false prosperity gospel—doctrines of demons—Hinn continues his greedy pursuit under...

The Transgender Movement is the Beast’s Litmus Test For Compliance

The Transgender Movement is the Beast’s Litmus Test For Compliance

What if the greatest lie of our time wasn't just a lie, but a test—a trial balloon sent up to see how many would bow to the absurd and how many would resist? The transgender movement, despite its claims of promoting “equality” and “understanding,” is the de facto...

Kamala Harris’ Possible VP Picks: Who Exactly is Roy Cooper?

Kamala Harris’ Possible VP Picks: Who Exactly is Roy Cooper?

In the wake of President Joe Biden's withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race, speculation has mounted about his potential successors. Among the most discussed candidates is North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper, rumored to be a leading contender for Vice President on...

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