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Evangelical Pastor and Author Max Lucado Endorses Pro-Gay Jen Hatmaker

by | Jan 14, 2020 | Abortion, Apostasy, Featured, LGBTQ Issues, News, Opinion, Social-Issues, The Church, Theology

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Jen Hatmaker is the progressive queen of liberal pro-gay faux Christianity who advocates for the broad acceptance of homosexuality and other aberrant sexual orientations in the Church. Like her late counterpart, Rachel Held Evans, Hatmaker is known for her endorsement of “gay Christianity” and gay authors and “pastors” such as Matthew Vines and Brandan Robertson.

Hatmaker first came out of the closet of homosexual affirmation during an interview with Jonathan Merritt, son of former Southern Baptist president, James Merritt. Subsequently, the SBC book store Lifeway pulled her materials from their shelves.

Since then, Hatmaker has made campaigning for the normalization of sexual immorality her primary mission in life and has a massive following of lost people who endorse her. To make matters worse, she also partners with pro-abortion political groups to advocate for “women’s rights” — read, abortion rights. Bottom line; Jen Hatmaker is nothing more than a voice for Satan himself disguised as an angel of light.

But this didn’t stop Max Lucado from singing her praises and giving her a glowing endorsement. Max Lucado is a best-selling Christian author and pastor at Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas and is a friend of Southern Baptists like Matt Chandler and Beth Moore, partnering with them to advocate for amnesty. He’s also been praised by the SBC’s news outlet, the Baptist Press.

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Lucado recently joined Hatmaker in a podcast where he gave her glowing accolades saying,

I think so highly of you. You energize me, to listen to your podcast. The other day I caught myself needing to get out of the car, but I was listening to your podcast and I just sat, and I just sat, and I just sat. You make it so easy and delightful, and yet profound at the same time.

He went on, praising her and affirming her and her followers as believers. “And your heart . . . And you know what else I like, Jen?” Lucado told Hatmaker, “You bring me in touch with a circle of believers that I might not typically have contact with, you know?”

You expand my circle, and that’s good for me. I don’t really like my preconceptions to be tested … But it’s good for me, and sometimes when I listen to your podcast, I feel stretched tighter than a trampoline skin. But it’s good, it’s good. And I really need that and I appreciate it.

Lucado’s endorsement of Hatmaker is damaging to the gospel. Lucado, who is fairly orthodox though not without problems, lends credibility to a movement that is patently and biblically false — the “gay Christian” movement. To tell someone like Hatmaker — who clearly denies the gospel and the clear teachings of Scripture — that she and her followers are “believers” is to deny the inerrancy of Scripture and authority of God himself. One can only hope that Lucado will repent of this serious heresy.

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