A few days ago, the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), for once, made a commendable decision that deserves our attention and applause. The PCA's Administrative Committee announced the cancellation of an assembly-wide panel discussion that was to feature left-wing...
The Church
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False Prophet Benny Hinn “Prays” For His Critics, “Forgive Them Father, For They Know Not What They Do”
Last week, I reported that well-known prosperity gospel charlatan, Benny Hinn, had once again "repented" of his false gospel—a publicity stunt he's performed time and time again. And I also pointed out that his latest charade was just another example of a dog...
You Won’t Believe the Ridiculous Incomes of These Bethel Church Leaders
I have nothing against working hard and making a decent living. But there is a sect in Christianity that pushes a false gospel for the sole purpose of fleecing the very ones they are supposed to be caring for. In a sense, they create a sort of pyramid scheme and call...
Is God Using Sexual Immorality to Separate the Sheep from the Goats?
by The Doctrinal Watchdog The time has come to purify the bride of Christ Anyone supporting same-sex marriage legislation needs to be put under church discipline including pastors. Back in 2019, some people (not us) were shocked when SBC president JD Greear preached a...
City of Nearly 100K, Bethel Church Members Now Hold Majority on Redding, California City Council
According to a report at Ministry Watch, "Bethel members Tenessa Audette, 45, a first-time candidate, and Jack Munns, 64, who first ran two years ago, will now join Bethel elder Julie Winter on the 5-member council" in Redding, California, home of Bethel Church....
“Christian” Union Seminary Pays Homage to Great Zen Master by Inviting Hindu Monks to Lead Worship
Recently, we reported that Union Theological Seminary, the home of the arch-heretic of Liberation Theology, James Cone, is now offering a Master of Arts in Social Justice. The Master of Arts in Social Justice program at Union Seminary consists of “build[ing]...
Christianity Today Author Goes to Liberal Media to Argue in Favor of Same-Sex “Marriage”
A regular contributor and author at Christianity Today, Tish Harrison Warren, a feminist "priest" in the liberal Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) found a cozy spot in the New York Times to argue Christians should be doing everything they can to defend same-sex...
The Christian Hip-Hop Scene Looks No Different Than the Pagan Hip-Hop Scene and is Largely Intertwined
Lest you think I'm picking on hip-hop, I've written plenty on the Contemporary Christian Rock movement and the charismatic movement as well. But there is a particular grievance with hip-hop culture that appears to have carried over and is inexcusable. It's the fact...
Matt Chandler Receives Standing Ovation as He is Restored to Ministry This Sunday Following Inappropriate Texting
Following a 12-week leave of absence for "inappropriate texting" with another woman who wasn't his wife, Acts 29 leader, Matt Chandler, received a standing ovation from his congregation after being restored to the pulpit at Village Church Sunday morning. Chandler...
Matt Chandler to Return to Pulpit Following 3 Month Suspension for Inappropriate Texting With Another Woman
Last month, we reported that Acts 29 leader and pastor of Village Church, Matt Chandler had stepped down in accordance with the recommendations of his fellow elders after he revealed that he’d had what was described as an “inappropriate” texting...
The Gospel Coalition Uses the Book of Ruth to Defend Same-Sex Civil Unions
In a recent article at The Gospel Coalition, Joe Carter, a co-pastor at David Platt's McLean Bible Church and a former employee of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission attempts to argue from the Book of Ruth in favor of same-sex...
Evangelical Megachurch Pastor Baptizes Unrepentant Lesbian Couple, Says They Are “Sisters in Jesus”
The Evangelical landscape in America today is nothing more than institutionalized self-worship designed to make people feel affirmed and accepted despite the fact that they are on their way to Hell. It doesn't matter if it's a Southern Baptist megachurch or a small...
Tiny Fraction of SBC Pastors Call on Denomination to Disfellowship Churches With Women Pastors
As part of the woke church movement that the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has thoroughly embraced, feminism is now one of the leading issues facing Southern Baptists as more and more churches adopt policies allowing women to be called to the pastorate despite the...
Jemar Tisby, A Professing Christian Theologian, Ran Video Promo of Pro-LGBTQ Pro-Abortion Communists During Elections
Jemar Tisby is one of the leading agitators of the modern racial division in Evangelical churches in America. He regularly incites hatred and division between blacks and whites by indicting all white people with the inherent guilt of former white American slave owners...
Gay Pastor Who Writes for Baptist Publication Says We Should Not Worship Jesus: A Biblical Response
Brandan Robertson has been in the headlines quite a bit in the last year or so as he is an openly gay, self-described “pastor” who opposed traditional, biblical theology while installing himself as a biblical scholar and theologian. Robertson is an advocate for sexual...
Former SBC President Who Admitted to Affair Skips Church Discipline, Restored by Panel of Outside Pastors
You may remember earlier this year during the aftermath of the Southern Baptist Convention's sex abuse investigation scandal where apparently countless thousands of pastors and church leaders were endlessly abusing women and children, so the accusation went. It turns...
Pastor Declares That God Has Already Chosen Warnock as the Winner of the Runoff Election
You're probably familiar by now with the new woke religion that leftists have created around their Messiah figures like Stacey Abrams and Raphael Warnock. We've brought you many stories about how left-wing churches have replaced Jesus on the cross with Stacey Abrams...
The Chosen is Offering a Free Trial to an App That Lets You Pray With Their Cast Members
This is not a joke. This is literally the advertisement I got in my email today. To get a free three-month trial to a prayer app that will allow me to pray with the cast of The Chosen.What has become a favorite among non-discerning Evangelicals is actually rank...
On Churches Canceling Worship Service on Christmas Day: What’s the Point?
What better way to celebrate the birth of the living God than to cancel worship service and hang out with pagans all day? Well, that appears to be the motive for many churches this year. Since Christmas day happens to fall on a Sunday this year, many churches are...
Notitia, Assensus, and Fiducia: The Nature of Saving Faith
It is no secret that the great deconstruction of evangelical Christianity has been underway for some time now. It’s hard to say when this deconstruction began or who is mostly responsible for initiating the project but at the end of the day, that really isn’t terribly...
Greg Locke Accuses John MacArthur and Justin Peters of Lying About the Spiritual Gifts Because it “Feeds Your Ego”
Cessationism is the doctrine that the Apostolic sign gifts such as speaking in tongues, prophecy, and the gift of healing (not to be confused with God actually healing people), are not practiced today but, instead, were gifts given to certain people in the early...
The Gospel Coalition Author Says a True Biblical Sexual Ethic Must Include Solutions for Same-Sex Attracted Persons
Scott Sauls, the Senior Pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, TN, and a prominent contributor to The Gospel Coalition has made headlines quite a bit in recent months as he's expressed sympathy toward the Revoice "gay Christianity" movement and offered a...