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So “Secular Churches” are Actually Becoming a Thing?

So “Secular Churches” are Actually Becoming a Thing?

In the whimsical world of today's headlines, the Milwaukee Independent shines a spotlight on what might be the ultimate oxymoron of the 21st century: atheist churches. Imagine, if you will, congregations gathering with all the trappings of religion—sans the pesky...

Kanye West to Join Host of False Teachers for Awaken 2020 Conference

Kanye West to Join Host of False Teachers for Awaken 2020 Conference

Now, it appears that Kanye West has fully embraced the charismatic New Apostolic Reformation “signs and wonders” movement and will be joining a host of self-proclaimed “prophets” and “apostles” at the Awaken 2020 Conference this weekend. Some of the false prophets and false apostles heading up the event include Cindy Jacobs, Lou Engle, Guillermo Maldonado, Brian Welch, and many others.

Evangelical Pastor and Author Max Lucado Endorses Pro-Gay Jen Hatmaker

Evangelical Pastor and Author Max Lucado Endorses Pro-Gay Jen Hatmaker

Jen Hatmaker is the progressive queen of liberal pro-gay faux Christianity who advocates for the broad acceptance of homosexuality and other aberrant sexual orientations in the Church. Like her late counterpart, Rachel Held Evans, Hatmaker is known for her endorsement...

Charisma News’ Top 5 Dumbest Articles of 2019

Charisma News’ Top 5 Dumbest Articles of 2019

Charisma News is one of the strangest "Christian" publications out there. While there are dozens -- hundreds -- of leftist, progressive publications in the blogosphere that call themselves "Christian," very few conservative-leaning Christian publications publish stuff...

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